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Recent ZNet

Vijay Prashad: Human Carnage From Billionaires

From Yemen to Haiti and everywhere in between, the poorest citizens are punished for unknown crimes

Immanuel Wallerstein: Dilemmas of the Radical Left

The efforts of the radical left today affect the choice of the replacement system in the middle run

Richard Falk: Charlottesville Through a Glass Darkly

I suggest that Zionists fond of smearing critics of Israel as ‘anti-Semites’ take a sobering look at the VICE news clip of the white nationalist torch march through the campus of the University of Virginia the night before the lethal riot in Charlottesville. In this central regard, anti-Semitism, and its links to Naziism and Fascism, Read more…

Gerald Epstein: Bannon Fired from White House

Interview about Bannon’s firing and potential trade war with China

Angaza Laughinghouse: Drop the Charges

Organizing to Protect the Durham Freedom Fighters

Sam Husseini: “Violence” and “Free Speech”

Many have focused on President Donald Trump’s statements on Charlottesville condemning the “violence” from “both sides”. Which is understandable, since the killing of Heather Heyer and overwhelming violence came from white supremacists. But virtually no one has scrutinized the first half of his remarks: Trump criticizing the “violence” of others. How is it that Trump Read more…

Jeff Abbott: Occupying Guatemala’s Capital

Guatemala’s Government Palace and the Street: Indigenous Campesinos Occupy Capital to Protest Land Conflicts

Rann Miller: Colin Kaepernick Can’t Get a Job

Quarterback Colin Kaepernick got countless kids talking about white supremacy. Now they’re learning that speaking out comes at a cost

Robert Fisk: US massacre of Moro Muslims

The Philippines was the first imperial war fought by the United States

Gillian Russom: Teachers Swap Strategies

With teachers facing similar attacks in school districts across the country, it makes sense to share strategies for fighting back

Vincent Emanuele: The Fetishization of Violence

Reflections on Charlottesville, WWII and Activism

David Swanson: Creative Anti-Nazism

The options are endless, and do not include the counterproductive tools of violence

Kary Love: The fourth branch

I still have faith in juries of ordinary people when fully informed to make “just” decisions even if necessitating deviation from the law

Juan Cole: Trump on Barcelona

Trump could not have been more rude to Spain, in recalling 1898. And he could not have been more accommodating to ISIL’s narrative

Steve Ellner: Chavistas Gain Upper Hand

Big Challenges Remain

Katha Pollitt: The Threat Trump Poses

Democracy, such as it is, really is in danger.

Zaid Jilani: Converting White Supremacists Using Compassion

Life After Hate is a Chicago-based nonprofit founded by former white supremacist that studies the forces that draw people to hate and helps those who are willing to disengage from radical extremist movements

Alfredo Lopez: Ramping Up the Police State

The Justice Department’s Dreamhost Subpoena

Patrick Cockburn: Endtimes in Mosul

On 22 May, Ahmed Mohsen, an unemployed taxi driver, left his house in the Islamic State-controlled western part of Mosul to try to escape across the Tigris to the government-held eastern side of the city. He and his mother, along with ten other people, carried rubber tyres down to the river: most of them couldn’t Read more…

Jason La Canfora: Michael Bennett wants you to listen

The son of a military veteran isn’t backing down from his anthem protest, and the Seahawks have his back

Pete Dolack: Life under capitalism

Early deaths a ‘silver lining’ for corporations

Patrick Bond: Falling BRICS

Most of the BRICS countries have witnessed sustained protests, many against corruption, environmental destruction and labor abuse

Henry A. Giroux: The Rise of Illiberal Democracy

Trump has dispensed with the fiction of democracy because he believes that in the interest of power both people and the planet are disposable, excess to be plundered and discarded

Rebekah Barber: Southerners on New Ground’s bail out

Southerners on New Ground raised over $200,000 to free 64 Black women from jails across the South — some who had been there for as long as 451 days simply because they could not afford to post bail

Christy Thornton: An Empire Upside Down

New directions in Trump’s approach to Latin America reveal the changed status of U.S. influence in the region

Tom Engelhardt: Pardon Me!

