Wednesday, July 01, 2009

The Coming Insurrection via Glenn Beck

The book "The Coming Insurrection" authored by an anonymous 'Invisible Committee' has recently been translated into english and has been published by semiotext(e). This book has already attracted alot of attention.

In New York City an impromtu book release party was covered by the NY Times, and more recently right wing hack and Fox News commentator Glenn Beck had an incredibly amusing rant about the book on his TV show:

Happy Reading Glenn Beck!!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Towards a collective security culture

New text about resisting state repression, especially important in light of recent events and with anti G20 activities in Pittsburgh scheduled for this fall which will likely involve much federal and local police attention. Be careful kids!

"For as long as anyone can remember, the FBI has infiltrated radical communities in hopes of framing people on criminal charges. This has intensified in anarchist circles over the past few years. A handful of unfortunates now languish in prison, serving up to decades for actions they never carried out and probably would never have even considered were it not for the efforts of agents provocateurs. How does the government choose who to target? What factors put people at risk? Most importantly, what can we do to protect ourselves and each other?"

read the article

Some snitches from the past to keep in mind:

More info on snitches and strategies to resist state repression at Snitch Wire

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Iran: What if the insurrection doesn’t end?

From Insurrection in Iran:
"Years of student strikes, militant street battles, workplace struggles, constant repression―and then a spark. One spark to unleash the tidal wave of rage and despair that was once confined to barely audible whispers behind closed doors. Now the fury is here and everyone is in the streets, young and old, men and women,militant and pacifist. No one is waiting any longer: Iran has exploded and not even the Islamic regime is surprised."

The Insurrection in Iran continues. Thousands upon thousands of Iranians continue to take to the street, putting their rage into practice. As politicians on all ends of the political spectrum scramble to take advantage of or control these events the insurrection at this point shows little signs of stopping nor of being recuperated into a specific political demand.

For updates and info on the insurrection please see Insurrection in Iran.

Timeline of events:
On Saturday June 13, after election results announced that Ahmadinejad had won, supporters of Mousavi took to the streets to protest. The next day, protests grew, as did violence. On the night of June 14, the pro-Ahmadinejad Basij paramilitary group raided Tehran University, injuring many.

On June 16, protests continued, and the Guardian Council announced a partial recount would be conducted; however, the vote was not annulled.

On Thursday, June 18, more than 100,000 protesters held a candle-light vigil in Tehran following Mousavi's call for a day of mourning for those killed in protests.
* It is interesting to note that Mousavi was one of the high ranking officials of the regime during the eight-year Iran-Iraq war. He was involved in the death of a million Iranian youth in the war and played a key role in the execution of political prisoners including the massacre of 30,000 prisoners in summer of 1988.

On Friday, June 19, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khameini spoke during religious services, saying the election was legitimate and protests would no longer be tolerated. Protests occurred on a smaller scale. The next day, June 20, fewer protesters took to streets. At the protests that did occur, said to number in the tens of thousands of people, much violence occurred, causing many would-be protesters to stay in their homes the next day, Sunday, June 21.

On June 20 a young Iranian woman, identified as Neda Agha-Soltan, was shot by the Basij and died in front of cameras on Kargar Avenue in Tehran.

"They have no future to offer us; the democratic lie can’t hide this.
The children of the metropolis are everywhere bound by common conditions, by lived experience;no more so in the West than in Iran. It takes the uproar and rage of an entire generation born outside of the democratic process to expose its illusions and false hopes.

There could be so much more than a regime change. What if the insurrection doesn’t end? What if the fires keep burning, and spread to the whole of society? This is the real threat, the potential for revolution: that the return to the university, the workplace, and the home might not ever take place. That the paralysis becomes total, that finally there is no going back…

Fundamentally, we must reach this point of no return."

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Dance Party Benefit Saturday night in Brooklyn!!!

Sorry for being out of the loop lately (summer travels and all)
But come out saturday night if you are in NYC:


DANCE PARTY!! with NINJASONIK's dj teenwolf
+ dj hostility
+ unseen footage from the occupation

10pm - late
Sat, June 27th

687 Park Ave. #1
btwn Tompkins & Marcy
Brooklyn, Flushing G Stop
All money goes to legal crap.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Mauricio Morales Presente!

Early in the Morning of May 22nd in Santiago, Chile, Mauricio Morales, a 27 year old anarchist, was killed when an explosive device he was carrying exploded in his backpack. Word has it that shortly after his death police attempted and carried out raids at various squats and social centers in Santiago. Below is a report from comrades of Mauricio:

"During the early morning of May 22, we lost our beloved comrade Mauricio Morales Duarte. According to the bourgeois press, Mauricio was transporting an explosive device in downtown Santiago. The device exploded unexpectedly, and our comrade died in combat.

