California is Occupied


(note: Updated 1:00am Saturday, November 21)

The Regents of the University of California voted, at UCLA, on 32% fee increases for students from November 17 – 19. (The CSU trustees are also meeting on these dates). Students through out the state of California are in an uproar.

UC Santa Cruz: over 500 students are occupying the Kresge Town Hall as of 3:45pm, Wednesday.

the details: hundreds of students rallied at the two entrances to campus shutting it down for several hours. Another group of 300 students entered into the Kresge Town Hall to create an organizing space around the budget cuts. Later in the evening, students at the entrances joined the others in the Kresge Town Hall. Currently, the space is being used to plan further actions.

UPDATE: As of 3pm, Thursday, UC Santa Cruz’s main administrative building, Kerr Hall has been occupied. Check out this indybay article!

Thursday 5:45pm: still occupied, discussing the night.

Thursday 6:30pm: Alma Sifuentes, Dean of Students has arranged to not call the police (the time frame is unclear) as long as students remain non-violent and do not create physical barricades.

Thursday 6:50pm: The administrators refused to provide a written-copy of the previous agreement.

Friday 12:00am: Students are still in Kerr Hall (~200-300) and another 50 students are in the Kresge Town Hall watching revolutionary films. Kerr Hall is absolutely packed, there is very little space to even sit down in!

Friday 9:00am: All is well. A rally at noon is planned in front of Kerr hall

Friday 4:00pm: No police action imminent, however such has been implied by e-mails sent from administrators. The Academic Senate is meeting and have been discussing the fee hikes, the issues around child care at UCSC, and the occupations. The administration has also cut off internet access, in both wireless and wired forms, which not only potentially demonstrates the administration’s attempt to silence occupiers, but has very realistically damaged student journalists’ ability to report information and upload relevant videos online.

Friday 4:50pm: A correction, a single internet connection appears to be available in Kerr Hall.

Friday evening: The administration has cut off internet completely.  The occupiers have edited their demand list for a more immediate satisfaction, the new demands are listed below (the old demands are still available as well)

Friday Noon Rally – Part 1:

Friday Noon Rally – Part 3:

Friday Noon Rally – Part 5:

Friday Noon Rally – Part 7:

Saturday ~1:00pm: students are in negotiations with administrators. The buildings are still be held. No police presence.

see Demands in english below! Demandas en Español!


UC Berkeley attempted an occupation on Wednesday. Students have been organizing massive actions through out these three days as well.


Friday ~5:00am: 40 Students occupied Wheeler Hall

some students, all demonstrating peacefully/without weapons, have been beaten by police!

Friday ~7:50am: see indybay videos

Friday ~8:00am: Students are barricaded in a classroom or floor, while police attempt to pepper spray through the doors. Students are making announcements from the windows. They need outside support!

Friday ~9:15am: About a 100 students have gathered outside to support the students inside. They need more supporters! The police are responding violently against the occupiers!

Friday ~11:00am: from indybay: Police keep attacking to get in, but the doors are holding strong. Outside a solidarity demonstrator was arrested.Cops sprayed pepper spray through doors earlier and injured an occupier with a baton.

If you can get to UCB now, please come and show support!

Friday ~2:45pm: According to one source, students are in negotiations with police or administrators. They have been given a choice of either having amnesty for all the occupiers or that the approximately 38 workers recently fired are rehired.

Friday 5:10pm: SWAT team is moving in on the barricades!

Friday 5:17pm: SWAT has broken the barricades and are arresting students!

UC Berkeley Occupier’s blog & updates about the actual occupation here.

(from inside Wheeler Hall, UCB)


UCLA, 14 students arrested earlier. UPDATE (8am Thurs): UCLA was occupied

the details: students at UCLA held a “crisis fest” on Wednesday night. At 12am, students go and occupy the campbell hall and rename it the Carter-Huggins Hall, after two black panthers that were murdered in the building. As of this morning the building is still occupied.

Thursday 7:00pm: UCLA has ended their occupation, with 100 people, peacefully.

-see website

-info from LA Times, LA Indymedia


SFSU held a sit-in, that has now ended. See Indybay.


City College of San Francisco, 500 students walked out in solidarity on Wednesday. See Indybay


UC Davis is occupied!

