22 August 2017

Trump gives military green light to escalate Afghanistan war

By Patrick Martin, 22 August 2017

The nationally televised address to a military audience sets the stage for a massive increase in bloodshed in a country where the United States has waged war for 16 years.

One week after Charlottesville
Big business, military tighten their grip on Washington

Diplomatic row escalates tensions as US limits visa services in Russia

By Niles Niemuth, 22 August 2017

The US Embassy in Moscow announced Monday that it would curtail the issuance of nonimmigrant visas in response to the expulsion of hundreds of US diplomats and contractors.

US sanctions against Russia intensify conflict with Europe

US naval collision raises questions about morale, training

By Peter Symonds, 22 August 2017

The USS John S. McCain collided with an oil tanker yesterday morning in waters near Singapore, leaving five sailors injured and 10 missing.

Vice President Pence visits Latin America amid deepening Venezuelan crisis

By Andrea Lobo, 22 August 2017

Pence compared Trump’s “vision” to that of Theodore Roosevelt, making clear that Washington intends to reassert US hegemony in the region.

Growing signs of constitutional breakdown follow repeal of corruption charges against Brazil’s President Temer

By Miguel Andrade, 22 August 2017

The Workers Party attacks Temer’s government not as an opponent of capitalism, but as a defender of the interests of a “national bourgeoisie.”

Polish government demands war reparations from Germany

By Clara Weiss, 22 August 2017

Especially since the inauguration of US president Donald Trump, the relations between Warsaw and Berlin have considerably deteriorated.

Youth clashes with police in Paris suburbs point to explosive social tensions

By Francis Dubois, 22 August 2017

The incidents at Aulnay-sous-Bois point to growing tensions between police and the population of the estate where police sexually assaulted a youth in February.

“If you don’t stand up, nothing happens”
Union isolates Chicago-area auto mechanics strike in its fourth week

By Jessica Goldstein and George Marlowe, 22 August 2017

Rank-and-file mechanics of in the Chicago area spoke out against poverty wages and unfair labor practices, as the union attempts to shut down the strike.

Nearly 10 million US seniors food-insecure
Worsening hunger for older Americans

By Gary Joad, 22 August 2017

Some 14.7 percent of US seniors are food-insecure, a rise of 37 percent over 2001.

Papua New Guinea government deploys troops to quell opposition

By Oscar Grenfell, 22 August 2017

The government is expanding the military and police presence in the Highlands region to crackdown on opposition to an election that was dominated by accusations of fraud.

Young doctor suicides point to deteriorating conditions in Australia’s health system

By Ed Ballesteros, 22 August 2017

The ostensible concern of governments for the well-being of health professionals is belied by funding cuts that have stretched public hospitals to breaking point.

New in French

Une semaine après Charlottesville
Le grand patronat et l’armée renforcent leur emprise sur Washington

Par Patrick Martin et Joseph Kishore, 22 août 2017

La classe dirigeante cherche à détourner l’opposition populaire à Trump derrière un coup de palais visant à consolider la domination politique de l’armée et de l’élite financière et patronale.

Incidents entre jeunes et police à Aulnay, symptôme d’une situation sociale explosive

Par Francis Dubois, 22 août 2017

Les incidents à Aulnay-sous-bois mettent en évidence les tensions entre la police et la population de la cité où a eu lieu l’agression du jeune Théo en février.

Le Parti de l’égalité socialiste tient une réunion publique sur l’incendie de la tour Grenfell à Londres

Par Notre correspondant, 22 août 2017

Pour s’assurer que tous se sentaient libres de parler, le SEP avait refusé une demande de Sky News de filmer l’événement et a dit aux policiers qui demandaient à y assister qu’ils n’étaient pas les bienvenus.

New in Turkish

Trump’ın Bannon’u kovması: Ordu denetim iddiasında bulunuyor

Barry Grey, 22 Ağustos 2017

Trump’a karşı çıkmanın tek ilerici yolu, işçi sınıfının tüm siyaset kurumuna ve onun savunduğu kapitalist sisteme karşı bağımsız seferberliğidir.