Long live comrade Mauricio Morales! Mauricio joins the list of fallen combatants under the democratic regime in Chile. He was a dedicated and militant anarchist. We remember Mauricio as a youth combatant like so many before him.

Over the last three years, there have been countless non-lethal and low intensity attacks on capital across Chile. These attacks have often fallen near the anniversaries of various days of combat, and they have occurred without arrests.

Police are currently searching for a second person present at the scene of Mauricio's death. They are also raiding various anarchist squats across Santiago."

More information including translations from the capitalist press

Durante la madrugada del día 22 de mayo y luego que una fuerte explosión sacudiera el barrio Matta, en las cercanías de la "escuela" de gendarmería (policía de prisiones), una serie de hechos se desencadenan como consecuencia de lo sucedido.

Los medios burgueses comienzan a hablar pronto de un muerto, rápidamente se informa que la persona sería un hombre y que circulaba en bicicleta para luego decir que había muerto como consecuencia del artefacto explosivo que portaba. Las fuerzas represivas del Estado se aunan y copan el lugar para periciar el sector. Los jefes de los organos represivos al unísono con La Moneda, deciden ocultar la identidad de, como llamaron, "El Hombre Bomba".

Mas informacíon en español

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

"The urge to destroy is also a destructive urge": More Mayday Madness in the US

Reports keep trickling in and we are beginning to see that this mayday was one of the wildest in years! There is a report back from an action in Asheville, North Carolina of an occupation turned street party turned riot:

"On the night of May first a down town building in Asheville North Carolina was occupied for a dance party in honor of May Day

A banner hung from the roof read "Reclaiming space to reclaim our lives. Occupy everything!" and by the time the police arrived there was about 150-200 people doing just that. As pre-determined nobody fought for the space but instead took the party to the street.

Once the police realized their mistake they seized the sound system but it was too late. Masks were on and the chants began. "Wu-tang Clan ain't nothing to fuck with!", "May Day is our day. Can't forget peoples history!", "Swine-Flu! Swine-Flu!" and A... Anti...Anti-Capitalista!"

The rowdy party snaked through the city dragging things into the street and throwing shit at stuff we hate (banks, development firms and yes, even those fucking bourgeois-ass "local businesses"). Cry about it liberal.

By the time there was enough police to disperse us, we were already gone.
Next step, making every day May Day! "

A pretty amazing communique has also been released from a crew allegedly involved in the Mayday action in san francisco: Read it here
And another one: Here

Saturday, May 02, 2009

"Breaking" News from San Francisco Mayday.

A late night Mayday action seems to have gone off well in San Francisco. Some of the city's "nicest" stores had their windows smashed, according to mainstream media reports more than 7 stores were smashed while paint was allegedly thrown into stores that were still open. De Beers, Guess, Prada, Longchamps, Macys, Mont-Blanc, and other rich people's store's were apparent victims of this anti capitalist smashing spree.

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From a post on Indybay:
"Riot Hits San Francisco On May Day!
On the night May 1, 2009 approximately fifty people gathered and marched on Powel St., San Francisco. Many windows were smashed in the San Francisco downtown area and chants of “anti –Capistalista” and “fuck the state,” were yelled. The activist, staged blockades, in the streets, comprised of trashcans. Additionally, they threw paint and water balloons into downtown San Francisco businesses, damaging the merchandise in the stores. Some of which, were shops that were still open for business. No arrests have yet been reported. "

And word is out that Milwaukee got it popping as well on Mayday:

A post on Milwaukee Indymedia says:
"A group of about 20 to 30 vandals, dressed in black and wearing masks, committed multiple acts of vandalism just after 11 p.m. last night. The group, which some witnesses described as looking like "ninjas," damaged the windows of several businesses and vehicles near the East Side intersection of Farwell and North Avenues, threw construction barricades into the street and set off smoke bombs in the streets.

Milwaukee Police said that the following businesses reported broken windows:

U.S. Bank, 2303 N. Farwell Ave.
Whole Foods, 2305 N. Prospect Ave.
Qdoba, 2228 N. Prospect Ave.
Bruegger's Bagels, 2045 E. North Ave.

Milwaukee Police are looking into whether this activity was related to a protest earlier in the evening by a group of self-titled "anarchists" in the Riverwest area, department spokesperson Anne E. Schwartz said. There is no one in custody at this time."

