
In an opinion article in the latest British Medical Journal, Australian researchers have argued the expanded definition of PCOS had inadvertently led to over-diagnosis.

Expanding the definition of polycystic ovary syndrome has increased its prevalence and caused psychological harm, but brought no clear benefits, Australian researchers say.

A handful of countries have allowed men accused or convicted of rape to be exonerated if they marry their victims. Women's groups have agitated for years for the laws to be repealed, saying they further victimise survivors.

And one by one, the laws are falling.

Lebanon on Wednesday repealed a law that allowed rapists to evade punishment by marrying their accusers, the latest in a string of countries in the region to reverse such provisions under pressure from Arab women's groups.
Women's march on Sydney
Uncle Max opens Yabun Festival in Sydney with a smoking ceremony to mark Invasion Day. The fire was used at Barangaroo earlier this morning, lit on Clark Island yesterday and kept burning overnight.
Where are you from?

Please explain, Pauline Hanson.

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The woman says he raped her in 1973 when she was 16.

Roman Polanski, already fighting a 40-year-old underage rape case in a California court, was accused on Tuesday by another woman.

MasterChef Australia judge George Calombaris has pleaded guilty to assaulting a teenager after the A-League grand final in Sydney in May.

MasterChef judge George Calombaris has pleaded guilty to assaulting a teenager after the A-League grand final in Sydney.

Exercise is as good for our heads as our bodies. "It's a moment in time where you get to disconnect your head and it's beautiful because you see people come out of a session and they feel fantastic and all their problems are still there and all their work commitments and responsibilities but the way in which they see them is with a different, fresh set of eyes because they had a moment in time to switch their head off," Michelle Bridges says.

"For those 10, 20, 30 minutes you're not thinking about anything else and that's what's so beautiful about physical activity."

In 30 years in the fitness industry, Michelle Bridges has learned a thing or two but changed her tune on a few things as well.

It appears lululemon's new tights are more popular than Justin Trudeau.

Maybe try your luck on eBay ... if you have $700 spare.
smh.com.au|来自 Jenna Clarke

Swift is an enormously privileged woman with access to the kind of money and support that allows her to pursue a case of this kind. And thank goodness she did. Because we really needed to see what it looks like for a woman to stand her ground against victim blaming and gaslighting, writes Clementine Ford.

The pop superstar's testimony has already inspired prominent women in Australia to come forward with their own records of abuse.
smh.com.au|来自 Clementine Ford

"Promoting a healthy weight message" means promoting acceptance and diversity. The reason for this is that while we hate our bodies (most women as well as a growing number of men in Australia do), we will not treat them with respect and care. While we drive the message that only a certain exterior fits, we drive a message that it doesn't matter what we do to our insides to achieve that.

If anything was to challenge the attitude of NSW Australian Medical Association president Dr Brad Frankum, surely it would be Monday night's Australian Story segment on Shape Shifters.

One in three of us don't feel comfortable asking the question. Annalise Braakensiek experienced this when she was "immobilised" by depression:
"Very few people asked me 'was I OK?' I was so shocked by the reaction of so-called friends – the aggression, the lack of support... People have that real 'what have you got to be depressed about?' [attitude]"
In reality of course, as Braakensiek says: "Suicide and feeling you're on the edge; success doesn't come into it."

"Are you OK?" In a country where the cultural psyche is to downplay pain, these three little words can have monumental power.

"The Boomers would be made to suffer. I would murder everything they loved. First, the nuclear family. Then, golf."

Yes, it was me, and I did it to get vengeance on the boomers.

Joyce bro.

The New Zealand government has confirmed Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce is a citizen of New Zealand.

Mr Joyce's father was born in New Zealand.
smh.com.au|来自 Stephanie R. Peatling

Exercise benefits us differently as we age, but it is just at important at every age for setting the scene for our brain's health as much as our body's health:

We don't give much thought to exercising for the sake of our brains (at least not until we're old enough to worry about Alzheimer's).

In a world where sex is in our faces like never before, it's hard to imagine a relationship without it. Yet experts estimate that as many as one in five couples are in sexless marriages, defined as engaging in sex fewer than 10 times a year.

Given our alleged hypersexualised culture, how is that possible?

They’re confused and in relationships that defy stereotypes about men, women and sexual desire. Sarah Ayoub finds out what it’s like to be in a sexless marriage.

He emailed me repeatedly and called my office phone, begging to meet, saying, "I only want to be friends." "We've got a lot in common." "I love your voice." "I just want to speak to you."

When a work colleague began pestering Rowena Macdonald with emails and calls, she couldn’t help worrying.

"My nana used to tell me that a change is as good as rest. The proverb is often quoted but is there any truth to it?"

A change in routine can give you a burst of cherished energy, writes Cat Rodie.