
News Latest updates from Melbourne Business School.

student at MBS

Melbourne Business School moves up Financial Times Global MBA ranking


Melbourne Business Analytics Datathon finalists announced

An expert panel of judges has announced the six teams that will battle it out next Thursday at the Melbourne Business Analytics Datathon for $25,000 in prize money.

Financial Times names Melbourne Business School MBA among world’s best for entrepreneurship

Melbourne Business School has been ranked by the Financial Times as home to one of the top three MBA programs for entrepreneurship in the Asia–Pacific region.

Alumni Sports Industry Group connects with industry leaders

With sport a multi-billion-dollar business in Australia, knowing what makes a sport product great is a much-discussed topic, especially among members of the new Melbourne Business School’s Sports Industry Group, which probed the issue last month with a panel of industry movers and shakers.

Diversity is good for business, corporate panel says

Diverse boards, management teams and workforces outperform their homogenous counterparts, yet many organisations remain slow to adapt and benefit from what Melbourne Business School Professor Jody Evans describes as a “tidal wave of evidence” supporting the benefits of diversity.

Women in leadership

Women have always been natural leaders but there needs to be more recognition and support in place to nurture female leadership.

Social issues key to business survival and relevance

Social challenges represent as much, if not more, disruption to business as economic or other major shifts in the external environment, according to Melbourne Business School Professor Ian Williamson.

Emmeline’s stand out analytics degree

Emmeline Wu’s love for finance led her to study commerce at university, but after seeing how many people were in her lectures, she looked for a postgraduate degree to help her stand out from the crowd. That’s when she discovered our Master of Business Analytics program.
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Melbourne Business School podcast

The Melbourne Business School podcast shares insights from our world class faculty on a range of business, leadership, marketing, finance and career-related topics.You can subscribe to the latest podcast via iTunes or listen via Soundcloud. You can also tune in when flying Qantas on flights within Australia.