
July-August 2017
Volume 30
Number 7/8


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Z Magazine is an independent monthly magazine founded in 1988. Our mission is to publish in depth articles that critique society's political, economic, social life and institutions. We see the race, class, and gender dimensions of personal life as equally important in understanding current circumstances and as necessary for developing visions and strategies for progressive change.






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Recent ZMagazine

Laura Finley: A Feminist Perspective on Trumpcare

Although the American Health Care Act (AHCA) of 2017 is rife with problems, one of the most disturbing is its shocking gender bias. But why should we be shocked that the AHCA, or “Trumpcare,” privileges males, as it was crafted by a group of privileged males

Pete Dolack: Housing Is A Human Right

A basic problem of housing is that housing is a commodity instead of a human right. We’re not accustomed to seeing housing as a basic right for everybody, but why isn’t it?

Ramzy Baroud: How Palestine Disappeared from U.S. Media Coverage

As if he has, overnight, been transformed into a master politician, Donald Trump’s 27-hour trip to Israel has left many analysts mystified.

Noam Chomsky: Destroying Democracy

The one barrier to the threat of destruction is an engaged public, an informed, engaged public acting together to develop means to confront the threat and respond to it. That’s been systematically weakened, consciously.

John Pilger: Terror in Britain

The Manchester atrocity lifts the rock of British foreign policy to reveal its Faustian alliance with extreme Islam, especially the sect known as Wahhabism or Salafism, whose principal custodian and banker is the oil kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Britain’s biggest weapons customer.

Rebekah Barber: Resegregation

Now the Trump administration wants to further expand the use of vouchers by creating a $20 billion school choice program. According to The Century Foundation, a think tank dedicated to reducing inequality, Trump’s plan would increase segregation in public schools

Bridget Burns: Feminist Revolution And Climate

Globally, movements of movements are working together and this is crucial because it takes everyone to change everything, and we must fight oppression in all its forms, at all times

Paul Street: Why Study History?

U.S historians have no doubt been having a field day with Trump’s reported clueless comments on U.S. history earlier this year. The president’s moronic take on the nation’s past was front-page news in liberals’ and academics’ favorite newspaper, the New York Times

Compiled by Joel Chaffee: Summer Events

Events SOCIALISM – The Socialism Conference is scheduled for July 6-9 in Chicago, featuring talks and panel discussions. Contact: info@socialismconference.org; http://www.socialismconference.org. LA RAZA – The annual National Council of La Raza (NCLR) Conference is scheduled for July 8-11 in Phoenix, AZ, with workshops, presentations and panel discussions. Contact: NCLR Headquarters Office, Raul Yzaguirre Building, 1126 Read more…

Kevin Zeese: The Only Path to Climate Justice is People Power

President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement brings greater clarity to the inability of the U.S. government to confront the climate crisis and clarifies the tasks of people seeking smart climate policy.

William Boardman: Trump Honors Saudi Family Police State as His Government Ideal

Instead of something resembling reality, the U.S. is now basing its policy on the mad view of Saudi King Salman

Laura Finley: A Feminist Perspective on Trumpcare

Although the American Health Care Act (AHCA) of 2017 is rife with problems, one of the most disturbing is its shocking gender bias.

Ben Dangl: War And The Poor

It is fitting that while President Trump traveled the world, sealing a weapons deal with Saudi Arabia, he would drop his own kind of bomb on the American people: his budget proposal for the coming fiscal year, titled, of course, “The New Foundation for American Greatness.”

Allan C. Brownfeld: Emboldening Authoritarian Leaders

We have seen, in recent days, the very unusual sight of a U.S. President saying nice things about authoritarian leaders while, at the same time, disparaging our democratic allies and friends

Patrick Bond: G20: A Threat to Africa?

while once preaching isolationism, Trump has already expanded hectic, albeit low-profile, Africa Command interventions from the Maghreb across the Sahel to the Horn

Norman Solomon: Killer Drones in the Empire State

From January 2012 to February 2013, those drone attacks in northeast Afghanistan killed more than 200 people, but only about one-sixth of them were the intended targets

Pete Dolack: Austerity Never Ends

No, you can’t really make this stuff up: orthodox economists continue to tell us that the reason for ongoing economic stagnation is that wages and unemployment benefits are too high. Yes, that’s right. You haven’t suffered enough

Andy Piascik: Book Review

Witness to the Revolution repeatedly underscores how much vitriol some had to endure as elites attacked both the messengers and the message in the student, vet, Black Power and anti-war movements.

