Sarko will lose the presidency to a socialist no one has ever heard of, who will beat Marine le Pen by less than 5% of the (low turn out) popular vote in the run off;
No. The result I would want is for Marine Le Pen to win the presidency.
No, not because I\’m some ghastly Poujadist, racist or in love with women named after military forces.
On the same grounds that I wanted Obama to become President of the US actually.
I didn\’t think he\’d be any good as President (and how right I was!) and I seriously doubt that she would be a good President of France either.
However, having a black man as President of the United States seriously pissed off a large number of people I think should be pissed off. And Marine Le Pen as President of France would seriously piss off a large, if different, group of people I think should be pissed off. Namely, every single correct thinker anywhere to the left of Genghis Khan.
I just think that it will be so amusing to watch the explodey heads of the entire political, journalistic, third sector, academic and generally right on classes.
Would it be champagne or camembert that they would agree to boycott?