Urgent: Companera Anzi Matta seriously injured in motorbike accident (Indonesia)

August 14th, 2017

Update: The campaign for Anzi ended early because insurance came through for a lot of the cost. The money collected so far will go towards paying for the hospital room, food, X-rays, rehabilitation and travel expenses for her family and (hopefully not) future surgeries. Anzi spent approximately ten hours in surgery last week and received a total of 2 plates in her arm as well as pins to piece her elbow back together. The doctor said it was a fairly complicated surgery partially because of the time gap while waiting for funding.

Unfortunately, tragedy has struck again in our community in Indonesia. Our friend Anzi Matta was in a motorcycle accident on Wednesday 26 July. Her left arm is severely broken in several places and she desperately needs surgery to repair it. The estimated cost is about 20 million rupiah, approximately $1,500 USD. That is a year’s salary or more here. She needs this surgery urgently and as quickly as possible to save her arm. She will also require physical therapy to regain mobility. We are fundraising here as well, but we need all the help we can get. Read the rest of this entry »

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‘Darko Mathers was not an Eco-Fascist’ by L (UK)

August 7th, 2017

Darko Mathers non era un’eco-fascista” [it]

“Indiscriminate violence by individuals tormented by social reality is becoming more common, rocks off overpasses, murder sprees, random ultraviolence – and shows the alienated and hopeless rage of imprisoned beings. In this existential absence others smile, arm their conscience and go into revolution. Some would rather aim their rage at those who are most responsible for their misery and at the infrastructure of the system they hate.”
“We participate in the social/class war as rebellious individuals with an interest in going beyond – forward into permanent revolt, anarchic revolution.”

Darko Mathers
Our Vessel is Revolution, Our Guiding Star is Anarchy

It’s been three years since my close friend and comrade Darko Mathers died, the last time I saw him we finished the collection of texts against civil anarchism and shortly after he was dead. It was not a shock to me. Many of my friends are dead or have gone to prison and as I’ve gotten older I value my experiences of them and our shared memories much more as those remembrances deepened and so I began living differently. I respect my memories of this young comrade and I strive against the conditions of his death.

When a dear friend and comrade dies suddenly, it causes all kinds of grief to happen, a lot of it can seem totally anti-social, those left behind often argue among themselves, depart, breakdown, problems occur, some sweetnesses too. In the end what remains are the fleeting traces in time, which reflect forwards into the future and back into the past, that the individual has left with those close and not so close ones. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty |

“ITS, or the rhetoric of decay” (Joint statement of insurrectional groups in Mexican territory)

August 3rd, 2017

ITS o la retorica di decomposizione” [it]

From the website La Rebellion de las Palabras, critique of the excremental choir calling themselves “Eco-Extremist Mafia” – aiming at the eco-fascist and nihilist-right groupscule Individualists Tending toward the Wild (ITS), written by anarchist-insurrectionalist groups, CCF-Mexico, anonymous others in the territory of the Mexican State:

(Joint Pronouncement)

“The Tiger, in its unconquered gait, accumulates the memory and the traces of the road travelled, to stubbornly reaffirm it; unrestricted freedom that does not assure food but which a priori omits any possibility of degenerating into a herd or of assenting to grazing. Indomitable and irreducible, it confronts the most tenacious enemies. To do this it wields its instincts, taking advantage of its portentous night vision, its prodigious smell and its finely tuned ear. In its right attack: it disfigures, tears, kills and dies, to be reborn indomitable and fierce. Nothing escapes this becoming and it is exposed to the most daring hunters and the most tenacious tamers, veterinarians and circuses, taverns and altars, customs and laws, systems of thought and political institutions. Everything is shaken, torn or eliminated in this movement of which only the imagination can disern a principle but of which nothing and no one is able to decipher its objectives and its end. (…) Anarchism, conceived not as an inescapable realization but as a permanent tension embodied in an open configuration of thought and action, is also a tiger, indomitable and fierce, affected from end to end by this capricious walk into freedom.” – Gustavo Rodríguez

“Everything that we can identify as negative elements within our “space “, is also the responsibility of each of us to contribute to eliminate them. Bureaucracy, hegemony, informal hierarchies, intrigues, false friendships and false ‘comrades’ stabbing our backs have existed since the dawn of the so-called anarchist movement, because they are an intrinsic part of the human factor and our contradictions that constantly arise and are in conflict with each other. All these pathologies are due to attitudes that do not properly belong to a particular anarchist tendency but are present in all, and as long as they are not treated for what they really are, we will find them in front of us again and again.” – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / Metropolitan Violence Cell

To the comrades in the Mexican region and the world, to the incendiaries and refractories of the planet, to the internationalists committed to a new coordination of anarchic informality:

Exactly 5 years and seven months ago we signed a “joint statement” at the request of a comrade for whom we feel great affection and respect. That text was entitled “2nd Joint Statement of the Anarchist Insurrectional and Eco-Anarchist Groups”. It was an unquestionably necessary writing given the context in which it was written and so we clarified it from the first lines: Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Eco Struggle |

Athens: Arson of a SKAI journalist’s car by Action Cell/Metropolis Fallen – FAI/IRF (Greece)

August 3rd, 2017

Taking responsibility – The burning of a SKAI journalist’s car

“As long as necessity is socially dreamed, dreaming will remain a social necessity. The spectacle is the bad dream of a modern society in chains and ultimately expresses nothing more than its wish for sleep. The spectacle is the guardian of that sleep. “

Guy Debord

We are taking responsibility for placing an incendiary device on G.Papahristos’ car outside his house at agios dimitrios, at dawn on 18/4.

