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Click Member link to see site in tvNorthern Irish bloggers + ADD YOUR SITE (55 members)
Bloggers from and in Northern Ireland

Claire Allan
A writer and mother blogs about life in and out of the publishing industry

Nelly's Garden
All the news (that's fit to print) from Cully on the Maine.

i didn't quite catch that...

Well Done Fillet
The waiters revenge! A caustic look at the reality of working in a restaurant. The catecommunity professional will appreciate it, the rest of you may learn a few things.

365 Postcards
365 Postcards from the edge. Yarns bakes jaws, pithy ditties and diatribes on any manner of things from County Antrim to Kota Kinabalu. All accompanied by lovely lovely photographs. Fine Art Imaging means ...

Loughside Literature
'Loughside Literature' is Fermanagh Creative Writing Group's 'public face'. Our group is a small but active one with 12-13 members. We formed in March 2009. Our members' diverse backgrounds, writing goals ...

The Voyage
A mother living in the north east, writes about life, family, home-education and autism.

Alan in Belfast
In a world where a blog is created every second does the world really need another blog? Well, it's got one. An irregular set of postings, weaving an intricate pattern around a diverse set of subjects. ...

Cassidy Sez
My site 'Cassidy Sez' gives me the opportunity to promote myself as an author and give readers an insight into my day to day routine or lack of it as the case may be! My blog is a mix of writing and reading ...

A Case Study In Lifestyle Design
Whats uuuup? Ryan Renfrew here, im young entrepreneur designing a non conforming independent lifstlye. My passion is to connect, help and learn from a network of similar minded people who want to break ...

The Northern Man
Some ramblings about LIFE generally.

Wind, Sand and Stars
Abit of this and that, some serious some not.

bad librarianship
Writing about pop culture (comics, movies, TV, music) from an Northern Irish perspective.

Feel the groove and do it anyway
Rambling wibble that may or may not make some sense.

From Northern Ireland to the world

Any Danger
This is about me and my family and my business and my obsession with all things Apple and Mac. *is a bit geeky*

1169 And Counting.....
An award-nominated Irish blog on Irish history and Irish politics - from today and yesterday : all 32 Counties !

The Bells Have Made Me Deaf

Old Bitter Balls
A humourous, crude and totally irreverent blog touching on both madness and genius, the funniest thing I've read all year its brilliant.

A readable account of life at Omagh hostel,the owners Marella and Billy are currently changing many aspects of the hostel and lives,by turning their hostel in to an ecotourist destination. They have had ...

When the Belfast Child Sins Again
Love, Life & Laughter

Aisling Doherty - performance poet. Derry, N. Ireland

Bonaparte's Retreat
Belfast, the Irish and Ireland where one and one dosen't always make two. It sometimes makes three or five..........or nothing at all. A look at Belast and Irish humour and characters through stories, ...

Coffee Helps

Smelly Wardrobes
Random ramblings and photographs from Belfast.

Skin Flicks
Politically savvy current affairs commentary

online comic that includes funny pics, funny jokes & Irish & UK humour

Free Range Travels
A family from county down leave it all behind for a 5 month drive across America.

Sami And The City
A blog inspired by the popular Sex and The City Tv Series, though adapted to real life and not all about sex!

Food and Drink Ireland
Top-class restaurant reviews from Belfast.

Amnesty blogs: Belfast and Beyond
A human rights blog from Amnesty International and friends in Northern Ireland

another bloody blawg
...helping to clog up the arteries of the blogosphere!

Serialising comics by Belfast cartoonist Patrick Brown, in particular The Ulster Cycle, an Iron Age adventure inspired by Irish mythology.

Pogoism - The Ramblings of a Student Exiled in Northern Ireland
The Ramblings of a Student Exiled in Northern Ireland

Ascroft, eh?
Fermanagh based writer, Dianne Ascroft's blog discussing writing, her new novel and any other topic that pops into her head.