Thursday ~6pm: UCD is still occupied. However students are not being allowed enter. Mrak hall is being surrounded by police and helicopters.

Thursday 7:10pm: UCD police are coming into the occupation. Students have linked arms

Thursday 7:48pm: UCD police are arresting approximately 100 students. This has been confirmed. This was their message to us as they were being arrested:

“This is the end of the beginning. We’ll get out of county lock up and come right back!”

Friday 10:10am: A total of 52 people were arrested, including one professor. They were held for 14 hours in lock up. They’re out now and most of them are doing okay. One student was falsely charged with assault and battery, the rest were charged with trespassing. CNN has been running video clips of police brutality all morning. Their sentiment this morning was to get back to campus and continue fighting back!


Friday 2:30pm: UC Davis occupy/sit-in at Dutton Hall

Friday ~7:00pm: police disperse students at Dutton Hall


CSU Fresno: is occupied!

Friday ~7:20pm: ~100 students entered their library & occupy it. Details at indybay.

Friday 10:00pm: students hold a press conference

Saturday 7:30am: students end study-in

…more updates upcoming


34 Responses to “California is Occupied”

  1. K Says:

    What happened to the wall of the facebook event page?

  2. Gerrard Says:

    Anyone have a status report on attempts to include campus workers in our occupation and strike plans?

  3. Katie Says:

    As far as I understand, there’s a bit of an issue with the fact that many of the campus unions, and the workers they represent, don’t have the contractual right to strike per se. So I think that’s going to take some delicate handling and working-around. But I know many people who are more directly involved in the worker’s unions than I am, and maybe someone knows more than I do about this?

    As well, I do know that the unions paid for the buses that headed down to UCLA tonight and that some of their membership were on them.

  4. occupyuci Says:


  5. California OCCUPIED « The New School Reoccupied Says:

    […] California is Occupied […]

  6. UCLA Occupied by Striking Students | Innermost Parts Says:

    […] at UC Santa Cruz and Berkeley have (attempted?) occupations. At UCLA, students have taken Campbell Hall and renamed it Carter-Huggins Hall in remembrance of […]

  7. occupyuci Says:


  8. Gerrard Says:

    Thanks Katie. Because of the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947, unions can’t engage in what are called “political strikes,” which means anything besides wages and conditions, or “sympathy strikes,” meaning a strike in solidarity with other workers. This law came as a result of a wave of strikes in which many if not most demands were won. I’ve noticed that many union reps will say that they “can’t” strike but not explain the political/historical reasons why not. This is where the divide and rule tactic is killing us these days. We’re opposing cuts which lead to job losses, but you can’t strike if you don’t have a job! And, you can’t strike to support other workers. In any case, it’s clear that this is a rule that needs to be broken if we are going to get ANYWHERE, and I think a lot of rank-and-file workers are aware of this. More contacts with these folks is absolutely critical. Students are not going to be able to pull this off by ourselves. I know this might be obvious. But somewhere we need a space to discuss actual tactics for when it comes down to approaching non-student workers in the public sector. And after the mess on October 24, I’m guessing that taking this up with union reps will lead nowhere. Of course I’d love to be proven wrong. Anyone who can point me to people specifically working on this that would be great.

  9. Josh Says:

    Guys I’m so impressed and just amazed at how well the movement is going! Who can I email to give support in the form of media contact information? Please let me know asap. Email is

    Stay Strong Everyone!!!!!

  10. Okupa Says:

    Solidarity statements can also be published to

  11. New School In Exile Says:

    Solidarity from the New School in Exile and New York students! Stay strong and don’t give in. Video from a support rally tonight in New York where students were attacked by NYPD. We are all in this together.

  12. New School student Says:

    Victory to the students and the workers! Occupy Everything!

  13. Eric Says:


  14. josh Says:

    @gerrard – As a former union organizer, I can tell you that unions have more options than you’d think. Yeah, Taft-Hartley is a pain in the ass, but there’s always wiggle room.

    For example, UPTE went on strike yesterday. Types of legally sanctioned strikes include Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) strikes, and strikes when not currently under contract. So the union doesn’t have to say they’re going on strike ‘in solidarity,’ but they can say, ‘they’re going on strike due to UC violation of their contract, or their lack of a contract, and that they are also in support of students.’

