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Lucrative forex rates may provide CBA plenty of incentive to push IDM deposits

The focus on Tuesday turns to Ian Narev's boss, new Commbank chairman Catherine Livingstone, and how she is dealing with the latest storm to hit the bank. 

As CBD reported last March, when Livingstone was appointed to the bank's board with immediate effect, it was only a matter of time before she was announced as the new chair.

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CBA accused of breaching money laundering act

Austrac has launched civil proceedings in the federal court alleging that CBA failed to comply with the law on more than 50,000 occasions.

She replaced David Turner, who was already spending more and more time in his beloved UK despite the bank's string of disasters.

So it is Livingstone, the clean-skin who started as chairman on January 1 this year, who is facing what could shape up as the biggest test of her corporate career: deciding the fate of her CEO and his direct reports in relations to the serious allegations from Austrac.

The decisions announced Tuesday morning, to dock any short-term incentives that Narev and his direct reports may have earned for last year, and the board's pay, is not particularly promising. We can only hope she is keeping her powder dry for when details of wrongdoing emerge. Assuming it does.  

But the question that CBD has been trying to get answered is, whether Commbank had any particular financial incentive to ensure the success of its specialised deposit ATMs (IDMs), which caused all the trouble.


Your columnist was advised not to look at the IDM transactions, and any related fees, but instead focus on what the bank gained from the money being transferred overseas from this massive wave of deposits.

Despite fresh competition, the foreign exchange business is one of the last remaining providers of fat fees for the big banks which can get away with offering customers forex rates which are 2 to 3 per cent worse than the prevailing spot rate.

A quick check of Commbank's forex rates suggests that it could be as high as 4 per cent. 

We don't know what percentage of deposits at Commbank's IDMs were subsequently transferred overseas, but we do know from the Austrac statements that the volume of monthly deposits started exceeding $1 billion last June.

If half of this money was being transferred overseas, and Commbank was charging  4 per cent above the spot rate, that would equate to $20 million a month, or $240 million a year.

The next questions is, what incentives were offered down the food chain to managers who were overseeing this business. Including the branch managers whose staff were emptying all this cash from the IDMs. 

Up the creek

Careful consideration was needed when it came to finding the right chairman to help build Sydney's mythical second airport.

As former Sydney Airports chairman, Max Moore-Wilton, once said: "This is not a game for talented amateurs."

He said more colourful things about the building of a second airport, of course, but CBD is digressing.

Finance Minister Mathias "Girly Man" Cormann, and his urban infrastructure, Paul Fletcher, announced the incorporation of the multi billion dollar corporate entity on Monday which will build the new airport, WSA Co Ltd.

And who is the person chosen to lead this whole enterprise and recruit a CEO? Paul "Pos" O'Sullivan, the former Optus CEO and its current chairman.

CBD is guessing that Fletcher had something to do with this. Many years back at Optus, Fletch was a direct report to O'Sullivan in his role as head of government relations for the telco.

Fletch was obviously impressed by his old boss.

And to complete the circle, we wonder who they could decide upon as the new chief executive for WSA.

Someone with the vision and drive to build multi billion dollar infrastructure on the government dime, which means keeping good relations with Canberra. This probably rules out their old nemesis, Sol Trujillo.

But maybe O'Sullivan's former Vodafone rival, Bill Morrow, is ready to move on from building the tin pot NBN to doing something that actually works.

Home share

Sydney real estate is so expensive you have to be a CEO to afford to sleep on our streets – just ask the tent city being moved on from their current digs outside the Reserve Bank's Martin Place HQ.

So is it any wonder Metcash's departing boss, Ian Morrice, was forced to sell his last 27,517 shares last week, according to a change of director's interest notice lodged with the ASX on Monday.

As CBD reported previously, he sold most of his stock last month to build his retirement home. Let's hope he's not gambling on his 2.288 million performance options that remain in his desk drawer, to finish the build.

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