
Latest science news

Facts about our sun and moon you may have forgotten

A full moon rises above the 5th Century B.C. Temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounio, south of Athens, on Monday, Aug. 7, ...

Unless you have been hiding under a rock, you know by now that the sun and the moon will be the stars of the Great American Eclipse of 2017. It happens on August 21, when the moon will pass between the sun and Earth, and, depending on where you are in the United States and a few other countries, the moon can be seen completely, or partially, blocking the sun.

Eye in the sky: the eclipse from up above

A total solar eclipse was seen in Norway on March 20, 2015.

 Broomfield, Colorado  The US Gulfstream V jet parked in the airport hangar here has tracked thunderstorms, blizzards and hurricanes around the world. But on August 21, the jet will soar about 45,000 feet into the sky in pursuit of a natural phenomenon unlike any it has faced before – a total solar eclipse.

Wake up to sleep warning

Watching television in bed turns out to be a bad idea.

Too much time spent working or relaxing in front of digital device screens could be ruining your sleep, according to a study by scientists at the University of Houston in Texas, USA.

Giving airlines the finger

The boarding pass of the near future?

US company Delta Air Lines is next in the queue of airlines swapping ticket scanning for biometric screening.

The eclipse that revealed the universe

A view of the 1919 solar eclipse, observed in Sobral, Brazil. Arthur Eddington set out to verify Einstein’s prediction ...

In 1919, British astronomers photographed a solar eclipse and proved that light bends around our sun — affirming Einstein’s theory of general relativity.