
Peter FitzSimons

Peter FitzSimons is an Australian journalist and author, based in Sydney. He is also a former Wallabies player.

Illustration: Reg Lynch

The problem with the Catholics' moral high ground

So, I've got this right, yes? On the one hand, we have the Catholic Church maintaining it will make no change in its protocol about the sanctity of the confessional. And it maintains that, despite the fact that – as just revealed by the Criminal Justice report by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse – it has presided over cases like the one in Rockhampton where Father Michael McArdle was forgiven no fewer than 1500 times by 30 of his fellow priests for raping children in his care.

Peter FitzSimons.

As predicted, plebiscite brings out the crazies

The unremarkable thing about the plebiscite on marriage equality is that it really has unleashed precisely the demonisation of gays that we all feared would happen, just as we had predicted would happen.

Illustration: Reg Lynch

Dinkum, Shorten's a bonza bloke

Bill Shorten arrived early for the gala dinner of the Australian Republic Movement, left late, and shook hands or had his photo taken with damn nigh all of the throng of 900 ARM members there.

Reg Lynch

It's a big day out for mouth-breathing bully boys

Oh, the infamy. My "sister from another mister", Julia Baird, comes out with a deeply researched essay for ABC News, with a story also on the ABC's 7.30 noting a shocking pattern of domestic violence by some church-going men against their wives – in part because of their adherence to a strict interpretation of biblical lore which that says the man of the household is the head of his wife, who should submit to him.

The trucks won't go though the main street of Berry now the bypass is open.

The sweet sound of silence

A strange and wonderful thing happened in the delightful South Coast burgh of Berry last Thursday night, at 8.11 pm.