
Solidarity for workers' full control #09

Solidarity for workers’ power – South London - Number 9 – February 1st 1970

Solidarity for workers' full control #08

Solidarity for workers’ full control – South London - Number 8 – December 19th 1969

Solidarity for workers' full control #07

Solidarity for workers’ full control– South London - Number 7 – October 10th 1969

Solidarity for workers' full control #06

Solidarity for workers’ full control – South London - Number 6 – September 9th 1969

Solidarity for workers' full control #05

Solidarity for workers’ full control – South London - Number 5

Solidarity for workers' full control #04

Solidarity for workers’ full control – South London - Number 4 – July 4th 1969

Solidarity for workers' full control #03

Solidarity for workers’ full control – South London - Number 3 – May 28th 1969

Solidarity for workers' full control #02

Solidarity for workers’ full control – South London - Number 2 – April 1969

Cleaners at luxury car dealer protest suspensions after strike vote

Cleaners at a Ferrari showroom in London's richest borough were suspended without pay this week after voting for strike action. Their union, United Voices of the World, are now preparing to take HR Owen luxury cars and Templewood cleaning agency to court for trade union victimisation.

'About to blow a fuse': IWW call for support in London warehouse workers campaign

The London IWW has started organising in London’s warehouses and is calling on activists, whether members or not, to support its campaign to unionise this underpaid and largely female, migrant workforce.