
West London Rising Up: Public meeting to kick off IWW warehouse campaign

The Industrial Workers of the World and the Angry Workers of the World are planning an ambitious campaign focusing on the migrant workforces that keep London running. Here's how you can get involved.

UKIP invite Defend Europe organiser to speak at youth conference in Sheffield

Martin Sellner

Leader of the far-right Generation Identitaire network Martin Sellner to appear at UKIP youth conference in Sheffield next Saturday.

Bekasi on The Move - Film about recent Workers struggles in Indonesia

Bekasi On The Move

Indonesia 2017, 35 mins, indonesian with english subtitles
free streaming and download here:

Outsourced SEIU union organizer wrongfully terminated for organizing at work

Fight for 15

A young organizer has won more than $20,000 in back pay after being wrongfully terminated from her job with the Chicago affiliate of the Fight for $15 campaign, Workers Organizing Committee of Chicago (WOCC).

No whites allowed after 8pm? Behind the media circus of Birmingham’s ‘no-go’ areas

On 17 August, numerous national newspapers and news websites, published a story about “racist graffiti” directed towards white people in Saltley, a majority Pakistani area of inner-city Birmingham. The piece, originally published by the local Birmingham press, goes on to claim that this corroborates a broad trend of “white working class Brummies” fearing parts of the city had become “no-go areas” for them.

Uber drivers strike in Indonesia

Mass meeting of striking Uber drivers in Jakarta (image via PPAS Jakarta)

Hundreds of Uber drivers have been on strike in Indonesia in a dispute over what they describe as “modern slavery” practices by the firm.

Christiansburg, VA Target workers on wildcat strike against sexual harassment and racial discrimination

Daniel Butler, General Manager at Target Christiansburg, VA

Workers at a Target store Christiansburg, VA are striking to demand the firing of General Manager Daniel Butler after multiple testimonies alleging abuse including sexual harassment and racial discrimination. There will be a picket outside the store on August 23rd.

Brutal police tactics lead to several injured at protests against nuclear waste landfill in Bure

On August 15th, several people protesting the project of nuclear waste landfill were seriously injured by police. Activists denounce a new level in police repression and detailed previous acts of violence.

Restaurant worker wins big pay-out in wage theft dispute

A Brighton Hospitality Workers sticker

A worker in Brighton, UK has won over £20,000 in unpaid holiday and wages in a dispute with a restaurant.

Police out of Pride! 5 arrested at Glasgow Pride as Police Scotland lead the parade

A member of the IWW bloc was arrested before the march even began

Five LGBT+ activists have been arrested after protesting police involvement in Glasgow Pride.