
Realm 快速、易用并且免费,深受开发者和亿万用户喜爱。

Looking for the Realm Mobile Database? Find it here.

Arccos Golf ups its game with Realm

Arccos delivers a fast, responsive app experience with both online and offline availability for golfers around the world.

双向数据同步、实时协作、离线有限、API 桥接以及数据推送


团队无论大小,都能从 Realm 移动端平台获益。它为您解决了复杂的问题例如双向同步和实时协作,使您能够拥有更多的时间让应用变得独一无二。


Realtime collaboration in as little as 10 lines of code

See the Realm Mobile Platform demo app in action and the developer experience

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Realm 移动端平台

只需要不到十行代码,就能为你的应用部署数据同步服务及创建交互式的体验。Realm 对象服务和 Realm 移动端数据库 组成了 Realm 移动端平台

// Authenticating the User
[RLMSyncUser logInWithCredentials:[RLMSyncCredentials credentialsWithGoogleToken:@"google token"]
                    authServerURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://realm.example.com:9080"]
                     onCompletion:^(RLMSyncUser *user, NSError *error) {
  if (user) {
    // Opening a remote Realm
    NSURL *realmURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"realm://realm.example.com:9080/~/userRealm"];
    RLMRealmConfiguration *config = [[RLMRealmConfiguration alloc] init];
    config.syncConfiguration = [[RLMSyncConfiguration alloc] initWithUser:user realmURL:realmURL];
    RLMRealm *realm = [RLMRealm realmWithConfiguration:config error:nil];
    // Any changes made to this Realm will be synced across all devices!
  } else if (error) {
    // handle error
// Authenticating the User
SyncUser.logIn(with: .google(token: "google token"),
               server: URL(string: "http://realm.example.com:9080")!)
{ user, error in
  if let user = user {
    // Opening a remote Realm
    let realmURL = URL(string: "realm://realm.example.com:9080/~/userRealm")!
    let config = Realm.Configuration(syncConfiguration: SyncConfiguration(user: user, realmURL: realmURL))
    let realm = try! Realm(configuration: config)
    // Any changes made to this Realm will be synced across all devices!
  } else if let error = error {
    // handle error
// Authenticating the User
User user = User.login(Credentials.google("google token"),
// Opening a remote Realm
String realmURL = "realm://realm.example.com:9080/~/userRealm";
SyncConfiguration configuration = new SyncConfiguration.Builder(user,
Realm realm = Realm.getInstance(syncConfiguration);
// Any changes made to this Realm will be synced across all devices!
// Authenticating the User
Realm.Sync.User.registerWithProvider('http://realm.example.co:9080', 'google', googleAccessToken, (error, user) => {
  if (!error) {
    // Opening a remote Realm
    var realm = new Realm({
      sync: {
        user: user,
        url: 'realm://realm.example.co:9080/~/userRealm',
    // Any changes made to this Realm will be synced across all devices!
var user = await User.LoginAsync(Credentials.Google("google token"),
                                 new Uri("http://realm.example.com:9080"));

var realmUrl = new Uri("realm://realm.example.com:9080/~/userRealm");
var config = new SyncConfiguration(user, realmUrl);

var realm = Realm.GetInstance(config);
// Any changes made to this Realm will be synced across all devices!

Realm 移动端数据库

更好的移动端数据库意味着更好的移动端应用。Realm 数据库让移动应用中的数据存储变得轻而易举。我们的数据库产品是 SQLite 和 Core Data 的更易用的替代方案。

class Dog {}

Dog.schema = {
  name: 'Dog',
  properties: {
    name: 'string',
    age: 'int',

let realm = new Realm();
realm.write(() => {
  realm.create('Dog', {name: 'Rex', age: 1});

let pups = realm.objects('Dog').filtered('age > 2');
@interface Dog : RLMObject
@property NSString *name;
@property NSInteger age;
@implementation Dog

Dog *dog = [Dog new];
dog.name = @"Rex";
dog.age = 1;

RLMRealm *realm = [RLMRealm defaultRealm];
[realm transactionWithBlock:^{
  [realm addObject:dog];

RLMResults<Dog *> *allDogs = [Dog allObjects];
RLMResults<Dog *> *pups = [allDogs objectsWhere:@"age < 2"];
class Dog: Object {
  dynamic var name = ""
  dynamic var age = 0

let dog = Dog()
dog.name = "Rex"
dog.age = 1

let realm = try! Realm()
try! realm.write {

let pups = realm.objects(Dog.self).filter("age < 2")
public class Dog extends RealmObject {
  public String name;
  public int age;

Dog dog = new Dog();
dog.name = "Rex";
dog.age = 1;

Realm realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance();

RealmResults<Dog> pups = realm.where(Dog.class)
                               .lessThan("age", 2)
public class Dog : RealmObject 
  public string Name { get; set; }
  public int Age { get; set; }

var realm = Realm.GetInstance();
realm.Write(() => 
  realm.Add(new Dog
    Name = "Rex",
    Age = 1

var pups = realm.All<Dog>().Where(d => d.Age < 2);
Logos of companies using Realm, including Amazon, Google, Hipmunk, Starbucks, and more

十亿人在使用 Realm

财富500强和 app 商店里的优秀应用,都信任 Realm。每天都有亿万人在使用基于 Realm 创建的 app。



了解为什么 Realm 成为众多开发者的选择