G.Papahristos is a piece of human garbage of the journalist circles. His career is similar to others of his ilk. A political all-rounder who, in each period, is called upon to offer his services to the relevant authoritarian interests, be they political or economic, as his professional ventures, from the ‘green’ DOL to the neo-liberal SKAI, demonstrate. Read the rest of this entry »

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Solidarity to Venezuelan people from Belarusian anarchists

August 3rd, 2017

Belarusian anarchists informed Minsk residents about struggle of the people of Venezuela – the bus stop in the сenter of the city was covered by posters, describing the ongoing protests. Anarchists are sure that that Belarusians should learn from braveness and courage of the Venezuela protesters!


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Solidarity with anarchist comrade Gianni Scovino (Venezuela)

August 2nd, 2017

Gianni Scovino is a young man of 33 with Asperger’s syndrome and a
member of the Turtle Foundation (Fundación La Tortuga
[http://www.fundacionlatortuga.org/]), a participant in the punk scene,
and an anarchist media activist using materials from El Libertario
[Venezuela’s primary anarchist periodical] on his Youtube channel
(https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt5E7TuSaxrHPyoXF07LlZg/videos), where
he puts up videos in both Spanish and English.

On July 13, he was savagely assaulted by members of the Bolivarian
National Police (Policía Nacional Bolivariana [PNB]) and the Bolivarian
National Guard (Guardia Nacional Bolivariana [GNB]) in the parking lot
of the Grand Central Commercial Dairy Plaza (Centro Comercial Plaza
Mayor de Lecherías) in the state of Anzoátegui while he was on a
recycling run for the Turtle Foundation. A video of the attack is
available on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5e5NDx7Ues
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Posted in Social Control |

Nemesis Project: Explosive / Incendiary Attack Against the National Confederation of Truck Owners by FAI-IRF (Chile)

August 1st, 2017

Translation by Insurrection News:


On the night of July 25, we attacked the building belonging to the National Confederation of Truck Owners of Chile, located on Almirante Barroso street in the city center of Santiago, with an explosive / incendiary device.

The National Confederation of Truck Owners of Chile is a structural link in the chain of domination and exploitation, taking an active part in freight transport and environmental looting in Chilean territory and Wallmapu.

They are one of the main beneficiaries of the IIRSA project, which has as one of its objectives the ‘improvement’ of road infrastructure for the transport of goods in the countries of South / Latin America.

They are also the first line of entrepreneurs working side by side with the Chilean state seeking to intensify the repression and police intelligence gathering in Mapuche territory, trying to stop without success the burning of trucks that is part of the autonomous Mapuche subversion in defence of its ancestral territory. Read the rest of this entry »

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‘An answer to the call for solidarity to the ones held in custody in Hamburg’ by Panagiotis Argyrou, imprisoned member of CCF/FAI-IRF (Greece)

August 1st, 2017

A response to the call for solidarity to the ones held in custody in Hamburg

During the exile of captivity few are the things that can make you smile, offer a warm thought or a pleasant feeling. I can, however, say with some certainty that these days of July when Hamburg surrendered to the chaos of riots during the G20 summit, the clashes with the police, the burning barricades, the store looting, the vandalisms and burnings of sovereignty targets, my thoughts were boosted, a great deal of “thank you-s” as well as vivid emotions overwhelmed me, and a smile lit up my face.

I’ll be honest, however. Although from an early stage a large part of insurrectionary anarchism aspired at setting a high target, something that had become clear already since the call for a militant campaign of informal organization months before the summit; and although there was a large number of public texts and claims of responsibility responding to this call (some comrades were kind enough to even mention the heritage of Black December), I wasn’t that sure that the days in question would indeed involve such great momentum. And this due to the fact that the difficulties entailed weren’t unknown to me—the adversities and the challenges that would have to be confronted by the people who would want to organize and accomplish such an ambitious riot plan. Read the rest of this entry »

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Update on Anarchist Prisoners Nataly, Juan & Enrique (Chile)

August 1st, 2017

Translated by Insurrection News

The trial against the compañerxs began on March 24. It was expected that the trial would be long and exhausting, and it has been so far, since the prosecution had announced the presentation of 186 witnesses, 87 experts, 231 documents and 648 pieces of evidence.

As was previously reported at the beginning of the trial, the accusations of and convictions sought by the prosecution are as follows:

* Enrique Guzmán: Accused of making the explosive device used at Police Station No.1 in Santiago Centro. This charge has been formalized under the anti-terrorism law and the prosecution are demanding 10 years imprisonment.

