Historians Against the War

Historians Against the War 

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Statement by Historians Against the War
April 15, 2009

As historically minded activists, scholars, students, and teachers, we stand opposed to wars of aggression, military occupations of foreign lands, and imperial efforts by the United States and other powerful nations to dominate the internal life of other countries....

Continue reading the statement and join HAW in our efforts to change U.S. policy!

Background: Historians Against the War (HAW) was formed at the January 2003 American Historical Association meeting in response to the Bush administration's threats against Iraq. Over 2200 historians signed a hastily circulated petition against the impending invasion. In September of that year, six months after the invasion, HAW decided to become an ongoing organization calling for an end to the occupation and a restoration of civil liberties in the U.S. itself. Since that time, HAW collected more than 2600 signatures on its revised statement; stimulated dozens of campus teach-ins; held three national conferences (2006 in Austin, 2008 in Atlanta, and 2013 in Baltimore); and gained passage by the American Historical Association of the first anti-war resolution in the AHA's history. In the spring of 2009, HAW voted to broaden the organization's self-definition by adopting a new mission statement.

See more of Josh Brown's Life During Wartime cartoons

Marvin Gettleman

Marvin E. Gettleman
September 12, 1933- January 7, 2017


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