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James Packer tightens virtual reality ties with Inception investment

James Packer may have been keeping a low profile in Israel thanks to the corruption investigations surrounding his buddy, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, but he is obviously still an avid fan of the country's tech start-ups.

Packer was named as one of the investors in Inception, a Tel Aviv start-up that is making waves with its 3D and virtual reality (VR) content.

And given the year Packer has had, is it any wonder that he is getting interested in virtual reality.

Inception says it plans to use its "immersive technology to take audiences to the next level".

Just the thing Packer would need if he still had a Hollywood production studio, or, pop chanteuse fiancee.  


According to the press release, Packer was one of the funders who helped to tip $US15 million into its coffers this week alongside Inception board member and angel investor Gigi Levy-Weiss – who is a bit of a rock star in Israeli start-up circles.

There might be more Israeli action on the way for Packer who still lists an apartment in Hayarkon Street, Tel Aviv, as his address on ASIC documents for a lot of his companies – including his flagship groups, CPH Pty Ltd, and Crown Resorts.

Search fail

The search for success has taken an unexpected detour at Mitula, the vertical search firm chaired by former chief executive Simon Baker.

The Madrid-based multinational company has been a bit of a market darling since its IPO in July 2015, with an aggressive business model built on developing consumer portals in the car, jobs, fashion and real estate sectors so consumers can avoid dealing with one-trick ponies like, you know,

Simon Baker, the former chief executive of REA Group

Simon Baker, the former chief executive of REA Group

It basically collates listings from various sites and feeds off the listing clicks, ads and transactions fees.

It was all doing really well. The company had never traded lower than its 75¢ IPO price until a few weeks ago when the company came out with a rather embarrassing downgrade last week that nearly halved the stock price to a low of 55¢.

The problem was a "configuration error" – the result of a human error – that affected its Google results. The company said it will take until the end of this year for its traffic to fully recover, which is why forecast earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation for the financial year ended December 31 has been trimmed from an upper limit of $19 million, to an upper limit of $13 million.

The ASX showed how impressed it was by issuing a please-explain notice to get to the bottom of the schmozzle.

Mitula was then forced to explain that it took a few months to twig to the problem because the traffic slowdown was initially attributed to a change in Google algorithm and seasonal factors.

"We have put in place systems and processes to minimise the chance of this happening again," said Mitula CEO Gonzalo del Pozo.

It might explain why the stock is sliding again this week despite Baker's boys setting themselves a tough regimen to ensure that fellow investors keep the faith.

This includes no short-term incentives for senior management this year.

The board will be taking their modest pay in the form of shares from July 1, priced at $1 – the price the stock was trading at before the downgrade.

The board, which already accounts for 45 per cent of Mitula's issued stock and has taken a financial bath from the downgrade – will also "individually consider" buying shares after the August 10 interim results.

Called to account

You know things are heating up in the sleepy world of bean counters when one of its governing bodies gets a please-explain notice from a Senate committee.

Those lucky few who remain on Jim Dickson's board at CPA Australia are getting an invitation to appear before the Senate standing committee on economics to explain the multimillion-dollar mess they have created.

No prize for guessing that it is Senator Nick Xenophon who has been stirring the pot on this one.

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