Welcome to Parecon Watch,

Parecon -  short for Participatory Economics - is a vision for how to conduct economic affairs consistent with liberatory values including solidarity, diversity, equity, self management, ecological sustainability, peace, and classlessness.

On this page you can find quite a lot of material about parecon, and links to other pages that in turn have much more, as well.

If there is anything you think that should be directly linked from here, which is not, please let us know.

Latest Parecon


Parecon Interviews
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    Albert: Introduction to Practical Utopia

    The only thing hard about getting ready to be skilled at matters of social change is that it entails arriving at and holding on to thought patterns and insights very different than what we are used to thinking and believing

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    Albert: Participatory Economics

    Developing an economic vision means trying to figure out institutions to accomplish production, consumption and allocation in ways that enlarge equity, solidarity, diversity, and self-management rather than diminishing them

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    Sandstrom: Democracy vs. Markets

    The market system is fundamentally at odds with the concept of democracy and people having a say over decisions that affect them

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    Polychroniou: What Is Participatory Economics?

    Participatory economics has long been proposed as an alternative to...



Lonnie Atkinson's
Parecon Rap Album:

IntroBury TINA
Class Dismissed / No Gangsters
...and much more!

"This is what we're talkin about..."
                         Michael Albert

Recent ParVideo
Some Anarchist Criticisms

images-5Various anarchists have at times registered concerns about parecon. The following four essays address these concerns.

Vision Per Se? -should we have any institutional vision at all
Origin and Style? - questioning parecon's source and approach
Too Capitalist? - questioning pareconish remuneration and allocation
Structural and Strategic Flaws? - addresses concerns about strategy

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