High Crimes and Demeanors in the Age of Trump

David Levin: The 1997 UPS Strike

Beating Big Business & Business Unionism

Jon Marcus: Suburban Schools Inflating Kids’ Grades

Middle-class high-schoolers aren’t getting any smarter, but their GPAs are rising—and that’s pushing their poor peers further behind

Robert Fisk: The death of an Irishman

What the death of an Irishman who lost his life fighting for Britain can tell us about the stupidity of Brexit

Juan Cole: Dangerously close to Neo-Nazis

The German minister of justice, Jeff Sessions’ counterpart, Heiko Maas, said it was “unbearable” for Trump to gloss over the violence that occurred during the march of a “right wing horde” on Charlottesville

Dave Zirin: Trump’s Message: #NotAllNazis

The press conference of August 15th will live in infamy

John Eskow: Among the Racists

I have walked among them since I first learned to walk.  They surrounded me in blue-collar Utica, New York–an early capitol of Rust Belt America, back in the 1950s, where “nigger” was an all-purpose, white-on-white epithet on the Little League diamonds and basketball courts—though I never saw a black person in the flesh until I Read more…

Rabbi michael Lerner: Staying Power of Racism After Charlottesville

When a Left starts to talk about a world based on love and justice, and shows genuine compassion for those not yet in their ranks

Sylvestre Mido: Congo Genocide

Interview about the the 1998 invasion of the Congo by the US puppet armies of Rwanda and Uganda and its consequences almost two decades on

Juan Cole: Fascism in Charlottesville

Why it had a monopoly on violence & Intimidation

Joseph Essertier: Why North Korea Acquired Nukes

The near obliteration of infrastructure in Korea and the resultant suffering must remain deeply entrenched in the memories of North Koreans

Rural America In These Times: Ousting Corporations from Election

A community rights group in Youngstown, Ohio, is attempting to amend their city’s charter in order to ban corporate interference in their local elections

George Michael: America’s right-wing populist movement

The seeds of the alt-right

Peter Beinart: What Trump Gets Wrong About Antifa

If the president is concerned about violence on the left, he can start by fighting the white supremacist movements whose growth has fueled its rise

Fatima Hussein: Who Gets to Vote in Indiana?

State and local Republicans have expanded early voting in GOP-dominated areas and restricted it in Democratic areas, prompting a significant change in Central Indiana voting patterns

Kelly Hayes: A Letter to the Left

Healing and building are where the bulk of our energies belong right now, because getting our shit together is a task more important than any one action, and in this moment, I am terrified of what failure looks like

David Swanson: Top 10 Misconceptions About Charlottesville

The military and militarized police are not here to protect you

Marjorie Cohn: Catastrophic and Illegal

As Special Counsel Robert Mueller impanels two grand juries to investigate Donald Trump and his associates, and former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort’s home is searched, Trump needs to distract attention from the investigation into his alleged wrongdoing. North Korea has provided just such a distraction — albeit a potentially catastrophic one. On Tuesday, Trump Read more…

Glenn Greenwald: The Misguided Attacks on ACLU

That anyone who defends the legal rights of terrorists or gives them a platform is culpable for the violence they commit has been standard neoconservative and far right cant for decades

Rebecca Gordon: When All the World’s a War…

And All the Men and Women Merely Soldiers

Lawrence Davidson: Education and Ideology

Our self-destructive stubbornness is a function of a successful, ideologically managed education

Greg Palast: A Gun In His Face

The Virginia story is not over

J. F. Conway: Venezuela: Target of Economic Warfare

One reason Maduro is so despised by the opposition is that he refuses to follow the neoliberal economic prescription of austerity, privatization, deregulation, etc.

Dave Zirin: Will Charlottesville Provoke White Athletes?

Want to demoralize the fascist right? We need their white athletic heroes telling them to go to hell

A.C. Thompson: New Generation of White Supremacists

A group that included many people who were college-educated or ex-military displayed effective planning. “White people are pretty good at getting organized,” said one.

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