Happy Mayday!!!!

Friday, May 01, 2009

MAYDAY 2009!!!

Happy Mayday!



Ulm, Germany (Antifa Demo):



Marseille, France:


Report back from Spring Occupations in NYC via "The Thing"

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Utopia//Emergency, "Social War" and the 'anarcho' liberal backlash, AKA: why we can't just all get along.

A new compilation zine just released, looks like an interesting synthesis of recent analysis from the RNC, the Greek Riots, the Oakland Rebellion and more....

Check it out here

There is also a backlash brewing against the new 'Social War' trend in the anarchist milieu. A recent (rather pathetic) critique can be read here.

While critique is necessary and should a positive thing for this developing trend, many of the critiques like the aforementioned one, just serve to make the differences between 'us' (pro revolutionaries) and 'them' (liberals masquerading as radicals) clearer. In "Social War Needs Social Skills" the anonymous author uses ridiculous platitudes and ignorant comparisons, attempting to use tired activist rhetoric, to shame those who dare try a new path into falling into line behind their liberal goals for 'true democracy' and the ubiquitous, mythical and fetishized "community".

Obviously there are valid critiques that could be made about this new trend which is still developing here in the US, but bullshit like 'Social War Needs Social Skills' will likely serve to do nothing else besides make it clear that some of us are definitely not on the same page.
What do you think?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Communique from Colombia: International Political Prisoners Day

April 16, 2009
From the CEA-LA (centro de estudios abolicionistas por la liberación animal) (center of abolitionist studies for animal liberation) and the “Red Libertaria Popular Mateo Kramer” (Libertarian people’s network Mateo Kramer) receive a warm salute full of affection and rebelliousness.

Tomorrow, April 17 we will celebrate the international day of political prisoners, with the aim to generate and ambient of solidarity with all the fighters and revolutionaries around the globe, unveiling all the injustices and estate’s crimes, that in the frame of the actual socio-economic system we all have witnessed.

Today there’s thousands of our comrades retain in the walls of prisons, locked up for defending social justice, others for their militancy on behalf of the Earth and some others for their fight against slavery of non-human animals.

In Colombia there’s more than 7000 woman and men imprisoned for political reasons, maintained in precarious physical and psychological conditions and exposed to bad treatments. With the objective of terrify all who defend Human Rights, the Colombian government in the head of president Uribe criminalized all people who decide to give their life for the oppressed.

At the same time we are in solidarity, with all political prisoners who have give their lives in defense of the Earth and the liberation of non-human animals. For us there’s no difference in the different movements, we believe that total liberation in ONE build it from our differences.

That’s why we have to unite all our efforts and support all resistance around the globe… so each and every heart burns and light up the hopes and dreams shared for FREEDOM

In the name of CEA-LA (center of abolitionist studies for animal liberation) and the “Libertarian people’s network Mateo Kramer” we are in solidarity with all political prisoners around the globe, and we invite you to participate and get active in all initiatives for the International Day of Political Prisoners.


In Solidarity:


El communicado en español

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Unstoppable: Protests continue at the New School.

A rally was held today on 13th Street outside one of the New School buildings. Students were speaking out against the police attacks that occurred Friday and Saturday of last week, and continuing the call for President Bob Kerrey to resign. The Students and their supporters took to the streets once again in an unpermitted march and went (once again) to Bob Kerrey's house.

Afterwards the march wound its way to 65 5th avenue site of Friday's occupation with protesters chanting "from NY to Greece Fuck the Police". A confrontation began after police began to force people out of the street. 3 protesters were arrested but released a few hours later with summonses. The crowd then marched over towards NYU where students there were encouraged to "Occupy Everything".

A solidarity message was received by the New School rebels from the insurgent students of La Sapienza University in Rome, Italy.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Another Wild Weekend in the Big Apple

Another wild one in the death center of capital!

(photos from 'catastrophe' from exquisit corps)

Friday a.m. :

A wild student occupation at the new school complete with balaclava-ed occupiers, police state tactics, and a mini-riot.

Friday night:
Solidarity march leaves Union Square throwing barricades in the street, and heads for scum bag New School president Bob Kerrey's house. March makes it to site of occupation, 65 5th Avenue, arrests and clashes ensue, more barricades in the street.

Saturday a.m.:
The 3rd annual NYC Anarchist Book fair sets up shop selling anarchist commodities of all shapes and sizes workshops and other events are held as well.

