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Constitutional crisis leaves Turnbull government fighting for its political life

Nick Xenophon has blamed political opponents for fresh doubts over his citizenship status, which could see him dealt out of Parliament, as the Turnbull government fights for its political life.

The key crossbencher, whose support can make or break government bills, is urgently seeking clarification over his citizenship status after questions were raised over his father's nationality.

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SA senator Nick Xenophon is checking his citizenship status after suggestions he inherited UK citizenship from his father.

 Theo Xenophou was born in Cyprus, which remained a British colony until 1960. He migrated to Australia in 1950, where Senator Xenophon was born. Travel documents show Theo came to Australia on a British passport. 

While the South Australian senator has renounced Greek citizenship, which he automatically received from his mother, he was not aware he held possible British citizenship until a journalist contacted him late last week.

Senator Xenophon said he would seek advice from the British Home Office on his status, and then, if necessary, refer himself to the High Court, but would remain in Parliament until there was a ruling. 

But he said he would leave his fate up to the court.


"You let it go to the High Court, that is what you do. That is the appropriate thing to do, I think," he said.

Senator Xenophon became the fifth senator under a question of eligibility due to dual citizenship, after One Nation's Malcolm Roberts and National senators Barnaby Joyce, Fiona Nash and Matt Canavan were all referred to the High Court.

He blamed Labor for his predicament.

"I consider I have renounced in terms of Cyprus and Greece, and there is now this technical issue, which some of my political opponents are taunting me in the corridors saying that they are going to get me. 

"It is really quite pathetic," he said.

"…I have been told that it is the opposition. I am not complaining about it, both sides hate me so one party is going to do it, eventually."

Senator Xenophon said he expected to receive confirmation of his status over the weekend and would release the information when it came to hand.

The news bookends a horror week for the Turnbull government, which is relying on Solicitor-General advice that its MPs have a solid case under High Court tests, as Mr Joyce, Senator Canavan and Senator Nash fight for their political futures.  

Mr Joyce is the second government lower house MP to have potentially fallen foul of section 44, with the High Court also looking at whether assistant Health Minister David Gillespie had a potential indirect financial interest in the Commonwealth, which is also grounds for disqualification under the constitution.  

Speculation continues to mount at least one Liberal MP does not have their paperwork in order, while Labor remains poised to pull its own trigger if the government takes its "nuclear option" and refers the five opposition MPs it believes have not proven their citizenship status, by sending a list of eight government MPs to the court.

The constitutional crisis has left the government on tenterhooks, as it attempts to keep its one-seat majority on track.  After advising Senator Canavan to sacrifice his cabinet position, as he awaits his fate with the court, the government has stubbornly held on to Mr Joyce and Senator Nash's cabinet votes in the face of staunch opposition attack.

But while former Liberal senator Cory Bernardi has called for Parliament to be suspended while the citizenship crisis is cleared up, Labor, the Greens and One Nation have ruled out supporting a proroguing of Parliament, while the crossbench continues to call for a citizenship audit of all MPs.

So far Government House has not been briefed on the crisis, but the government is keenly awaiting the directions hearing for its three National MPs and One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts next Thursday, as it plots its next move.