    The other tool, which is widely under utilized but has a lot of potential is contract language that allows workers to NOT cross picket lines sanctioned by the Central Labor Council. Santa Cruz’s Metro Bus drivers have been amazing allies in this regard – any time any union (whether it be TAs, clericals, service workers, etc.) is striking on campus and has a picket at the base, the city buses refuse to come on campus.

    Yes, there are issues with contracts in general.. as a contract is essentially about workers giving up their right to strike in exchange for specific wages, benefits and work rules, but an activist union – whether it be activist members in a reform caucus or activist union leadership itself knows how to work through the law and the contract to make solidarity happen.

    AFSCME 3299 is one of the more activist unions around, and you’ll have trouble finding a union that is more supportive of student movements than them, at least in my experience. Keep working together.

  15. josh Says:


    Some of you may remember that part of why Metro bus drivers (and their union UTU) are so supportive of campus activists is that when the bus drivers went on strike for 30+ days a few years ago, student activists mobilized numerous actions to turn student sympathy in favor of the drivers, and against the city officials who refused to ratify their negotiated contract. This included a big march from campus to the downtown metro hub, delegations, pickets, etc.

    In other words, we showed solidarity to them, and they’ve consistently shown it to us too. That’s how it works. For months after their successful strike, at least one union bus drivers use to show up to SWCJ meetings, inspired by the power of unity.

  16. sekobach Says:

    Join the movement:

  17. Reaux Says:

    UC Berkeley IS OCCUPIED!!!

    Since around 5 am this morning Wheeler Hall, one of the biggest buildings, in the center of campus, right on the main drag has been OCCUPIED!!!

    There have been violent actions from the police, with three students apprehended and BEATEN. These students have no weapons and have been nonviolent, but the campus police have acted savagely.

    As of now, 8am, the students have been pushed back to a classroom on the second floor, and are making announcements from the window. Pepper spray has been sprayed through the door, but they are holding with desks and tables in front of the door. A sit in is being organized outside the door.

    Wish the occupiers luck!

  18. Alana Says:

    If you’re going to Wheeler, bring some pen and paper and go stand at the North East corner of the building to keep an eye on the cops and serve as legal observers if needed.

    I was just there and I was the only person on the ground keeping an eye on the cluster of cops and those back doorways. Everybody else is clustered on the West and South sides of the building where the rally is happening. I had to leave to go to work and I’m worried that if the police get through the barricade and start dragging people out to be arrested, they’ll use those back doors by the North East corner, and nobody will be there to keep an eye on them.

  19. dirt Says:

    beautiful work comrades! One friendly suggestion though – don’t just cover up the surveillance cameras – see to it that they are permanently non-operational.

  20. laozi Says:

    loved this commentary figured i’d share! :-)

    “we seek to push the university struggle to its limits.”
    -communique from an absent future

    “there is nothing in the world of capital that compares to the feelings of comradery and power in the moments when it is only possible to speak of i-as-we.”
    -politics is not a banana

    this is not a rational discourse, only some brief reflections of an arrow in flight.

    tonight around 200 people are occupying the largest administrative building at ucsc. the chancellor’s office is denied to him as education will be denied to thousands of youth in california, as the uc and csu approved 32% tuition hikes earlier today in so cal. (police were exceptionally violent at the ucla protest, where regents were trapped inside the building for a time. lots of pictures of them tasing and beating the fuck out of people. pigs also got pretty brutal at the solidarity demo in nyc and 45 people were arrested occupying an admin building at uc davis. the ucla occupation dissolved today due to threat of police attack.)

    but wait how did this happen? weeks ago we said “don’t even bother talking about kerr hall, it’s a pipe dream”. the only way to make the impossible possible is by building action through action. today there was a general assembly at occupied kresge where 3-400 people decided “let’s go occupy something!” really, it was that simple. we marched around campus for about 20-30 minutes chanting. hahn and the bookstore were both on lockdown. then suddenly we were descending on kerr hall. they locked the doors inside as the swarm approached. we started runnning. someone finds an open window and a door is propped open from inside.

    then there are 300 people running through kerr hall, chanting, screaming, pounding on the walls. such a tremendous feeling of collective-being. into the stairwell, but the doors are locked; someone hops in an elevator and then we are pouring up into the second floor, where the main entrance lobby and the chancellor’s office both are. HOLY FUCK! we just occupied kerr hall!! um… what do we do now?!

