Showing posts with label Slovenia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Slovenia. Show all posts


Human Host Body-4 track demo tape (2014)

Human Host Body come from Istria, Slovenia, they a quartet and this is their debut demo tape, released by Å trigon Records, a Panda Banda sub-label, Panda Banda is "a collective that spend their free time setinng up gigs and releasing records. We believe in D.I.Y ethics, anarchism, anarcho feminism, animal/earth/human liberation, anti-civilization" and is run by Luka who's also member of Human Host Body. The demo tape consists of fourtheen minutes of D-beat driven metal influneced crust with rough vocals, some death/black metal riffs pop up and give a brutal metal feeling while the drums keep the band in crust areas with d-beat drumming but from time to time they walk in pure black metal territories, lyric wise they deal with anarho-primitivism, anti-civilization and anarchy, most of the ideas comes form authors like John Zerzan, Daniel Quinn, Pierre Clastres, Fredy Perlman. Thats cool! they seem to be educated people and that really great. Wish only they had the lyrics in bandcamp. 55 orange copies are made and you can purchase it from Å trigon Records, a label that releases only cassettes. Overall this is a piece of brutal and raw shit,black metal influenced crust that sometimes turns into crusty black metal. Apart from this demo, Human Host Body released another tape in 2011, a split with Devastated and a two track ep back in 2009,check all here.



Devastated-Demo 2011

I know only a handful of bands from Slovenia and most of them are fuckin great: Devastated is one of these, they come from Ilirska Bistrica,(yes,you know the place from Pissed, Robbed and Twatted 7") and this is their five track demo released in summer '11. I don't know anything about them and their myspace is invalid link, all i know is their European tour with Human Host Body in 2001. Anyway, the demo bring five tracks and fifteen minutes of crusty flavored hardcore full of energy: Vocals are rough, the double guitar attack brings catchy riffs with metal hints and some great leading guitar parts popping up all the time, there are some epic acoustic intros, beat is fast and steady and the sound quality is great, the artwork fits nicely with the music. This is available for free in their bandcamp, they say this was released in 2016(!) but they probably mean 2011. Ok, this is it, no more useless ranting,go listen it and get it!



Hellcrawler-Wastelands cd (2011,Hollow Earth Records)

Death n Roll with metal sound and D-beat in an awesome combination delivering apocalyptic crust at its finest: From Doom's D-beat discrust to Wolfbrigade's melodic lines and from the slower passages that pop up here and there to Swedish death metal heaviness: "Dwelling among the debris of the whore capital of Western Slovenia, Hellcrawler are a bunch of cynical wasteland denizens who found unsavory panacea in the symbiosis of punk violence, stoner rock atmosphere and heavy riffage. Their soundtrack to the demise of humankind is a motorized assault of old school death metal and d-beat which reflects their major source of inspiration, the decaying aesthetic of post apocalyptic and spaghetti western cinematography. Beginning in 2010, the outfit saw their first release, Wastelands, in 2011 on Hollow Earth Records". Check their fb page. This is a great cd, I liked it much more than expected and gave it many listening again and again.
A cool review of the release, here

bandcamp free download link here


Shiv-Demo 2007

This is brutal crust at its finest: Shiv is (was?) a quartet from Slovenia, they formed in 2007 , this is their three track demo recorded the same year and the appropriate words that describe it are aggression and brutality: Guitars are sharp and heavy blending metal hints with D-Beat and some nice leading parts and solos reflecting Portland and Swedish scene influences, drums keep thrashing all time and the vehicle moves in high speed while some slower parts pop up from time to time and bring some nice and emotional leading guitar parts, vocals are screamed/yelled and rough, the sound quality is very good. Imagine a nice mix of Wolfbrigade and Tragedy and you got Shiv, i can't find anything bad to complain, wish only there were more tracks. These guys are great, i believe if they were from Sweden or the States, more people would already knew about them