Jack Rasmus: Is Trump Really President?

Is it a presidency where he makes his late night calls to his moneybag friends, like the billionaire Mercers and others, to find out “How am I doing guys’’? while the rest of the representatives of the economic and political elite run the show? Is this a Trump presidency or a government by Generals-Goldman Sachs-Pence, with son in law Kushner functioning as intermediary between them

Yves Engler: A Blight On The Planet

What would happen if a social balance sheet, as well as financial one, had to be filed every year and companies continually in a deficit position would eventually disappear?

John Feffer: The Hunger President

There are now 1.4 million children at risk of dying from famine. No one apparently has shown Donald Trump, or his daughter Ivanka, any photos of these at-risk children. So, the U.S. president is comfortably ignoring this statistic.

Ramzy Baroud: Challenging Israel’s Past

Israel has resorted to three main strategies to suppress Palestinian calls for justice and human rights, including the Right of Return for refugees. One is dedicated to rewriting history; another attempts to distract from present realities altogether; and a third aims at reclaiming the Palestinian narrative as essentially an Israeli one

Sue Sturgis: The Lobbyists Linked to Trump’s Offshore Drilling Plan

Recently U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke announced that President Trump plans to issue an executive order expanding offshore drilling in areas now off limits, including the Atlantic Ocean and parts of the Arctic.

Lane Windham: Working Class Feminism

Young women are leading the most exciting and dynamic aspects of the 21st-century progressive movement, and they’ve been at this for a while now

Frederick Nagel: It is Deep State Time Again

Whenever there are obvious conflicts within the ruling class, the concept of a Deep State is brought out to explain why our government seems to be coming apart at the seams

Bill Moyers: We Must Have A Special Prosecutor

Trump takes us for chumps. The Republic is nothing to him but a crap game. And he loads the dice.

William Boardman: In Afghanistan: America’s Longest War Will Never Be Won

The U.S., in the person of General Nicholson, chose to use the weapon with the media-friendly nickname “mother of all bombs,” which of course it isn’t at all, though it does serve very well as a good, shiny-object distraction for the media.

Compiled by Joel Chaffee: Free Listings of Events & New Book Releases

EVENT LISTING: ACTIVIST CAMP – Youth Empowered Action (YEA) Camp will have sessions in July and August in CA, OR, and NY. YEA Camp is designed for activists 12-17 years old who want to make a difference in the world.

Peter Phillips: Propaganda, Fake News, and Media Lies

Both PR and propaganda seek to change behaviors and ideas among the masses in support of the agendas of public and private institutions.

Jim Warren: Averting Climate Chaos

The incredible rate of recent warming is largely due not to the usual suspect, carbon dioxide, but to the build-up of super-potent methane, which traps 80 to 100 times more heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide.

William Boardman: What Really Happened in Syria?

The U.S. continues to use DU weapons in the region, at least in attacks on ISIS. Tomahawk missiles, a Raytheon profit center, have long been suspected of delivering a DU payload. So President Trump’s loosing of 59 Tomahawk missiles on Al Shayrat Airfield was answering a chemical weapons attack with a chemical weapons attack. And an act of war against a sovereign nation

Bill Moyers: The GOP in Sickness and Ill Health

Two days later, Trump was at it again, beating his chest and tweeting like a vengeful god who bruises easily, this time directing his tirades at the real villains—his fellow Republicans, right-wing think tanks and especially the roughly three dozen members of the so-called “Freedom Caucus,” the most extreme conservatives in the House.

