Global Warming & Climate Change

Alexander Cockburn and George Monbiot

Cockburn wrote a piece critical of global warming theorists. ZNet asked Monbiot to respond. Below is their exchange…

Alexander Cockburn is a long time journalist and co-editor of the political newsletter CounterPunch for which his article was originally written. He is author of many books.

George Monbiot is the author of many books, most recently Heat: how to stop the planet from burning (SEP, 2007). He writes a weekly column for the Guardian newspaper.

Begun April 28, 2007


Cockburn’s Perspective

Cockburn: Global Warming Sin? (April 28, 2007)
Cockburn: Merchants of Fear? (May 13, 2007)
Cockburn: Explosion of the Fearmongers (May 26, 2007)
Cockburn: Sources and Authorities (June 9, 2007)
Cockburn: “Peer Review” (June 16, 2007)

Monbiot’s Perspective

Monbiot: Responding to Cockburn (May 3, 2007)
Monbiot: Request for Climate References (May 13, 2007)
Monbiot: Cockburn & Corrupt Science (May 31, 2007)
Monbiot: The Conspiracy Widens (June 13, 2007)

Others Respond

Rancourt: Truth or Dare? (Feb 27 , 2007)
Noble: Corporate Climate Coup (May 8 , 2007)
Noble: Regression on the Left (May 30 , 2007)

Others Respond

Podur: Global Warming Confusions (May 11, 2007)
Demers: Fetters of the Old Contrarians (May 24 , 2007)
Frank: Global Warming Skeptics (June 1 , 2007)
O’Keefe: Global Warming Debate (June 8, 2007)

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