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What is Patriot Prayer?

Posted by Joey Gibson
Joey Gibson was live.

What is Patriot Prayer? (for those who don't know)

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Posted by Joey Gibson
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13 mins

California Lies

342 Reviews
Tell people what you think
Kirt Schweigert
· August 20, 2017
I've seen first hand the message of peace and inclusion that Joey talks about daily.

Here's one for all you to think about... ...

How is Patriot Prayer a "white supremacists" group? The person who started it is "brown" (his words) an he'd have to punch himself in the face if he hated white people so much. Your logic is flawed. Think for yourself, don't let others think for you.

Keep up the great work and message Joey!
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Sharon Hoosein
· August 19, 2017
What exactly is this "political correctness" you're rallying against? How has it actually negatively impacted your life, other than make you angry after reading... an opinion piece in the news?

There are people who don't get the benefit of the doubt when it comes to the police, who don't fit with the identity assigned to them at birth, who never get to experience stories about characters they can relate to, people for whom getting married has to be an act of bravery--not just love, and other experiences you will never have to personally deal with.

Why are you rallying to deny these experiences? If a small act on your end makes a world of difference to someone else, how is that a bad thing?
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Matt Waterworth
· August 15, 2017
"Fascism is a collectivist ideology, much like socialism; however, fascism calls on a societal tie that differs greatly from that of socialism.

While socialis...t collectivism is rooted in an inclusive, communal responsibility to have basic material needs met for all, fascist collectivism is rooted in an exclusive, nationalistic responsibility to dominate and conquer peoples who are viewed as not belonging.

While socialist collectivism is based in worker-control of the means of production, fascist collectivism is based in a natural adherence to corporatism, which takes form in concentrated control of the means of production (mimicking that of capitalism). While socialism seeks to undermine and ultimately destroy the capitalist system, fascism seeks to fortify the late stages of capitalist accumulation by merging corporate power with the State."

Silencing those who view other's lives as either having less value or as completely worthless, isn't, "opening a can of worms." The worms were obviously running wild and free, as soon as the racist pieces of shit, felt comfortable enough to come back out of hiding, to spew their poison publicly.

Stop giving genocidal maniacs a comfortable platform.

Don't punch a Nazi!

Punch ALL of them. Beat them down. All of them. Even the wannabes with their tiki torches. Beat them down.

Hate speech IS violence. Saying any life is worth less than another for any reason, is condoning violence and genocide. It IS violence and should be met in turn with violence. If you try to defend hate speech as free speech you are part of the problem.
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Renee Aubuchon
· August 14, 2017
Racism and hate are not what our country needs. We do not need Nazis and and racists and White Nationalists to spread their hate and racism in our country.
Jose Alvarado
· August 22, 2017
PC communists will call you hateful for defending your right to express an opinion that doesn't conform to their dogma. They can't defend defend their shallow t...otalitarianism through argument so they try to shut down our right to speak with violence. They can't accept that they lost the election, and that most REAL Americans (not illegal criminals) don't buy into their bullshit. Thank you for being brave enough to speak out! See More
Steve Lewis
· August 13, 2017
This guy Joey has invented or revived a bad combo of fringe evangelism and neo-nazis to protect him while he shares the spotlight with straight-up hate groups a...ll in the name of Trump. Now if you don`t separate you show what you really are Joey...A NAZI SYMPATHIZER or JUST A NAZI. No in-between. Not anymore. See More
Sherrene Barnard
· August 16, 2017
Thank you for sharing the truth consistently. Haters on here reflect REAL fascists. They just need a dictionary and clear mind and the ability to LEARN FACTS. Praying for the weak daily. Praying for our country and People daily too. �
Krystle O'Connor
· August 17, 2017
For all the rabid people making viscous comments: Back up your brainwashed opinions with some facts: what proof do you have of this group being fascist/racist/hateful?
Scott Barry
· August 15, 2017
hate filled fascists that voted for the worst of the worst,,,white supremist donald j trump who never tells the truth,,,,he even coached his son to lie on camera to deny the russian investagation,,,,,,his lie is coming to a head and the dragonslayer is coming for his head
Robin Rosenblatt
· 23 hours ago
It is great but I am being blocked by Twitter from answering members and raising funds for israel with the Israel Longhorn Project at at longhornproject (dot) org on the web 650-631-9270 Robin
Jason Scott
· August 19, 2017
Anyone who calls these rallies racist, is sadly full of hate. We stand with police, our military, our constitution, and our President. That's it. Hopefully I'll see you all there at Crissy field!
Randi Berger
· August 14, 2017
I was shocked to find such diversity at my first event of theirs Sunday and an open armed, non judgement acceptance even of the violent haters who surrounded it swearing and flipping us off. Hope the haters will learn from this example.
Bob Ridder
· August 14, 2017
Confused individual who hosts and protects gatherings of white supremacists, white nationalists, and or your regular garden variety ignorant racist in the name of free speech.
Maya Ojalehto
· August 15, 2017
I have a huge amount of respect for Patriot Prayer, and would be honored to stand with them again at any event.
Tammie Judy
· August 17, 2017
The truth in the midst of all the evil. Thank you for everything you and your group are doing. Together we can heal our great national.
Nathan Lind
· August 15, 2017
Mostly a racist circle-jerk with varying topics of discussion. Everything is made so crappily, it looks like a twelve-year-old wrote every word... They're "simple," I think... It would explain their views not making any sense. These are just veryyyyyyyy dumb people.
Jessica Crane
· August 18, 2017
Typical gaslighters. They show up with guns and insult the cities they visit, then falsely claim that the people try to shut it down because they don't like their "message". These people don't even have a message. A bunch of bullies basically.
Jason Perkins
· August 21, 2017
why are all KKK people the ones who can't get laid or get a job? Because they're LOSERS and it's no one else's fault.
Justin Cole
· August 20, 2017
Show love and no harm will come to you. All went want is to live free of hate.
Bud Pocha
· August 19, 2017
Patriot Prayer are an excellent group of American's who Stand up to Hate and aren't afraid to Stand up as American's!
Motivational Speech by Joey Gibson on free speech. August 13th 2pm Freedom Rally Seattle- Westlake Park https://www.facebook.com/events/1728719397142731
The revolutionary
Seattle Protesters block Joey Gibson from entering