- published: 01 Mar 2013
- views: 120802
Evangelism is the preaching of the gospel or the practice of giving information about a particular doctrine or set of beliefs to others with the intention of converting others to the Christian faith.
This term is not restricted to any particular Christian tradition, and should not be confused with Evangelicalism, a common term for a wide range of "Evangelical" Protestant churches and groups.
Christians who specialize in evangelism are often known as evangelists, whether they are in their home communities or living as missionaries in the field, although some Christian traditions refer to such people as missionaries in either case. Some Christian traditions consider evangelists to be in a leadership position; they may be found preaching to large meetings or in governance roles.
Christian groups who actively encourage evangelism are sometimes known as evangelistic or evangelist. The scriptures do not use the word evangelism, but evangelist is used in (the translations of) Acts 21:8, Ephesians 4:11, and 2 Timothy 4:5.
Ray Comfort (born December 5, 1949) is a New Zealand-born Christian minister and evangelist. Comfort started Living Waters Publications and The Way of the Master in Bellflower, California, and has written a number of books.
Comfort was born December 5, 1949, in New Zealand to a Jewish mother and a father whom he has described as "a Gentile [who] was open to the things of God". According to Comfort's autobiography, his parents put "Methodist" on his birth certificate because his mother feared the possibility of "another Hitler", but he was given no religious instruction as a child. Comfort identifies himself as Jewish. According to Comfort, he was in the top class of his high school in Christchurch, where he attained a School Certificate, the standard certificate given out at the age of 15 (Year 11). He did not pursue higher education.
In 1989, he accepted an invitation to join the pastoral staff at the non-denominational Calvary Chapel in Southern California.
Greg Laurie (born December 10, 1952) is an American clergyman who serves as the senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California and Harvest Orange County in Irvine, California. He is also an author.
Laurie, who was born in Long Beach, California, became a Christian in 1970 at Newport Harbor High School under the ministry of evangelist Lonnie Frisbee. At the age of 19, under the ministry of Calvary Chapel Pastor Chuck Smith, he was given the opportunity to lead a Bible study of 30 people. The church that formed from this group, Harvest Christian Fellowship, has grown to become one of the largest churches in the United States. In 2013, Harvest Christian Fellowship celebrated its 40th anniversary. The church has another dedicated campus in Irvine as well as three satellite campuses (Woodcrest, Eastvale, and South Corona—all in California) with a congregation of some 15,000 people, and also houses more than 80 ministries.
Laurie holds two honorary doctorates from Biola University and Azusa Pacific University. He serves on the board of directors for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association In 2013, Laurie served as the Honorary Chairman of the National Day of Prayer Task Force.
Evangelism - Dr Myles Munroe
Greg Laurie - Evangelism, Jesus Style
Street Evangelism
Tic -Tac-Toe Evangelism by Mike Henry (sub)
For Those Who Don't Enjoy Evangelism - Francis Chan
Five Essentials of Evangelism, Part 1
Four things for effective evangelism - Jacob Bock
4) Street Evangelism Downtown Chicago
Tim Keller on evangelism in the 21st century
Ray Comfort - Evangelism Is as Exciting as a Root Canal
Fashion in Motion
Evangelism Linebacker
http://www.bfmmm.com http://mylesmunroemediavault.com
Greg Laurie - Evangelism, Jesus Style Watch us live this weekend at http://gatewaypeople.tv http://gatewaypeople.com/ministries/life/events/individual-messages-2015/session/2016/02/20/evangelism-jesus-style Search for: Greg Laurie - 02/21/16 Sermon Title: Evangelism, Jesus Style If you would like to contact us for prayer. Email us at: freshstart@gatewaypeople.com
Website: http://www.brministry.org Do you desire to share the gospel, but are unsure how? Use one of the most simple board games as your base, Tic Tac Toe. Pastor Mike Henry from Central Baptist Church in Sioux City, Iowa shows a fun and simple way that I can share my faith with my neighbors. May this video encourage you to reach out to your neighborhood in faith.
This talk is Session 1 of the Apologetics and Evangelism stream at Oxygen 2014. "Most leaders share an unspoken guilt about the lack of personal evangelism in their own lives. We busy ourselves with other tasks. We do meaningful ministry. But we struggle because we have no peace that we haven’t even told some of our neighbors about Christ. For years, I could preach boldly but became a coward when it came to sharing my faith with strangers and friends. Honestly, I still waver back and forth. It’s so much easier to study for a sermon and fill our schedules with meetings with other Christians. We will be talking about how to renew our passion for sharing the gospel, or igniting that fire if you have never been one to boldly share."
For details about this sermon and for related resources, click here: http://www.gty.org/resources/sermons/44-21 To receive John MacArthur’s monthly letter, as well as free resources by mail, click here: http://www.gty.org/mailinglist Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gracetoyou Twitter: https://twitter.com/gracetoyou Google+: https://plus.google.com/+gracetoyou Copyright © 2014, Grace to You. All rights reserved
Tim Keller, founder and senior pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, talks about evangelism and contextualising the gospel for the 21st century city.
Sharing the gospel is rough. You don’t want to share, they don’t want to listen; it’s not easy. In this often humorous and inspiring message, you’ll find secrets to staying super-charged in your love for the lost. You can download a high quality MP4 version of this message by Ray Comfort, as well as the other four videos that are a part of our "Nets & Bolts" series at: http://store.livingwaters.com/downloads/video/nets-and-bolts.html Watch more free videos and get other resources by Ray Comfort and Living Waters at http://www.LivingWaters.com
Krish Kandiah interviews NT Wright, exploring the question, "What is the gospel?" This interview was filmed at a national consultation, entitled, 'A Faithful Gospel: How should we understand what the gospel is?'. It is the first in a series of five events taking place as part of the Evangelical Alliance's 'Confidence in the Gospel' initiative. For more information go to eauk.org/confidence
A short experimental film directed and styled by Sophie Mckay and Daisy Craver, edited by Kyri Evangelou. Fashion in Motion was created in 2008 as part of the Westminter Fashion for SHOWstudio program. This visually stunning piece combines digital photography and video to create stop motion animation. Fashion in Motion was selected by a judge of panels to feature on the SHOWstudio website, created by photographer and filmmaker, Nick Knight. www.kyrievangelou.com
One man's life changed the course of history for billions of people across the globe. He is both revered and reviled, famed and feared and you know who he is without a single mention of his name. Download this Video and Watch More at www.movingworks.org Incredible Score by Tony Anderson (www.tonyandersonmusic.com) Additional Note: Arial Earth image owned and licensed by NASA
Video Asset: Spiritual Leadership Conference 2011 at Lancaster Baptist Church. Free Session Downloads: www.strivingtogether.com/pages/slc2011 Conference Info: www.lancasterbaptist.org/slc
In this edition of the Evangel University Guest Lecture Series, Dr. Jerry Walls of Houston Baptist University addresses the "What's Wrong With Calvinism." The lecture was made possible in part by a generous donation from the Society of Christian Philosophers. © 2013 Jerry Walls. Used by permission. All rights reserved. *Filmed & edited by Chris Rudolph. Contact at https://vimeo.com/chrisrudolph.
A promotional video for Evangel University. My first project done entirely in After Effects
We don’t give someone half of a dollar bill, or help them half way across the street – it doesn’t make sense. The same goes for sharing your faith – you can’t do evangelism without including both justice and proclamation; one without the other is only half the gospel. The full gospel includes living faithfully in order to tell about Jesus through our words and our actions.