NLG Prepares Mass Defense Legal Support Ahead of May Day Protests

Contact: King Downing, NLG Mass Defense Director 212-679-5100, ext. 14 | FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 28, 2017 The National Lawyers Guild (NLG) is preparing legal support for activists and organizations planning protests on International Workers Day May 1st, or May Day.  Local NLG chapters are holding “know your rights” and Legal Observer trainings ahead […]

Mass Incarceration in the Trump Era

By Pooja Gehi, NLG Executive Director In 2015, the National Lawyers Guild adopted a resolution calling for the dismantling and abolition of all prisons. As an organization, we recognized mass incarceration in all of its iterations—policing, violence, incarceration, forced labor, privatization and capitalism—as a crisis that we must resist in all of our work. Sharlyn Grace, then […]

Legal Community Strikes Back on #F17!

UPDATE: See below for press coverage of #LawStrikesBack! Join the event on Facebook! At 1 PM (ET) on Friday, Feb. 17 (#F17), #LawStrikesBack! Lawyers, legal workers, law students, paralegals, court interpreters, investigators, social service advocates, and others who work in the courts will gather in front of courthouses across the country in coordination with […]

ACTION ALERT: Nationwide Prison Strike

  The largest coordinated prison strike in U.S. history began September 9—the 45th anniversary of the Attica uprising—and is now entering its second week, with incarcerated people nationwide protesting “modern-day slavery,” among other injustices that have become part and parcel of our country’s prison industrial complex and system of mass incarceration. The NLG issued this […]

NLG Stands with Prisoners in Struggle, Endorse IWOC National Prison Strike in September

Today, prisoners across Alabama have ended a 10-day strike that started May 1 (International Workers’ Day) to protest unpaid labor and horrendous conditions, already reporting retaliation by prison officials. On September 9, 2016, the National Lawyers Guild will join Support Prisoner Resistance, The Free Alabama Movement and The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee (IWOC) in a Call […]