Federal Politics

Fergus Hunter

Fergus Hunter is a political reporter for Fairfax Media, based in Parliament House.

Greens leader Richard di Natale faces the prospect of prolonged warfare with Lee Rhiannon.

Greens seek to exploit Labor divisions over coal

The Greens will launch a fresh assault on the Labor Party over Adani's Carmichael coal mine on Saturday, mounting a door-knocking campaign in some of the opposition's most marginal, inner-city seats in an effort to force their hand on the potentially toxic issue.

"The market will determine it and that's the key point," Mr Frydenberg told ABC TV on Sunday.

Abbott is helping Shorten get elected: Minister

Energy and Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg has sharply rebuked his one-time ally Tony Abbott, publicly accusing the former prime minister of helping to elect the Labor Party with his "constant critiquing" of the Turnbull government.

An apparent security hole in the health system is being exploited.

Medicare details of every Australian up for sale

A confronting report shows that a vendor on the dark web can pull up the full Medicare card details of any Australian on request — and is selling them for around $30 each — indicating a security hole somewhere in the health system.