North Search box text color

By Kevin Lockwood, 8 days ago. Last reply by Kevin Lockwood, 58 minutes ago
Hello, I have a site using north and have the header background as a dark blue. Page background is white. Medium text color is default to dark gray. Trouble is when one uses the site search in the menu, you cant read the input: dark gray on the dark blue. I’d like to change it…

Looking To Customize Woocommerce Order Status

By Baldwin Jackson, 3 hours ago
I have been looking for way to deal with problem which my customers are currently facing during online purchase of products on my website building with Woocommerce. By default there are 5 Woocommerce order status during the whole purchase journey but unfortunately my product is subscription basis which provide free trial and then if users…

Images disappeared from SiteOrigin Editor

Something really weird happened. I went to change the picture that I had put on the SiteOrigin Editor but I was not there anymore. It still appears on the website but not where I edit the page. I checked the other pages that has pictures and the same thing happened to all of them. The…

Tabs and Meta Slider

By Hjorth007, 13 days ago. Last reply by Hjorth007, 6 hours ago
Hi I really love using the SiteOrigin Pagebuilder and the widgets to go with it and I’m using it on multiple sites. :-) However I have an issue using it together with the Meta Slider. I have used your tab-widget and inserted a number of shortcodes for different Meta Sliders in different tabs. Only the…

PHP Version 7.1 or 7.2?

By billy, 1 day ago. Last reply by Alex S, 7 hours ago
Hello everyone, according to my hosting company, siteorigin-panels cause a problem/error with new PHP versions. PHP versions 5.6 and 7.0 are only supported until December 2018. All plugins have to be updated to new versions 7.1 or 7.2 until then. Is it true that siteorigin is not yet updated? Can anyone help? Thanks a lot!

Right sidebar disappears on WooCommerce product page

By Jonas Andersson, 17 days ago. Last reply by Jonas Andersson, 8 hours ago
So I’m using WooCommerce with the Corp theme, and the right sidebar are present as long as I don’t visit a specific product, but when I do that the sidebar disappears. How come this happens? I just tested with the Vantage theme and there’s no problem with that theme. I’m using a child theme and…

Replacing images

By Knez Mardin, 6 days ago. Last reply by Alex S, 8 hours ago
Hi, I am new to this setup. My question is only how to replace the image that I have already? I tried to edit it, the widget show up with this text [imm-slider title=”activities-hayaking” id=”305″] Could someone let me know how to change the image without using the text coding like above? my company website…

Contact form

By Felice, 6 days ago. Last reply by Alex S, 9 hours ago
Hello I’m using Siteorigin contact form as free user. I want give to the visitor the possibility to receive a copy of the email I send clicking on a checkbox. Is it possible? what I have to do? Thanks Felice