Environment jobs in Graduate

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Related courses

  • Environmental Sustainability

    • The University of Edinburgh
    • Geography, Environment & Sustainability, Earth Environment, Sustainability
    • Scotland, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

    In this programme, students are encouraged to think across different disciplines to blend scientific, socioeconomic and policy perspectives for a stronger understanding of susta...

  • Environmental Protection & Management

    • The University of Edinburgh
    • Geography, Environment & Sustainability, Earth Environment
    • Scotland, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

    This programme will give you a fundamental understanding of the issues affecting the Earth enabling you to play a vital role in devising and enacting strategies to protect and c...

  • Geographical Information Science

    • The University of Edinburgh
    • Geography, Environment & Sustainability, Geography, Social Sciences & Humanities
    • Scotland, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

    This programme offers expert understanding of the latest developments in geographical information science (GIS), mixing practical training, theoretical knowledge and an ability ...