    how easily it is done, and how difficult. not to over-dramatize what is happening here, but it immediately brings to mind, for instance, what we’ve heard about mai 68 from theorie communiste. once we make the insurrectionary rupture – then what?? how to organize, how to spread?

    there are those who view our struggle as moral or philosophical rather than material or tactical. they are lost in abstractions. they think we all want “democracy” and “openness”, they think not in terms of communication but of appearance, and they feel that they have common ground with bureaucrats. well, let them have it. the strength of our movement, of our communization, if it takes strength, is in our material force and our ability to collectively impose what we want. not to dialogue democratically with those who own the means of our existence; not to recognize, acknowledge and thus reinforce their position but to render it irrelevant.

    to push the university struggle to its limits. obviously, it has limits and we are bearing down on them. splits “within the movement” will be clarified (perhaps as brutally as at berkeley, where, again, a certain “section” literally took it upon itself to police the “rest of” the movement, as far as collaborating with the actual police). we’ll see.

    the occupation at kerr hall compiled a very long list of demands. this happened because people with a megaphone decided that as soon as we had taken the floor the first thing to do was have a very long meeting where we decide on demands that we want to be satisfied before we would leave the building. demands are all well and good, there were many beautifully impossible demands issued. some of us however ditched this meeting because arguing about impossible demands is silly and pointless and most of all so if there is no occupation – ie no leverage to make them with. so we set about working on the practical details of inhabiting the space.

    anyway, obviously the demands are ungrantable. a crisis period means that this will be more and more common, for instance, wage struggles in europe and asia, boss napping in france and riots in bangladesh and china… if there is nothing to pay them, there is just nothing to pay them. at this point it is only the police – the state – who enforce class belonging and prevent forceful communization via rioting and looting. this is the direction in which existing contradictions must currently be pushed.

    there will be no business as usual tomorrow at kerr hall. there will be a union-organized rally at noon followed by an enrage-organized general assembly. the admin will begin threatening us that they need the building back on monday. instead of listening to their bullshit, we need to underline our demands. one of which was that school be canceled for a day; this could be monday. the admin obviously don’t know what to do about the fact that they keep losing control of parts of campus, other than wait it out. obviously this may change but we need to keep the initiative.

    they also like to portray themselves as being “on our side”, against the cuts. this is a chance to demand that they PROVE IT instead of just talking out their asses like we know they do. they can take our side against the regents. or they can catalyze further struggle. or whatever. again, the point is we want them to become irrelevant. the point is we will hit our limits soon and have some choices to make.

    anyway. two buildings are occupied right now. hella tight.

    can’t stop, won’t stop. push the contradictions. escalate.

    occupy the fucking shit out of everything.

  21. nick Says:

    i’ve aggregated all the news on the protests coming from twitter. check it out for live updates:

  22. reoccupied Says:

    Stories at NYC IMC / NYU News / New School Free Press / More photos

    At night on 19 Nov., approximately 75 (non)students from the New School, NYU, CUNY, and other university-factories in NYC marched from Washington to Union Squares and back in a gesture of solidarity with the wave of occupations that has swept the University of California system in response to the 32% tuition hike, budget cuts, and the reproduction of students as consumer-commodities ready to work for spectacle-subjects. The march saw crazy hooligans hanging banners off of buildings; masked rogues scattering trashcans, newspaper boxes and plastic barricades across Fifth Avenue; sexy dancing throughout the streets an attempted occupation of a Parsons art party as well as the good ol’ 65 5th ave. Unfortunately, the fun ended when cops managed to pierce the motley mob, arresting two after beating them on the sidewalk. This was caught on film: watch here

    The two arrested were taken to the 6th Precint in the West Village, where much of the crowd ended up at the end of the night, dancing and singing out front, distributing pamphlets and glow sticks, and remaining until the two walked free.

    Until Next Time…


  23. Dennis Keen Says:

    I wanted to write to you and offer my encouragement and advice. I support your occupation, if not simply because I admire the ambition and dedication necessary for such a decision. I’d like you to know, though, that while most students seem to support the reasons behind your actions, many students disagree with how the occupation is being carried out.

