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Southern Hemisphere GFS Longwave 500hPa Height Summary

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About GFS

Global Forecast System. The operational numerical weather forecasting model run by NCEP. The GFS superceded the AVN and MRF models, on which it is largely based. Forecast data from the GFS is available out to 180 hours at full resolution and 16 days at a reduced resolution.

Now Temperature

At Darwin Ap

21:50 CST







Weather News

NT's 2017 dry season disappearing fast, weather changes 'in line with global warming signals', BOM says

17:05 EST

The heart of the Northern Territory's dry season is probably over, with some towns experiencing record temperatures and averages well above normal on the weekend, a weather forecaster says.

Has Canberra's weather changed according to Bureau of Meteorology records?

17:01 EST

The weather is an ongoing topic of conversation for Canberrans and out-of-towners alike, who struggle to deal with its sub-zero temperatures in winter.

Snow blankets Trentham, parts of central Victoria as Melbourne shivers through wintry conditions

10:10 EST

Snow has blanketed parts of central Victoria this morning as cold, wintry conditions end any hope of an early spring for Melbourne.