Trump’ın Nazi şiddetini savunması: Maske düştü

Joseph Kishore, 22 Ağustos 2017

Her iki partiye ve tüm siyaset kurumuna karşı bağımsız kitlesel bir işçi sınıfı hareketinin yokluğunda, Amerika’da faşizmin yükselmesi yönünde gerçek bir tehlike söz konusudur.

ABD’deki faşist şiddetin siyasal ve toplumsal kökenleri

Joseph Kishore, 22 Ağustos 2017

Uzun tarihsel deneyim, faşizm ile yalnızca işçi sınıfının sosyalist ve devrimci bir program temelindeki seferberliği yoluyla mücadele edilebileceğini göstermiştir.

Güney Asya’nın topluluksal temelde bölünmesinin yetmişinci yılı

Keith Jones, 22 Ağustos 2017

Topluluk temelindeki bölünme, 20. yüzyılın en büyük suçlarından biriydi. O, Güney Asya’nın sonraki tüm tarihini biçimlendiren, daha doğrusu biçimsizleştiren bir suçtu.

Rajoy Barselona saldırısının ardından orduyu İspanya içinde konuşlandırma tehdidinde bulunuyor

Alex Lantier ve Alejandro López, 22 Ağustos 2017

Barselona’daki saldırının ardından ordunun İspanya içine konuşlandırılması, her şeyden önce işçi sınıfını hedef alacaktır.

Barselona’daki IŞİD saldırısında 13 kişi öldü, 80’den fazla kişi yaralandı

Alejandro López ve Alex Lantier, 22 Ağustos 2017

Barselona’daki saldırı, son 13 ay içinde Avrupa’da gerçekleşen bu türde altıncı saldırıdır. Önceki saldırıların birçoğunda, teröristler, istihbarat kurumlarınca oldukça iyi tanınıyordu.

Google’ın WSWS’yi kara listeye almasına son vermesi talebine 1.000’den fazla imza

Isaac Finn, 22 Ağustos 2017

WSWS, tüm okurlarını, makalelerimizi sosyal medyada paylaşarak, dilekçemizi imzalayarak ve kampanyamızda aktif şekilde yer alarak internet sansürüne karşı mücadele etmeye çağırıyor.

New in German

Eine Woche nach Charlottesville
Großkapital und Militär vergrößern ihren Einfluss in Washington

Von Patrick Martin und Joseph Kishore, 22. August 2017

Die herrschende Klasse versucht, den Widerstand der Bevölkerung gegen Trump für eine Palastrevolte auszunutzen und so die politische Herrschaft des Militärs und der Wirtschafts- und Finanzelite zu festigen.

Bundeswehr-General fordert massive Aufrüstung nach den Wahlen

Von Johannes Stern, 22. August 2017

Der pensionierte General Hans-Lothar Domröse fordert, dass Deutschland als größte Wirtschaftsmacht Europas auch angemessen ausgerüstete Streitkräfte vorhält.

Veranstaltung der Socialist Equality Party in London zum Brand im Grenfell Tower

Von unserem Reporter, 22. August 2017

Jeder sollte frei sprechen dürfen. Daher hatte die SEP die Anfrage von Sky News abgelehnt, die Veranstaltung filmen zu dürfen, und Polizeibeamten erklärt, dass sie nicht erwünscht sind.

Other Languages


Behind the political warfare in the US: Rising fears of financial collapse, social unrest

22 August 2017

There are growing concerns in US and global financial circles that the rise in the US stock market that accelerated with the election of Donald Trump is heading for a major downturn.

Earlier Perspectives »

Google Censorship

More than two thousand sign petition to stop Google censorship

By Zac Corrigan, 22 August 2017

The number of signatures jumped over the weekend, after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange tweeted a link to the WSWS’s exposure of Google’s actions.

The World Socialist Web Site is launching a petition demanding that Google stop censoring and blacklisting left-wing, progressive and anti-war websites.

Sign the petition and share it as widely as possible through email, online forums, and social media.

Watch: Stop online censorship!

