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UPF Official
UPF Official Mar 18
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UPF Official Mar 18
Well, that's Sharia Law for you. Stealing socks is just the start of it
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UPF Official Mar 18
Yep, that was our sole attendee. I mean, one of millions of attendees
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UPF Official Mar 18
Replying to @JONANO12
Sounds like Sewell's basement
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UPF Official Mar 18
We could supply the sacks, but not everyone could bring their own doorknobs
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UPF Official Mar 18
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UPF Official Mar 18
Do not worry about where your TBC clubhouse money will go. We have been personally assured that despite the lack of records or transparency all monies raised will be for the clubhouse and not legal fees or meth
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UPF Official Mar 18
Incidentally, does anyone know Kane's charges? Anyone would think this reduced facebook presence would be an attempt to hide some of the more...controversial...opinions we may have
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UPF Official Mar 18
We aren't going to donate to the True Blue Crews clubhouse drive until they finally settle on their gang name. They have been calling it tbc for ages now, so once they confirm it I'm in
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UPF Official Mar 18
Pretty accurate, except you left out Shermon and *that* possibly meth-fuelled video
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UPF Official Jan 15
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UPF Official Jan 15
Now that putting 's on TV is now OK thanks to , can someone put us in touch with the I'm A Celebrity people over at Ch 10?
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UPF Official Jan 15
You left out women
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UPF Official Jan 3
IT'S PART AND PARCEL YOU BLITHERING IMBECILE sorry I mean productive, useful and literate member of our organisation
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UPF Official Dec 22
Replying to @Pater429
Looks like the spread of shard is wider than I thought
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UPF Official Dec 22
It's OK, we'll try to get back in Shermons good books. He seems to know where the good stuff can be found, judging by his videos
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UPF Official Dec 22
But then where would we get our steroids from??
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UPF Official Dec 22
The driver of the 4WD in Melbourne this week was addicted to . Also, a member was arrested this week for a traffickable amount of ice. No-one should infer that the driver's addiction has anything to do with us promulgating the use of shard. Completely unrelated
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UPF Official Dec 19
We'll be on hand to respond to your questions about the movement after the new series airs on . If anyone would like to ask some questions now, fire away!
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UPF Official Dec 19
Replying to @UPFOfficial
Hang on, I got that wrong. We have 238758et45 members so therefore the video has been watched...oh, I give up. Numbers, words and facts really arent my thing
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UPF Official Dec 19
But the mainstream media lies to you, and I'd suggest te numbers are only as high as membership
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UPF Official Dec 19
This is how much of a beta Tommy "Smithers" Sewell is. Only a beta would take a selfie but cut himself out of the picture so it could feature Blair only. Still, every movement needs lickspittles, which is why we keep him around.
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UPF Official Dec 5
Replying to @ThomasAnthony93
Or maybe he's pushing for Blair to be King of Moomba. Just don't try to put him on some water skis.
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UPF Official Dec 5
This is why we keep little Tommy around. His amazingly beta Smithers-ing makes the rest of us look totally alpha by comparison.
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UPF Official Dec 5
I guess he's trying not to be so little any more. You'll get there one day, little buddy.
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UPF Official Dec 5
Holy crap, little Tommy Sewell is back. Good to see you, little guy, but maybe don't try and alienate the three girls still hanging on
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UPF Official Nov 24
You heard it here first. If we disappear from Twitter suddenly, its because we've been executed. I hereby leave our three remaining banners to actually... would anyone want them?
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UPF Official Nov 24
Hey thats unfair. You know most of us can't read. Most of these tweets are me just bashing my head against the keyboard and hoping something makes sense. Thats why its been a while between posts
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UPF Official 25 Aug 17
Sorry , the is withdrawing it's support for you. We know we are awful people, but you take it to the next level.
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UPF Official 16 Aug 17
Complete lie. I had to do 19 months for...various things, and I'm the best looking bloke in the . Most modest, too.
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