Saturday night:
Following the Bookfair a gathering called "Catastrophe" takes place, meeting once again in Union Square. The cats move into the subway where a brief scuffle happens as police attempt to arrest a party goer who is unarrested and escapes. The cats exit the train at 1st ave and 14th street where chaos ensues and the party somehow becomes a bizarre march/ happening that confuses many including police. Windows of Mcdonalds, Washington Mutual, and Whole Foods are reportedly smashed as the unruly and scattered mob winds its way around the east village and moves towards the New School, which is quickly surrounded by police.

Reportedly there where 30 arrests made in these various events, and two police were apparently injured.

And the warm weather isn't even here yet!!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

New School Re-Occupied , and then evicted by massive police operation

The New School building that was occupied in December by students was reoccupied, this time in its entirety, in the early morning of April 10th. A banner reading "Occupy" and a red and black flag were hung from the roof. By 11am a massive police operation involving, a helicopter, hundreds of police, emergency service and Fire Department units shut down a big chunk of the neighborhood. A clash broke out on 14th street and 5th ave as people outside attempted to help students escape from the building which police had begun to raid. Police attacked demonstrators arresting several. A police car was allegedly attacked as supporter purportedly threw metal barricades at baton wielding police. Shortly after the building was stormed by police wearing full riot gear. 19 occupiers are reported to have been arrested.

Timeline of events

corporate media video

independent media:

Later in the night a rally to protest the police eviction of New School students from 65 5th avenue and the brutality handed out by the NYPD was held in Union Square. An impromptu march was held taking up all 4 lanes of traffic on 14th street, barricades were thrown into the street as police began to follow. Eventually the rowdy crowd made its way to 21 West 11th street, the residence of New School president Bob Kerrey. Police moved in with metal barricades and after taunting Kerrey for a while the protest moved back towards 6th ave and then up towards 65 5th avenue. More barricades were thrown into the street and a group of three undercover officers made arrests. There was at least one unarrest made before police cruisers started swarming from all over. The march made it back to union square where it dispersed. There are unconfirmed reports of 4 arrests being made.

Solidarity with all arrestees, keep up the fight!

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Chaos in the streets of London as G-20 meets/ Caos en las calles de Londres durante la junta del G-20

The G-20 meets in London this week and with it thousands have mobilized to express their hatred of capitalism.

April 1st saw throngs of protesters swarming the financial district of london. Hooded protesters smashed their way into a Royal Bank of Scotland building where they ransacked the interior:

Police kettled (surrounded) segments of the crowd further enraging protesters who broke through police lines and clashed with cops. Injuries were reported on both sides and one man has died after collapsing inside of police lines.
Newswire from Indymedia London
Ayer se produjeron serios enfrentamientos y la muerte de una manifestante

Miles de manifestantes se lanzaron ayer a las calles de Londres con el fin de mostrar el rechazo al sistema. Ya el sábado se adelantaron más de trescientas mil personas en un pasacalles organizado por asociaciones de todo tipo bajo el lema ‘Pon a la gente primero’. El día de ayer, adelantándose al comienzo de la cumbre del G-20+ (G20 + España + Holanda + representantes máximos de las Naciones Unidas, el Fondo Monetario Internacional y el Banco Mundial. )para hoy jueves, las protestas se extendieron por toda la ciudad. Una manifestación que ha partido de la embajada de Estados Unidos ha protestado contra la guerra y ha pedido que el gasto militar pase a gastos sociales y a ayudar a las familias a salir de la crisis.
Mas de las protestas de ayer, por la haine
some photos from the 1st/ fotos del primero de Abril:


Today clashes also broke out between protesters and police in Strasbourg during a NATO summit.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Disturbios Estudiantiles en Barcelona/ Student Riots in Barcelona

18 de Marzo, Barcelona
Una huelga del sector educativa (Maestros y estudiantes) termina con enfrentamientos con la policia.


A strike of the education sector including students and faculty in Barcelona ended in clashes and repression in Barcelona. Protesters gathered to protest the eviction of a university occupation and were met by police charges.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

A Tumultuous Spring? Riots in France, Student protests throughout Europe

As the economic crisis continues and its effects are more acutely felt, conflict has begun to spread. In France a huge strike pulled millions of people into the streets, workers barricaded highways with burning tires as youth clashed in the streets with police.

Students have also begun to play a large role in the current conflicts. In Italy a movement known as "the Wave" is mobilzing students and meeting repression from the government and neo-fascist groups.

The beginning of April will bring the meeting of the G20 in London with anticapitalists planning on shutting down the city.

A call entitled "You Should Feel What I Feel..." has been released from a group from NYC daring others to step up their game and to engage in a 'competitive occupation tournament' whose goal seems to be creating occupations, turning the crisis into conflict against the status quo, and the end of capitalist social relations.

