- published: 10 Oct 2022
- views: 8139
Juju or Ju-Ju are objects, such as amulets, and spells used in religious practice, as part of witchcraft in West Africa. Juju historically referred to traditional West African religions.
The term "juju", and the practices associated with it, travelled to the Americas from West Africa with the influx of slaves via the Atlantic slave trade and still survives in some areas, particularly among the various groups of Maroons, who have preserved their African traditions.
Juju is sometimes used to enforce a contract or ensure compliance. In a typical scenario, a juju spell will be placed on a Nigerian woman before she is trafficked into Europe for a life in prostitution, to ensure that she will pay back her traffickers and won't escape. The witch doctor casting the spell requires a payment for this service. Juju is also commonly used in an attempt to affect the outcome of football games.
Contrary to common belief, Vodun is not related to juju, despite the linguistic and spiritual similarities. Juju has acquired some karmic attributes in more recent times: good juju can stem from almost any good deed; bad juju can be spread just as easily. These ideas revolve around the luck and fortune portions of juju. The use of juju to describe an object usually involves small items worn or carried; these generally contain medicines produced by witch doctors.
Juju (ジュジュ) (stylized as JUJU) (born February 14, 1976) is a Japanese jazz singer. She is represented by Sony Music Associated Records Inc.
She currently resides in New York City. She dreamed of being a jazz singer while growing up in Kyoto, and participated in all sorts of music-related activities. At age 18, she left for the US alone. While in New York, she was very taken with the "New York sound," including jazz, R&B, hip-hop, soul, Latin music, and house. Around 2001, Juju began to be featured in a number of works by other artists. In 2002, she provided music for the film Kyōki no Sakura. In 2004, she debuted with her first single "Hikaru no Naka e". The same year, concurrent with her musical activities in New York, she started performing live in Japan. When her third single, "Kiseki o Nozomu nara", was released, it topped the USEN charts and remained on the chart for a record length of 22 weeks. At this point, while she received support from a small group of listeners, she remained mostly unknown. On August 23, 2008, with the release of "Kimi no Subete ni", a collaboration between Spontania and Juju, she broke out onto the Japanese popular music scene, with the single receiving over 2.5 million downloads. Again, on November 26, 2008, another collaboration with Spontania named "Sunao ni Naretara" earned her even more fame, with the song receiving 2.2 million downloads.In 2010, Juju released her third album called Juju and it won the Excellence Album Award at the 52nd Japan Record Awards.
A Juju is a supernatural power ascribed to an object.
Juju may also refer to:
Julius Sarisalmi, professionally known as Juju, is a Finnish rapper. To date, he has released four solo albums, the latest of which in June 2014. Juju has also appeared as a featured guest on songs by such artists as Julma-Henri, Teflon Brothers and Aste.
Juju (1970) was the first album recorded by the rock band Gass and featured guitarist Peter Green, who had just left Fleetwood Mac at this time. The album was released by Polydor (catalogue reference 283-022 A) and withdrawn soon after it was released to retail outlets and re-issued entitled Gass
Track times were not included on this album.
Juju (formerly Ensemble) is an open source service orchestration management tool developed by Canonical Ltd., the company behind Ubuntu. Juju allows software to be quickly deployed, integrated and scaled on a wide choice of cloud services or servers.
The central mechanism behind Juju is called Charms. Charms can be written in any programming language that can be executed from the command line. A Charm is a collection of YAML configuration files and a selection of "hooks". A hook is a naming convention to install software, start/stop a service, manage relationships with other charms, upgrade charms, scale charms, configure charms, etc. Charms can have many properties. Charm helpers allow boiler-plate code to be automatically generated hence accelerating the creation of charms.
Juju has two components: a client and a bootstrap node. Currently clients exist for Ubuntu, Mac and Windows. After installing the client, one or more environments can be bootstrapped. Juju environments can be bootstrapped on many clouds: Amazon Web Services, HP Cloud Services, Microsoft Azure, OpenStack, etc. By creating a Juju Provider, additional cloud environments can be supported. Juju can also be bootstrapped on bare metal servers. Large deployments can use Canonical's Metal as a Service. Small deployments can use the manual provider, which allows any SSH Ubuntu machine to be converted into a Juju-managed machine. Juju can also be installed on a local Ubuntu machine via LXC operating system–level virtualization and the local provider.
