AGL board caps salary cost of CEO Andy Vesey after investors complain of bill shock

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This was published 7 years ago

AGL board caps salary cost of CEO Andy Vesey after investors complain of bill shock

By Colin Kruger

Our banks are not the only corporate giants treading a fine line when it comes to appeasing investors, Jane and Joe public, and the government.

Our energy bosses were forced to front PM Malcolm Turnbull on Wednesday to talk about how they were going to ensure their customers were getting a good deal – despite the huge spike in their energy bills.

It may have got a little awkward for one of the companies, AGL, when it reported on Thursday that its ballooning earnings could hit $1 billion this year.

But the good news, after two years of double-digit rises, is that AGL has finally agreed to cap one of its most sensitive costs: the salary of its boss Andy Vesey.

AGL chief Andy Vesey: "The industry is not going to invest in things that don't make sense."

AGL chief Andy Vesey: "The industry is not going to invest in things that don't make sense."

Investors delivered a first strike against the remuneration report at last year's AGM. Vesey's $6.94 million of remuneration was the issue.

AGL's departing chairman, Jerry Maycock, was obviously sensitive to what investors would make of Vesey's $6.9 million pay packet this year, which was mentioned in the annual report as a "specific shareholder concern". And no wonder. The board had already agreed to lift Vesey's salary by $260,000 to $2.3 million.

To help cushion the blow, Maycock said the board has reduced Vesey's potential short-term incentive pay by $460,000 and improved disclosure about his rising base pay – which was needed "to reflect fully his skills" and was appropriate "given the performance of the company under his leadership".

For the 2016 financial year, barely a year after he started, the board increased Vesey's base pay 10.5 per cent to $2.1 million. Last year it was a 9.5 per cent rise.

Illustration: John Shakespeare.

Illustration: John Shakespeare.

But the pay strike last year obviously focused the minds of the board a little, given another strike could put their jobs in jeopardy if investors then vote to clear out the board and start anew.

"The board has determined that Mr Vesey will not receive a fixed remuneration increase in FY18," said the annual report.

No wonder Vesey had to sell off $1 million of shares in October. We all know how hard it is making ends meet when your stagnant salary isn't keeping up with those rising power bills.

He ain't heavy

After two days of media savaging this week, Commonwealth Bank boss Ian Narev must feel like he doesn't have a friend in the world. But there's always family.

"Commonwealth Bank money-laundering drama is overblown The hysterical reaction to an isolated 2012 coding error resulting in 53,000 delayed money laundering reports has been massively overblown," said a Linkedin post from Rick Narev, a high-powered partner at Addisons Lawyers.

He is also Ian's big brother.

"Refreshing perspective from someone who is not being paid to sell newspapers," continued Rick with a link to a hilarious column by the AFR's Christopher Joye titled: Commonwealth Bank money-laundering drama is overblown.

"The hysterical reaction to an isolated 2012 coding error that resulted in 53,000 delayed money laundering reports has been massively overblown," Joye said.

"The bank does not remotely have any cyber-security or financial crimes culture problems. Quite the contrary."

To be fair to Rick and Chris, this was probably before analysts – not hysterical journalists – started estimating potential settlement costs of up to $2.5 billion.

And Narev admitted there might be a bit more to it on Wednesday when he said: "We have made mistakes. It wasn't just a software coding error."

And his boss, Catherine Livingstone, might agree with Narev. She established a committee of directors to make sure they are completely abreast of the investigation of what went wrong at the bank, and its dealings with Austrac on the matter, and obviously plan to ensure any responsible executives are held to account.

And let's face it, CommBank's own initial response did not indicate it was more than a storm in a teacup. The Austrac legal action against the bank did not warrant an ASX announcement. CommBank waited until a day later to respond to "media reports" of the alleged beat-up.

Perpetual costs

Perpetual boss Geoff Lloyd has called an end to the investment group's multimillion-dollar failure to unstitch the cross-shareholding between Brickworks and Soul Patts. .

He said Perpetual Investment Management (PIML) has decided not to appeal the recent court judgment.

And given PIML investors have already absorbed $6 million of its own legal costs over the matter, it is time for Perpetual Ltd shareholders to take one for the team and cough up $5 million to cover Soul Patts and Brickworks legal costs, as ordered by the courts.

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