Hivos International

Hivos invests in knowledge to trigger change. By understanding the drivers of social change (and upheaval), we can make our role and programmes more effective. Our aim is to translate the knowledge and innovations we co-create with academics, policy makers and businesses, as well as with civil society, activists and grass roots stakeholders, into new policies, practices and scalable solutions to achieve social change.

All Knowledge Dossiers

Crowds gather for demonstrations against the country's first democratically elected president, Mohamed Morsi, ahead of the June 30th mass call to take to the streets to demand his removal, Cairo, Egypt, June 29, 2013

Citizens are central actors in public and political arenas. Their ability to hold governments to account and to participate fully in democratic processes is contingent upon their ability to associate, assemble freely and express opinions.

Gender and Sexual Rights

Hivos has a long and remarkable history in the field of Gender and Sexual Rights.

Recent Publications

Hivos established the Women @ Work (W@W) program with the aim of promoting decent work for women who earn their living in global horticultural production chains. The program enlists the participation of Southern partners...

There have been significant shifts in the policy environment of South Africa that are transforming the way citizen engagement takes place in the country. However, high income inequality in South Africa extends to the...

When it comes to ICT-mediated governance participation in Brazil, Internet penetration still remains a major challenge, with only around half of homes having connectivity. Opportunities to influence public policy frameworks and government strategies through...

Recent Articles

A key element of the Sustainable Diets for All (SD4ALL) programme is building multi-stakeholder coalitions and using innovative process facilitation methodologies like Change Labs.

A Change Lab...


The Hivos Global Newsletter comes out several times a year to keep you abreast of our activities and the work of our partners throughout the regions where we work: Latin America, East Africa, Southern Africa and Southeast Asia. It contains selected highlights of the news items, blog posts and...

From 2010 to 2015, Hivos was involved in CoCooN (Conflict and Cooperation over Natural Resources in Developing Countries), a...