Google’s new search protocol is restricting access to 13 leading socialist, progressive and anti-war web sites

Google blocked every one of the WSWS’s 45 top search terms

Evidence of Google blacklisting of left and progressive sites continues to mount

More on Google Censorship »


Trump, Charlottesville and Jorg Baberowski

By Johannes Stern, 22 August 2017

The same German media outlets and politicians who denounce Donald Trump for his support for the extreme right defend academic Jorg Baberowski for making even more egregious statements.

Trump deepens appeal to fascist right

US pushes ahead with provocative war games in South Korea

By Peter Symonds, 21 August 2017

US takes major step toward trade war with China

By Nick Beams, 21 August 2017

Spain deploys police as interior minister claims Barcelona terror cell dismantled

By Alejandro López, 21 August 2017

Democratic gubernatorial town hall in Flint: No policies to address lead poisoning disaster

Amid India-China war crisis, Washington boosts strategic ties with New Delhi

The Grenfell Fire

Anatomy of the Grenfell Tower fire
Speech given by Thomas Scripps at Socialist Equality Party public meeting

22 August 2017

Scripps: “It is politically vital to establish why this one event is a crime perpetrated by capitalism against the working class…and to explain why we have declared Grenfell to be an act of social murder.”

Socialist Equality Party holds public meeting on Grenfell fire in London

By our reporter, 21 August 2017

Grenfell Tower fire: “I believe that it is social cleansing, and we are now seeing the result of it”

More on the Grenfell Tower fire »

Workers Struggles

More charges in Fiat Chrysler corruption scandal
UAW executives accepted bribes “to take company-friendly positions”

By Joseph Kishore, 21 August 2017

Company faces allegations of abuse by both management and UAW officials
Ford settles claims over sexual and racial harassment at Chicago auto plants for $10 million

UAW debacle at Mississippi Nissan plant

More on auto workers struggles »

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

This week in the Russian Revolution
August 21-August 27: Kerensky attempts to marshal the counterrevolution

21 August 2017

With the installation of General Kornilov at the head of the army, Kerensky has turned sharply to the right. Supported by the Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries, he convenes the Moscow State Conference to unite all of the counterrevolutionary forces in Russia.

Professor Sean McMeekin revives discredited anti-Lenin slanders (Part I)

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »


HBO’s Westworld: Blood, guts and pseudo-philosophy

By Carlos Delgado, 21 August 2017

Early Women Filmmakers: An International Anthology—A largely untold story

By Charles Bogle, 17 August 2017


Millions travel to view 2017 total solar eclipse

By Don Barrett, 21 August 2017

Greenland is burning

By Daniel de Vries, 21 August 2017

International Amazon Workers Voice

Protests against Amazon’s bid to seize land from historic African-American community in Virginia

By Nick Barrickman and Alex González, 21 August 2017

Amazon to seize the land of freed slaves’ descendants to lay power lines

Working life at a Pittsburgh Amazon warehouse

By Samuel Davidson, 10 August 2017

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook

Amazon and Foxconn in Kenosha, Wisconsin: The new American “special economic zone”

“It’s like we are going back to the early 1900s before workers had any rights”
Amazon job applicants speak on social crisis in US

Amazon Jobs Day: A Tale of Two Americas

Amazon and the CIA: a match made in hell
Part One: Amazon cashes in on war crimes and mass surveillance

Socialist Equality Party

SEP meeting in Jaffna: Reject Tamil bourgeois nationalism. Build the Socialist Equality Party!

19 August 2017

Public meeting in Chennai, India: Oppose the US-led imperialist war drive!

7 August 2017

Socialist Equality Party of Germany presents its posters for September federal election

By our reporters, 7 August 2017

Maruti Suzuki

Sri Lankan free trade workers express solidarity with framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers in India

By our reporters, 1 August 2017

Aisin Automotive workers in India’s Haryana state face a new company-government witchhunt

Five years since company-provoked incident used to frame up Maruti Suzuki workers

The Maruti Suzuki frame-up and the history of international labor defense campaigns

More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »