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Perth man admits importing child sex dolls

A Perth father has admitted importing life-like sex dolls that resemble children.

Hayden Cole, 40, appeared in Perth Magistrates Court on Friday where he pleaded guilty to two counts of importing prohibited Tier Two goods without approval in June and November last year.

The Australian Border Force cracked down on the dolls and have seized at least 18 consignments of them sent from overseas since 2013.

The life-size dolls, which resemble children as young as five and are sold wearing lingerie, have movable joints and come with heating instructions.

A child sex doll manufacturer claimed the dolls could be used to help paedophiles control their urges, however experts have said there is no evidence to support this and warned products normalising children in sexualised ways could reinforce paedophilic behaviour.

A Department of Immigration and Border Protection spokeswoman told Fairfax Media in August last year the possession of "anatomically correct child dolls" was an offence because they were considered child exploitation material.


An Australian Federal Police spokeswoman condemned all forms of child exploitation, including sexual gratification activities using items depicting children.

"The AFP continues to work closely with the Australian Border Force and state police agencies to bring before the courts those that seek to possess or are in possession of a child sex doll," she said.

Cole's bail was renewed and he is due to face court again in October.

- with AAP