LRB Cover
Volume 39 Number 16
17 August 2017

LRB blog 18 August 2017

Jeremy Bernstein

17 August 2017

The Editors
Unexpected Stories

16 August 2017

Michael Carlson
At Mount Rushmore


19 February 1981

Richard Rorty
Beyond Nietzsche and Marx

26 April 2012

Mary Beard

8 January 2015

Alan Bennett
What I did in 2014

In the next issue, which will be dated 7 September, Amia Srinivasan on octopuses, Ferdinand Mount on the conquest of India, Rosemary Hill on Charles and Camilla.

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John Lanchester

It Zucks!

I am scared of Facebook. The company’s ambition, its ruthlessness, and its lack of a moral compass scare me. It goes back to that moment of its creation, Zuckerberg at his keyboard after a few drinks creating a website to compare people’s appearance, not for any real reason other than that he was able to do it. That’s the crucial thing about Facebook, the main thing which isn’t understood about its motivation: it does things because it can. That’s why the impulse to growth has been so fundamental to the company, which is in many respects more like a virus than it is like a business. Grow and multiply and monetise. Why? There is no why. Because. More

Marina Warner

The Liveliness of the Dead

The dead are hard to think about – and, in many ways, to read about. Unlike animals, which Lévi-Strauss declared were not only good to eat but bon à penser, too, I found that I averted my eyes, so to speak, several times as I was reading this book. Not because of the infinite and irreversible sadness of mortality, or because of the grue, the fetor, the decay, the pervasive morbidity, but because the dead present an enigma that can’t be grasped: they are always there in mind, they come back in dreams, live in memory, and if they don’t, if they’re forgotten as so many millions of them must be, that is even more disturbing, somehow reprehensible. More

Patrick Cockburn

Endtimes in Mosul

Nobody knows for sure how many civilians were killed in the city as a whole. For long periods, shells, rockets and bombs rained down on houses in which as many as a hundred people might be sheltering. ‘Kurdish intelligence believes that over forty thousand civilians have been killed as a result of massive firepower used against them,’ Hoshyar Zebari, Iraq’s former foreign minister, told me. People have disputed that figure, but bear in mind the sheer length of the siege – 267 days. More

Jonathan Raban

Granny in the Doorway

Sheringham in the early summer of 1945 was trying to return to normal life as a fishing village and genteel holiday resort. Along the beach, the rusting coils of barbed wire, wooden stakes and concrete blocks were mostly cleared, and the anti-tank ditches were being filled in. Snipers’ pillboxes and signs warning of unexploded mines remained, and so did the now-fading self-importance that comes to a place taught to think of itself as being on the front line of imminent invasion. More

At Tate Modern
Jeremy Harding

In for the Kill
Inigo Thomas

At the Movies
Michael Wood


AUDIO Trump is the Boot Man

Wallace Shawn

Wallace Shawn tells Adam Shatz about his dark thoughts. Listen »

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AUDIO Post-Press Politics

Tom Crewe and William Davies

William Davies talks to Tom Crewe about democracy and the internet. Listen »

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