    If a movement for change seeks to win demands from those in power, they must earn some level of respect. So far, the tactics of the occupations have failed to do this. Having dance parties, even if they are described on your blog as “sick as fuck,” does not make this look like a movement to be taken seriously. Writing “fuck pigs” on your blog doesn’t either, and is below the level of discourse that is necessary if you seek respect. As are signs like “Raise hell, not costs.” This is a call for pure disobedience, with no serious or intelligent demands. Lastly, student leaders wearing bandanas around the faces do little to help your cause. Though they may be trying to hide their identities, for reasons paranoid or otherwise, this look can only be equated to that of a criminal, and will only lead those in power, old white men, to fear you, not respect you.

    The level of discourse must be raised if you want to be taken seriously by your fellow students and the administrators to whom you are issuing demands. You may have seen it before, but I urge you to watch this video of Mario Savio, the leader of one of the most successful student movements in our nations history.

    He and his movement were able to accomplish so much because they issued reasonable, intelligent demands and presented themselves as articulate and respectable negotiators. His arguments are identical to yours, but they are said with a force, passion, and intelligence that demand to be listened to. Compare this to the video you’ve posted on your blog. This difference is brutally clear – you look like amateurs. I urge you to continue your occupation, but shape up your act.

  24. occupy everything Says:

    yo, the photo of the students with black flags standing on a balcony is at Carter-Huggins Hall at UCLA, not Berkeley. Ante up!

  25. nikki Says:

    Appreciation, love, and solidarity from Scotland! Must admit, I regret being so far away from the action when this manifestation of youthful passion is exploding up and down the California coast, but I look forward to joining you all in this fight when I get back to the Bay in the spring. Until then, congratulations on your successes! It seems that, even if there is no tangible end result of these occupations, student radicalism

    I also wanted to quickly add something in response to Dennis Keen’s comment, which is a few above this one:

    Dennis, I’m not sure if you’ve ever heard this Emma Goldman quote (actually a paraphrasing of an incident she describes in ‘Living my Life’): ‘If I can’t dance, I don’t want your revolution.’

    ‘Movements’, as you call them, aren’t meant to be serious, stony faced affairs. The idea that we as radicals or activists or protesters– whatever people would like to call themselves– are appealing for the respect of authority is inherently flawed for two reasons. The first is that a movement without community and some playful absurdity is hardly worth having; who wants to stick around with a bunch of stiffs? Secondly, proper respectability is the first stop on the road to being co opted. You’re not a threat if you are the same as those you’re opposing… it’s far easier to ignore some well behaved students with boring signs and wishy-washy rhetoric. And I think your point about calling for disobedience is moot, as they are occupying university buildings, which seems to be a bit disobedient in itself.

    Mario Savio was no respectable character. It was 1964– respectability meant something entirely different for him than it means for kids at the UCs now. It’s also problematic to identify the Berkeley FSM with Savio only (but that’s another discussion). In general, the whole hearkening back to the 60s shtick is getting faded. And if you think ‘Raise hell, not costs’ is ballsy, maybe it’d be useful to review some of the slogans used during the anti-Vietnam war movements. (‘Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?’)

    In terms of the mask thing, as much as I personally disagree with it, I wouldn’t call it paranoia; it’s a fact that police photograph and video tape demonstrations. Either way, it’s a personal choice, and some people obviously feel concealing their identity is a precaution they have to take before participating in actions and demos.

    In terms of the level of discourse, after reading some of the statements made by the UCSC occupation, I would argue that some very nuanced and meticulously constructed arguments are presented.

    This isn’t to say that tactics, rhetoric, and publicity shouldn’t be critically discussed, but it must be done in a constructive and respectful way. Lastly, it seems rude to call these people amateurs, as you’ve made it clear from your comment that you are not participating in the action, and therefore can’t exactly point fingers.

  26. Iain Says:

    Good luck with your demands.

  27. community college student Says:

    I’m inspired by the spread of these actions across the UC campuses. Our conditions at the community college aren’t ripe for actions like the ones you are taking, but we are organizing in our own way.

    I’m sorry to say that I’ve been hearing a lot of trash-talk about the occupations. It seems like in the CC’s some self-appointed “leaders” have made it their business to systematically denigrate the notion of militant action in favor of fetishizing a big march. I don’t mean to say that it wouldn’t be a good thing if tens of thousands of students and workers across the state didn’t go to work or class on March 4 and instead all got together in one place to raise their voices in unity, but I worry that all the energy going into organizing around a mass mobilization will not translate into the ongoing building of the collective power necessary to transform the world we live in.

