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Brisbane start-up secures international deal with Vodafone

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A Brisbane start-up business consisting of just eight people has become a global leader in the digital business cards sector after closing an international deal with Vodafone.

The app, Haystack, took three years to develop and is a digital alternative to the traditional paper-based business card.

It allows users to share business cards directly between phones, which then automatically update when contact details change.  

From Wednesday, the new deal will mean the entire Vodafone business, across 26 countries, will ditch paper business cards and opt for Haystack's digital alternative. 

Haystack chief executive Ran Heimann said it was a long road to get to this stage.

"When we launched the product in 2016, to get to 100,000 unique digital business cards on the system it took seven months," he said.


"But to give you an example of how things are moving faster, our users have created 120,000 new unique digital cards on our platform in the past four weeks and that number keeps stretching higher and higher.

"...We're still trying to push, we want to do a million every month."

Vodafone's head of cognitive procurement and digital sourcing, Virginie Vast, said Haystack struck a balance between embracing the new capabilities of smart devices while staying true to the class paper card exchange experience.

Mr Heimann said the deal with Vodafone  was the gateway for other large companies to become involved.

"We have quite a few fortune 500 companies trialling out the product, but they're the first one to complete the decision," he said.

Haystack is just one of many startups in Brisbane, with companies producing everything from driverless buses to digital IDs.  

Mr Heimann said the deal with struck with the support of Brisbane City Council.

"A team of eight without any sort of help cannot close a global deal with Vodafone," he said.

Lord Mayor Graham Quirk said Haystack's success was a win for Brisbane.

"Each success story to come out of Brisbane showcases our city's capabilities," he said.

"I believe Brisbane is punching above its weight when it comes to producing digital technology at a globally-competitive level, and deals like this one help put us on the map and open doors for other Brisbane startups."

The Haystack app is available to download from the Australian Apple App Store.

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