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  2. hace 4 horas

    Since 2013 - 2 x worst PM's ever - 2 x worst Treasurer's ever - 1 x weakest GG ever - Highest debt ever - Highest inequality ever

  3. hace 4 horas
  4. hace 5 horas

    "I didn't know" doesn't get you far with Centrelink or the ATO unsurprisingly it's not getting the govt far with the electorate

  5. hace 8 horas
  6. hace 9 horas
  7. hace 9 horas
  8. hace 9 horas

    Now that the Catholic Church, Hilllsong and others have engaged in political campaigning will their tax exempt status be questioned?

  9. hace 18 horas
  10. hace 22 horas
  11. hace 23 horas
  12. 20 ago.
  13. 20 ago.
  14. 19 ago.
  15. 19 ago.
  16. 19 ago.

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