Allie Yee: Targeting Southern Sanctuary Cities

As the national debate around sanctuary cities has become increasingly fraught and political, the term “sanctuary” has largely lost its meaning and has come to be used or rejected by various actors for their own purposes

Kathy Kelly: U.S.-Made Famine

In 2016, the U.S. admitted 84,995 refugees, but Yemen, the poorest country in the Arab world, took in 117,000 new refugees and migrants in 2016, and hosts more than 255,000 refugees from Somalia

Bill Berkowitz: Criminalizing Immigrants Belies The Facts

Despite Trump’s claims, “major law enforcement groups and leaders have argued that intensifying immigration enforce- ment interferes with public safety goals

Marjorie Cohn: Deconstruction of the State

When Donald Trump’s chief of staff Reince Priebus addressed the Conservative Political Action Committee in February, he identified two priorities of the administration: the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, and deregulation

Noam Chomsky: Undermining Our Survival

As I mentioned, the policies being formulated and enacted are drawn from the playbook of the most reactionary fringe of the Republican establishment. The abject service to private wealth and power is accompanied with an authoritarian and fundamentalist program to transform U.S. society

Allan C. Brownfeld: Suppressing the UN Report On Israel’s Move Toward Apartheid

A UN commission report says that Israel practices apartheid against Palestinians

Marjorie Cohn: Trump’s War Crimes

Just two and a half months into his presidency, Donald Trump has already distinguished himself as a war criminal. His administration is killing unusually large numbers of civilians, in violation of U.S. and international law.

Suzanne Simon: Trump’s Mexico High: Drugs, Migration, and NAFTA

Mexican society and its people needed no primer on democracy and advocacy. The Mexican Revolution of 1910-1920 was the first socialist-populist revolution of the western hemisphere and, arguably, of the world

Compiled by Joel Chaffee: Free Listings

Events MAY DAY – May 1. Workers of the world will celebrate the anniversary of International Worker’ Day. Born out of a call for an eight-hour workday in the United States, this day is an opportunity for all workers to show their solidarity as well as to renew the call for labor rights. Contact: http://www.may1.info/. Read more…

Justin Podur: Women Rise Up

imagine when women in such a society decide that they are going to change this. Even some victims will oppose them—there is serious internalization of sexism as there is with racism.

Pete Dolack: Public-Private Partnerships

Public-private partnerships are one of the surest ways of shoveling money into the gaping maws of corporate wallets, used, with varying names, by neoliberal governments around the world, particularly in Europe and North America

Jeremy Brecher: Climate Kids v. Trump

Two days after the election of Donald Trump, 21 plaintiffs aged 9-20 won a court ruling that may be just as important as that election in determining our future.

Ron Daniels: A Third Force

An independent Third Force must be multifaceted with the capacity to utilize community organizing, campaigns around issues, protests, marches, demonstrations, boycotts, elections and policy advocacy to advance a vision/mission and agenda for transformative change

Chris Williams: Scientists and Politics

To talk of a supposedly apolitical science is wrongheaded to begin with. Science has been political since its modern inception with the Scientific Revolution, which began in part with Galileo’s experiments on projectile motion

Jeremy Brecher: Social Self Defense, Part Two

Social Self-Defense is not an organization—it is a set of practices to be engaged in by myriad organizations, hopefully in close coordination with each other. It draws both on established and newly emerging organizations. The community assemblies in Brooklyn, Los Angeles, Montpelier, and many other locations illustrate how new organizations can arise for Social Self-Defen

Edward S. Herman: The New Anti-Russian Hysteria

It is sad to see the liberals carried away on the wave of hysteria about the supposed Russian information warfare menace and possible influence over or even capture of the Trump presidency. It is also very dangerous to human welfare as it helps consolidate the power of the military-industrial complex

Compiled by Joel Chaffee: Listings of Progressive Events

IRAQ/FICTION – Iraq + 100 poses a question to contemporary Iraqi writers: what might your home city look like in the year 2103, exactly 100 years after the disastrous American and British-led invasion of Iraq?

Don Monkerud: Just Say No

The GOP had a memory loss when it came to the millions of emails erased by Dick Cheney, who claimed to hide rogue operations in the vice-president’s office, and to hide what may have been his illegal activities from the public.

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