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Ariana Grande's One Love Manchester concert raises $400,000 for bombing families

The families of those killed in the Manchester bombing will receive hundreds of thousands of dollars thanks to the tribute concert headlined by Ariana Grande. 

Twenty-two people were killed and hundreds injured when a suicide bomber detonated a device at the Manchester Arena back in May. The victims were either leaving Grande's concert or waiting for loved ones when the bomb went off. 

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Grande's management subsequently organised a tribute concert, with all proceeds going towards the Manchester Emergency Fund. Grande performed alongside the likes of Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus at the One Love Manchester concert. 

The families of those killed in the attack will receive just over $400,000 as a result of the fundraising efforts, according to Billboard

Manchester City councillor Sue Murphy said in a statement everyone who donated has shown "extreme kindness, generosity and solidarity" towards victims and their families. 

"We will now spend some time looking at how we will distribute the rest of the funds," she said. "This will be a complex and sensitive process as we will need to assess the long-term impacts of the attack. We will issue an update as soon as we know more." 

Prior to the One Love Manchester funds being counted and distributed, grieving families were able to claim up to $11,000 from the Manchester Emergency Fund. Victims and their families have also been given access to free counselling. 

Grande is currently touring South Korea.