"花がめぐるところへ" from "BEST STORY ~Life stories~",JUJU #JUJU#lifestories#beststory
http://www.facebook.com/Yui.Matsuda.Piano 今日のピアノ練習動画です。今日は2012年06月13日発売のJUJU 『花がめぐるところへ』 を演奏してみました。演奏が気に入っていただけたらフェイスブックで「イイネ」を押して頂けると幸いです Hi, Thank you for coming here again! I played 'Hanaga Megurutoko (JUJU) ' this time. Please press `like` on facebook if you're interested in the music.Thank you x http://www.facebook.com/Yui.Matsuda.Piano
「花がめぐるところへ」 作詞 松井五郎 作曲 高木洋一郎 歌 ERIKA Vio.須磨和声 Pf.古垣未来 LIVE at GORO MATSUI SONGBOOKS VOL.04 2012.06.28 南青山MANDARA ⓒ2012 ソニー・ミュージックパブリッシング
▼「花」 https://smar.lnk.to/bDSEj0 JUJUが贈る通算42枚目のシングルは、戸田恵梨香×永野芽郁の共演よる累計発行部数100万部を突破した湊かなえ原作の映画『母性』の主題歌。楽曲プロデュースはaiko、いきものがかり、back numberなど数多くのアーティストのプロデュースやアレンジ等を手掛けJ-POPシーンを代表するサウンド・プロデューサー島田昌典氏が担当。どんな時でも、どんな場所であっても、過去にとらわれず自分らしく咲けるようにという祈りが込められた、心を震わすミディアムバラード。 本Music Videoは松任谷由実やMr.Childrenなどのアートワークや、NHK大河ドラマ・連続テレビ小説のタイトルデザインなど、多岐にわたったアートディレクションを手掛けるコミュニケーションディレクター森本千絵(goen゜)が担当。 ■森本千絵さんコメント この「花」という曲を初めて聴いた時、涙が止まりませんでした。「花」のごとく、どんな立場でも、どんな場所でも、時代でもそこに咲き続ける、永遠に流れる歌です。そういう歌こそが「名曲」というものなんだと思います。 <JUJU「花」リリース情報> 11/23(水・祝)発売 [通常盤] AICL-4306 CD ¥1,480(税込) ※初回仕様:ピクチャーレーベル 収録内容 1.花 2. WATCH WHAT YOU BE 3.ダンシング・オールナイト 4.花 - Instrumental - <JUJU ARENA TOUR 2021「YOUR STORY」リリース情報> ▼DVD『YOUR STORY』 https://smar.lnk.to/CncUUy ▼Blu-ray『YOUR STORY』 https://smar.lnk.to/dolgIV 11/23(水・祝)発売 AIBL...
https://donorbox.org/lit-english-institute We are looking for individual sponsors and corporate sponsors at any time! Sponsorship has a rank. There are sponsorships such as normal, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamonds and red diamonds. For more information, please contact the email address below. nextinnovationed@gmail.com ジュジュ苑 全国ツアー2012 ~ 花がめぐるところへ JSL+MIT
「THE FIRST TAKE」は、一発撮りのパフォーマンスを鮮明に切り取るYouTubeチャンネル。 ONE TAKE ONLY, ONE LIFE ONLY. 一発撮りで、音楽と向き合う。 第82回は、唯一無二の歌声を持つシンガーJUJUが初登場。 自身の代表曲である「やさしさで溢れるように」を、楽曲のプロデューサーである亀田誠治氏(Bass)、そしてオリジナル録音を共にした斎藤有太氏(Piano)との特別編成で、 ""どんな事が起こるかわからない世の中でも、どんな事が訪れたとしても、あなたを包むすべてがやさしさで溢れる2021年になりますように""と想いを込めてパフォーマンスする。 Bass: 亀田誠治 Piano: 斎藤有太 STREAMING&DOWNLOAD;:https://lnk.to/srtfB86o ■JUJU SNS Official Site:http://www.jujunyc.net/ Twitter:https://twitter.com/JUJUsonymusic Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/jujusonymusic Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/juju_st_a_gram/ ■「THE FIRST TAKE」SNS Official site:https://www.thefirsttake.jp/ Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/the_firsttake/ Twitter:https://twitter.com/The_FirstTake Tiktok:https://www.tiktok.com/@the_first_take — 白いスタジオに置かれた一本のマイク。 ここでのルール...
Juju or Ju-Ju are objects, such as amulets, and spells used in religious practice, as part of witchcraft in West Africa. Juju historically referred to traditional West African religions.
The term "juju", and the practices associated with it, travelled to the Americas from West Africa with the influx of slaves via the Atlantic slave trade and still survives in some areas, particularly among the various groups of Maroons, who have preserved their African traditions.
Juju is sometimes used to enforce a contract or ensure compliance. In a typical scenario, a juju spell will be placed on a Nigerian woman before she is trafficked into Europe for a life in prostitution, to ensure that she will pay back her traffickers and won't escape. The witch doctor casting the spell requires a payment for this service. Juju is also commonly used in an attempt to affect the outcome of football games.
Contrary to common belief, Vodun is not related to juju, despite the linguistic and spiritual similarities. Juju has acquired some karmic attributes in more recent times: good juju can stem from almost any good deed; bad juju can be spread just as easily. These ideas revolve around the luck and fortune portions of juju. The use of juju to describe an object usually involves small items worn or carried; these generally contain medicines produced by witch doctors.