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Showing posts with label Terris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terris. Show all posts

Saturday, 16 August 2008

2 FROM 2000

A new millennium. There was talk of people suffering ‘millennium madness’ with the uncertainty of what would the future hold for them. So, how are we all doing then? 8 years into what has become just total madness, not so much a brave new world, more a brutal new one. Both these 2 albums were released in 2000 and appear to have been dumped in the musical dustbin of history , well it’s time to empty it, so here ya go The Closer You Get by SIX BY SEVEN is an aural assault of sonic guitars, laid back almost psychedelic rhythms and foot to the floor garage rock, that sucks you in and spits you out amongst the grease; powerful stuff. The Clash meet My Bloody Valentine, post prog punk rock anyone? Learning To Let Go by TERRIS is a cathartic trip, a breakdown of a record; rejection, drugs and mental illness are all expressed in sheer poetry. The anguish and passion of vocalist Gavin Goodwin is unbelievable, this is for real with emotions laid bare over a post grunge, rave Brit pop groove, like Nirvana meeting the Stone Roses. Awesome stuff . Were both these albums products of some sort of ‘millennium madness’ who knows. Why not try ’em for size here for Six By Seven and there for Terris, or was it the other way round? Enjoy!

Saturday, 14 July 2007

"I aint a boy, I am a bomb and I've been searching for the switches just to turn myself on."

This band were the sound of the new millennium, The Time Was Then, except not many people were listening....the deaf, dumb bastards would rather have listened to Coldplay, whom Terris did a co-headline tour with. This is their debut 4 track CD released on Rough Trade, and a corking one it is too. These guys were intense, emotive and angry with lyrics of great depth, feeling and intelligence. Musically they took the 'Britpop' template and stuck it in a cement mixer with half a yard of sand and a couple of house bricks and produced a unique sound and style, that was a bit much for the mindless masses. Their debut album Learning To Let Go is a lost classic that was destined for the bargain bins, if you come across a copy I urge you to buy it, although I may well post it at a latter date, along with the rest of their singles, but until then click here and see what yer may have missed. I'm aware that some of the bands I've been posting may be new to people, but I would recommend giving 'em a go. If you find I've been talking shit and have a bad taste in music delete 'em from yer hard drive, it's cost yer nowt. Just before I go, I feel I should mention that these last few musical posts have partly been inspired by John 'he's here then he's gone again' Liedown over at the excellent Punks On Postcards who posted another great 90's band; Novocaine, which triggered me to post 60ft Dolls, and when going through my CD's I thought fuck it lets post a few more bits of pre millennium music. Well there you have it. Enjoy or Destroy.