
Teachers told not to sign NAPLAN confidentiality forms

Two unions have concerns about teachers who may "inadvertently" breach a confidentiality agreement with ACARA.

Teachers are being told not to sign a confidentiality agreement covering question testing for NAPLAN online which is under way in hundreds of schools this month, in preparation for the move away from the pen and paper exam starting next year.

Schools using restraints against guidelines: Ombudsman

A new Ombudsman's report finds that the use of isolation, physical restraints and suspension or expulsion for students ...

A primary school student with autism was restrained by teachers and locked in a time-out room for more than an hour, during which the student wrapped an electrical cord around their neck, a NSW Ombudsman's report reveals.

Former private school principal sues school, teachers

The former principal of Kambala, Debra Kelliher, is suing the school and two teachers.

The former principal of an elite Sydney school is suing the school and two teachers for defamation following her resignation from the school, which came after more than 100 teachers signed a motion of no confidence in her.

The problematic sexual behaviours worrying teachers

Teachers say they are not equipped to recognise and respond to the behaviours they are seeing.

Children as young as five are displaying worrying sexual behaviour at school, prompting concerns that teachers are ill-equipped to differentiate between whether students are victims of sexual abuse or imitating what they see in music videos or internet advertising, new research reveals.

The major Sydney universities about to lose millions

The government's higher education package would apply a new "efficiency dividend" to universities, increase student fees ...

Universities would be hit with $1.2 billion in funding cuts under the Turnbull government's higher education changes, with new data showing some institutions are set to lose up to $57 million over the next four years.

The science teacher who let Pokemon Go in the classroom

Year 12 students at St George Christian School are using a video game to learn the space component of the HSC curriculum.

When Pokemon Go took over children's screens last year and most teachers were struggling to keep it out of the classroom, a school on the NSW central coast decided to incorporate the popular game into their science lessons.

Can you out-think a 16-year-old? New test for year 11

An optional 90-minute test on logical reasoning and analytical reasoning skills will be introduced to year 11 students ...

About 7000 year 11 students will sit a new critical thinking exam this year, which has been developed as universities and employers stress that jobs of the future will require more than the traditional subjects taught in the Higher School Certificate.

Buying their way in: selective schools test overhaul

The selective schools test is highly competitive in NSW.

NSW's highly competitive selective school entry test is under review as the government moves to address concerns that wealthy families are buying their way into selective schools through expensive tutoring services.