    I’m disappointed that these “leaders” are perpetuating a polarizing tension between different approaches to building power from below. Maybe that tension isn’t a bad thing in and of itself – since it seems to be inevitable. Maybe there’s a way to make the best of it.

    One more thing: I’m really tired of the Savio-worship. Just because students don’t look and sound like some ol’ white pothead from the sixties doesn’t make them ineffective. I think it’s great that there isn’t some “great white hero” with a megaphone being lionized right now.

  28. williamjames Says:

    In response to Stewart Alexander’s criticism of using “Shame On You!” in protest to police and administrative assaults, I must say “Shame On You!” Stewart.

    The demonstrative effect of using ‘shame on you’ has been dramatic. It reverses positions of authority, putting those being abused into the role of adult critic, while reducing the abuser into the naughty child of mother’s reprimand.

    This is a powerful protest, reversing social metaphors and real world relationships. It appeals to abusers as individuals with a family, as we all are. This is the nature of our protest.

    I’m proud to be associated with such sophisticated discourse.
    Solidarity! Occupy and Escalate!!

  29. laozi Says:

    someone should put together a collection of all the communiques? even if it is just a list of links!!!! (maybe i should stop talking and just do it myself!)

  30. anon Says:

    People fight to get into elite schools to get the competitive advantage a diploma from those schools gives, and they’ll fight to stay in, and pay ridiculous amounts of money to do so. As long as this is true, costs will continue to go up, until the costs are greater than the perceived value of the diploma, at which point people will stop buying. …

    Therefore, the most effective protest isn’t to occupy buildings, or to fight police, or to have a big march and scream and shout at the Regents. The most effective protest is to *not pay the fees*. If an academic department loses half of its undergrad enrollment for a semester, it’s pretty difficult for the department. If all undergrads in a couple departments take the semester off, then all hell will break loose between that department and the University – and it’s just a semester taken off by undergrads who can spend more time making money so they don’t have to rely on student loans. That’s a pressure tactic that not only will work, but it won’t destroy people’s investments in their education, since it’s just one semester off.

    get together, pick three departments, get all the undergrads and especially the majors and people doing undergrad research to take the semester off. If you need a reason, you can say that you need to work to raise money for the increased student fees. If there isn’t sufficient movement, next semester, pick another three departments and repeat. They’ll have to figure alternate ways to support their grad students, an important source of cheap labor to produce academic papers and research – it’ll be chaos.

  31. Flo Says:

    updates from the indybay post about what’s going on at kerr hall, not looking good:
    UPDATE 5:24am: Police are moving from base of campus toward kerr hall occupation. Support need immediately.

    UPDATE 6:50am: Cops w full riot gear @ Kerr Hall. 150 students & faculty outsd. Yr help needed now!

    UPDATE 6:51: Coming around back with teargas, dog, batons

    UPDATE 7:18am: Area coming from sci hill to Kerr blocked. Use paths from McHenry Library or theater arts

    UPDATE 7:20am: Outside protesters forced off patio by riot cops

    UPDATE 7:29am: Marc Anderson an Anthropology Professor fell off a 12 foot staircase as police were forcing students and faculty off of the Kerr patio. He was carried away by emergency personnel on a stretcher with his neck and head secured.

    UPDATE 7:55am: fire are cutting front & back doors. cops pushing crowd out of view.

    UPDATE 8:10am: All inside exit out back door. No charges, no arrests. Chanting “We’ll be back!”

    UPDATE 8:28am: Rally at Kresge Town Hall now.

  32. wcstrong Says:

    Does anyone know about any news from SFSU or specific details on what went downt there? Indybay stuff doesnt talk about how it ended.

  33. UC Davis – 11.24 – Soft Occupation/Sit-in « Says:

    […] 24th in UC Davis, students enter the Mrak Hall administration building. Five days earlier on Thursday, 51 students were arrested inside the building during a sit-in (+1 outside). Again, students […]

  34. New Student Left Review Says:

    […] these UCSC occupations were rallies and solidarity protests on their campus, videos available online. Students at Napa Valley College announced that they will be organizing a camp-out in solidarity […]

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