* Nataly Casanova: Accused of making the explosive device used at Police Station No.1 in Santiago Centro, of placing the explosive device in the subway car at Los Dominicos metro station and possession of material for the preparation of explosives. The charges have been formalized under the anti-terrorism law and the prosecution are demanding 20 years imprisonment.

* Juan Flores: Accused of placing the explosive device used at Police Station No.1 in Santiago Centro, of placing the explosive device in the subway car at Los Dominicos metro station and the placement of the explosive device at Subcentro. The charges have been formalized under the anti-terrorism law and the prosecution are demanding life imprisonment for him. Read the rest of this entry »

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A 8 años Punky Mauri Presente!! Actividad del 27 de mayo 2017 (Chile)

August 1st, 2017


“Expropiar nuestra historia al poder. Arrancarle lo que le gustaría
guardar bajo silencio y alimentarnos con ello. Hacerla existir, no
seguir desa¬rraigados, no seguir viniendo de ninguna parte. Saber que
otros estaban ahí antes de nosotrxs. Saber aprender de ello, aprovechar
reflexiones, experien¬cias, autocríticas, escisiones… Esto es también
una tarea de un movimiento revolucionario que se enfrenta al poder que
quisiera vernos aisladxs sin pa¬sado (o entonces abatidos por la
historias de los vencidos).”

El sábado 27 de mayo nos tomamos la plaza nuevamen¬te, la tomamos con la
convicción de que la memoria no es palabra muerta, por el contrario, es
la práctica de poner en movimiento re¬cuerdos cargados de historia y
Hace 8 años que el compañero Mauricio nos dejó en una ex¬plosiva
madrugada de mayo, hoy evocamos la consecuencia de vida del Punky Mauri
para volver a encarnarla en nosotrxs, en ustedes, en nuestras
determinaciones. Read the rest of this entry »

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Expropriation of Bazaar supermarket chain in Exarcheia, Athens (Greece)

July 24th, 2017


We have noticed an increasing hostility towards Bazaar supermarkets in Exarcheia. We have done some research about it. Here are some of the things we discovered.
Bazaar belongs to Veroukas Group, a shady business group with no website and no public contact details or financial info. Veroukas is one of the major business chains in Greece, with a 1,5 billion yearly turnover and 600 stores all over country, and at least 3 in Exarcheia. They claim to have a market capitalization of €35M. A little strange, since Bazaar alone had over €40M in 2014.
So we don’t know how much money they make. But we know HOW they make it:
By exploiting their providers and workers, who make a little over minimum wage in the best cases, while the company is making millionary profits.
By speculating with the prices of food, while thousands of Greek families are malnourished. Read the rest of this entry »

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22-29 July – Solidarity week for anarchist prisoner Davide Delogu (Italy)

July 24th, 2017

Appeal for solidarity against the punitive isolation of anarchist prisoner Davide Delogu

On July 18, a hearing was held at the Cagliari Court of Appeal for a complaint made by Davide against the conditions that he is being subjected to at the prison of Augusta.

Via the details of the complaint we learned that Davide, who is already subjected to the Article 41-bis prison regime, is undergoing a very extreme torture, he was ‘sentenced’ to six months of punitive isolation.

Complete isolation, in an underground cell, no TV or radio, no contact with other prisoners and without ever seeing the sun. In addition to this his correspondence is subject to censorship. The only people he ever sees are the guards and his lawyer.

Unfortunately we have only just learned that he has been living under these conditions for two months now. Read the rest of this entry »

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Anarchist contribution concerning G20 in Hamburg (Germany)

July 24th, 2017

G20 in Hamburg: These were days of revolt

During the days of the summit of the G20, thousands of people flooded the streets of Hamburg with their anger about the cops` violence and the world that they protect. Already during the week before, there was no uncertainty around the cops’ will to confront every sign of protest or resistance with zero tolerance. During the demo on Thursday evening, they made their position clear once again, attacking the front of the demo from the first minute it started. The cops obviously and viciously embraced the possibility of potentially even lethal injuries, when they pushed and kettled the front block of the demo into a very narrow, canyon-like part of the Hafenstraße, bordered on the sides by brick walls. They caused panic, hitting, kicking, pepper-spraying, firing tear gas and shooting water canons from the front and the sides. Many people sought to flee over the walls on the sides, a lot of people got hurt – but you could also see impressive moments of solidarity, people helping each other up the wall, whilst others attacked the cops from above and brave and calm front rows defended the demo from the cops attacks, taking a serious beating.
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Letter of the comrade Riccardo from the prison of Billwerder, Hamburg (Germany)

July 24th, 2017

We are spreading news of the arrest of a comrade from Genoa, Riccardo, on Friday 7th July in Hamburg during the revolt against the G20.

Riccardo has seen his lawyers, is doing well and his spirits are high.

On 18/07 a hearing confirmed that Riccardo and all those arrested be remanded in custody. In 15 days an appeal trial will be held to decide if imprisonment is to be continued until the trial. The charges haven’t been formulated yet.

We reconfirm our solidarity with all those arrested in Hamburg.

Freedom for all!

If you want to write to Riccardo or send him reading material, his address (name, surname, date of birth and address of the prison where is being held) is:

22113 HAMBURG – GERMANY Read the rest of this entry »

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