What are you doing this spring?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Social War is Inevitable- La Guerra Social es Inevitable

Recently there has been a spate of arson, and sabotage in Mexico City and the surrounding areas. Many of these actions have been claimed by animal and earth liberation cells. Others speak of hoping that their attacks will serve to generalize the struggle towards a ¨social war¨.

The following video and communique was recently released showing, according to its authors ¨how much can be done in a few seconds of our lives to break with the reality of oppression and exploitation, for a few short seconds, to feel the adrenaline of abolition, for a few moments carrying out the fight against the state and capital.

anonymous communique (translation):

"Capitalism is the principal cause of the destruction of plant and animal life on this planet, the oppressor and murderer of wild life, exploiter of people, animals and the environment for the benefit of the powerful and the corporations; in Mexico war is declared.

So many hectares of forests and jungles are cleared for the sole purpose of building centers for shopping and tourism, over the dead bodies of the trees and animals they build shopping malls, banks, golf courses, hunting lodges, hotels, all reserved for a small group of filthy capitalists so that they can enrich the base of exploitation.

They deceive the people, saying that this 'progress' will bring more employment; some give in, others resist but in the end are murderers in the place where they were born, where they grew up, where they live.

It can not continue like this!

The powerful have to feel our fury at their properties, in their corporations, in their cars, and even in their own houses; we need to torment them, to remind them of the shit that they do day by day to this beautiful planet where we live, to remind them that while they are sleeping peacefully there are many people who are suffering and surviving the hardships of this system.

For these reasons and more we claim the following sabotages:

Tuesday, March 10, 2009:
- A harmless acid bomb was detonated in a well-to-do area in Mexico City.
- 8 windows at a K.F.C. were smashed.
- The windows and a security camera of a bank were smashed.

The video is called: '19 seconds of social war' and in it we try to show how much can be done in a few seconds of our lives to break with the reality of oppression and exploitation, for a few short seconds, to feel the adrenaline of abolition, for a few moments carrying out the fight against the state and capital.

Social war is not a joke or a fad, but a reality in constant development and growth.

Social war is inevitable.

Eco-anarchist cell for direct attack.
México d.f."

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Friend and comrade Tristan Anderson Critically Injured in Demonstration Against Israeli Wall

On March 13th, 2009, Tristan Anderson, from Oakland, California was critically wounded in the village of Ni'lin after Israeli forces shot him in the head with a high-powered tear-gas canister. Tristan is a dedicated anarchist, friend, activist and reporter who has long been committed to social and environmental justice in the U.S. and abroad in places such as México, Iraq, and Palestine.

As a result of his injuries, Tristan Anderson, has been taken to Israeli hospital Tel Hashomer, near Tel Aviv. Anderson was unconscious and had been bleeding heavily from the nose and mouth. He sustained a serious injury to his forehead where he was struck by the canister. He was operated on the same day.

Tristan was in very critical condition but is recovering slowly, he has moved his fingers in response to a request from a doctor. If you want to read an update written by his family click here.


Amigo y camarada Tristan Anderson herido de gravedad en una ptotesta contr el muro de Israel.

El 13 de Marzo de 2009, Tristan Anderson, de Oakland, California fué herido de gravedad en la población de Ni'lin después de que fuerzas Israelíes le dispararan en la cabeza con un rifle de gas lacrimógeno de alta potencia. Tristan en un anarquista dedicado, amigo, activista y reportero quién siempre ha estado comprometido con la justicia social y del medio ambiente tanto en los Estados Unidos como en el extranjero en lugares México, Iraq, and Palestine.

Tristan Anderson, fué trasladado al hospital Tel Hashomer, cerca de Tel Aviv. Anderson permaneció inconsciente y estuvo sangrando profusamente por la naríz y por la boca, con una herída muy grave en la frente a causa del impacto de la canastilla de gas lacrimógeno. Fué operado el mismo día.

Tristan estuvo en condición crítica pero se ha estado recuperando muy lentamente, empezó a mover sus dedos en respuesta a una petición de su doctor. Si quieres leer un reporte acerca de su estado de salud escrito por su familia, haz click aquí.

March 15th-Anti Police Riots in Montreal

Montreal's 13th annual anti-police brutality march ended in rioting, with over 200 protesters arrested in the clashes.

Police had expressed fears of violence at this annual event, partly because this was the first anti police brutality march since the cops gunned down 18 year old Fredy Villanueva in August 2008. That shooting sparked massive rioting as well.