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Perth tradie fined 27k for ripping off patio customers

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A Perth tradie has copped hefty fines for taking payments for patios he never built.

Nicholas Charles Gudden, from Wangara, pleaded guilty in the Perth Magistrates Court on Friday to taking payments from customers to his Exclusive Patios business but never starting the work, giving excuses like he had a hand injury when pressed for an explanation.

A number of customers took legal action and Mr Gudden faced three charges of contravening Australian Consumer Law by wrongly accepting payment and failing to provide goods and services within a reasonable time.

In February 2016 a Wanneroo couple agreed to pay Mr Gudden $10,200 to build a patio at their home and paid a deposit of $1,550, with a further $7,080 paid after Mr Gudden asked for more money upfront to buy materials.

However, no work began and no materials were supplied.

It was a similar story for a couple in Yokine later that same month, who contracted Mr Gudden to build them a patio within five weeks for $6,500, paying a deposit of $650.


No work was carried out or materials supplied.

In October 2015 a customer in Ellenbrook paid $1,000 as a deposit with no patio building work being commenced or any materials provided.

Pleading guilty to all three breaches of consumer law, Mr Gudden was ordered to pay a total of $27,975 in fines, compensation and costs by the Perth Magistrates Court.

He was fined $15,000 and ordered to repay $8,630 and $650 to two consumers and pay court costs of $3,695.

He also received a court order to repay $1,000 to a third consumer who had taken separate civil action.

Acting Commissioner for Consumer Protection David Hillyard said consumers need to be wary of paying large deposits to tradespeople upfront.

"There is great risk of losing any money paid upfront for jobs if the tradesperson fails to begin or complete the work often with a range of excuses provided by the business proprietor that the consumer has no way of knowing about or combating," Mr Hillyard said.

"There are some unscrupulous traders who illegally take money from consumers with absolutely no intention of either starting or completing the work, so consumers need to be wary and do their homework before paying any money. Only deal with reputable businesses that have a good track record and can demonstrate a history of happy customers.

"If they want you to pay for materials, pay the supplier and have the goods delivered to you direct, otherwise pay no more than a small deposit and progress payments as work and materials are supplied.

"Set timeframes for the work to be completed and get it in writing with the quote. Don't pay any extra money unless stages of the work have been completed or materials have been supplied."

For assistance from Consumer Protection, email consumer@dmirs.wa.gov.au or call 1300 30 40 54.