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Recent Video

Naomi Klein: Obama Is Beginning to Sound Like a Climate Leader, When Will He Act Like One?

As scientists warn 2015 is on pace to become the Earth’s hottest year on record, President Obama has unveiled his long-awaited plan to slash carbon emissions from U.S. power plants

Elizabeth Warren: I stand with Planned Parenthood

Senator Elizabeth Warren delivers a speech about the Republican vote to defund Planned Parenthood on the Senate floor on August 3, 2015.

Susan George: Power at Stake

Susan George looks back at her four decades of scholarship to explain what led her to write her different books, how it formed her vision of power and the best ways to challenge the Davos class in order to deliver a more just world

Noam Chomsky: ‘What exactly is the threat of Iran?’

Interview on why there was no need for a nuclear deal.

Medea Benjamin: Assata, Guantánamo and Trade as Cuban Flag Rises in Washington

The last time the United States and Cuba had diplomatic ties, President Dwight Eisenhower was in office

Costas Lapavitsas: Exit as the Only Strategy for Greek People

In a speech in Athens, Costas Lapavitsas says the Syriza plan was to achieve radical change within the Eurozone – and that’s impossible

Dimitri Lascaris: #ThisIsACoup

The humiliating offer presented by Eurozone finance ministers to the Greek government is designed to bring down Syriza

Yanis Varoufakis: Talking to Yanis Varoufakis

Harald Schumann On The Trail – Talking to Yanis Varoufakis

Paul Mason: “A Europe of Equals”

A report from Athens as Greek Voters Seek Alternatives to Austerity

Costas Lapavitsas: Syriza MP: It’s Time to Take Over the Banks

Interview on what the Greek people are willing to say yes to

Noam Chomsky: Greece Faces “Savage Response” For Taking on Austerity “Class War”

Interview on Europe’s “savage response” to the pushback against austerity demands

Bill Fletcher: Extreme Xenophobia in the Dominican Republic

A look at the prejudice currently in the Dominican Republic, the history of segregation in public spaces, and a special comment on the Charleston shooting.

Vijay Prashad: Israel’s Foreign Ministry Report Says Attacks on Palestinian Children and Civilians Were “Legitimate”

According to a report, even the killing of the boys playing ball on the beach by Israeli military last year before the international press was deemed a legitimate act of war

Russell Brand: Why Would Fox Defend Police Pulling Guns On Children?

Discussion on how Fox News reacts to the video that shows a policeman pointing a gun at children at a pool party in Texas

Amy Goodman: Backlash Against TPP Grows as Leaked Text Reveals Increased Corporate Control of Public Health

Newly revealed details of the draft show the TPP would give major pharmaceutical companies more power over public access to medicine and weaken public healthcare programs

Glenn Greenwald: Extremely Vulnerable

The large tech companies like Google and Microsoft and Apple collaborated very aggressively with the NSA in turning over their users’ data without much protest

Ed Begley Jr: ‘Climate Change Deniers Are Like Alcoholics’

Interview on environmental activism, climate change, the California drought and the future of our planet

Julian Assange: The Untold Story of the Grounding of Evo Morales’ Plane During Edward Snowden Manhunt

Interview on why that plane was targeted

Noam Chomsky: On Being Truly Educated

An interview on how education should really work

Guerrilla Translation: Municipal Recipes

Since the 15M movement, Spain has seen the rise of a democratic revolution from the bottom up

Norman Finkelstein: Israel’s Iron Dome and Palestinian Armed Resistance

Analyzing Hamas rocket attacks and Israel’s claims of self defense

Charles Glass: Who’s Supporting Assad?

Interview on America’s uncertain foreign policy in the region and the underlying forces propping up Assad’s government

Matt Taibbi: Baltimore, Freddie Gray and How Legal System Covers Up Police Violence

New cellphone video sheds light on Freddie Gray’s fatal journey in a Baltimore police van

Jon Schwarz: I.F. Stone’s One Weird Trick to Do Great Journalism

If you don’t know Stone but want to find out why he’s so beloved, the videos describe his approach and some of his accomplishments

Robert Scheer: They Know Everything About You

Discussion on how data-collection began as a commercial enterprise that was eventually co-opted by the state

Zarna Joshi: Seattle Mobilizes to Shut Down Shell Operations to Protest Arctic Oil Drilling

The Port of Seattle has voted to seek the blockade of rigs used by the oil giant Shell for its planned drilling in the Arctic this summer

Paul Jay: Was Baltimore’s Curfew a Dress Rehearsal for Martial Law?

Discussing the legality of Freddie Gray’s arrest

Noam Chomsky: Science at MIT: From the Cold War to Climate Change

Discussion on how scientific research at MIT has been affected for the past 50+ years by its relationship with outside funding agencies, in particular the US military

Henry A. Giroux: On the Struggle for a Cohesive Left

Interview on the failures of the liberal class, the limitations of our existing commercial/corporate media structure, and the need for alternative approaches to education

Tom Hayden: History Repeats? Activist Tom Hayden on Police Brutality Protests from the 1960s to Baltimore

“Baltimore today was everywhere in 1967, 1968”

Nikos Katsiaounis: Greek Book Publishing in a Time of Crisis

The Greek social and material crisis has forced many book stores and publishers to close while writers and readers are considering new political ideas

@hotdamnirock: Thoughts On Freddie Grey Protest by a Young Baltimore Resident

A call for disciplined protest from a young Baltimore resident

Randy Newman: Baltimore

Randy Newman’s Song of pain from the Album Little Criminals (1977)

Norman Finkelstein: Current Realities of the Israel-Palestine Conflict

Norman Finkelstein at Syracuse University on April 23, 2015

Eddie Conway: Freddie Gray Laid to Rest, Baltimore Youth Rise Up

A report on Freddie Gray’s funeral explaining the context for the outburst of anger and frustration by youth in Baltimore

Kostas Arvanitis: Sto Kokkino on Media & Crisis in Greece

Interview with the Director of one of Greece’s largest media networks, the Syriza affiliated “Sto Kokkino,” which in English translates to “In the Red”

Noam Chomsky: Media, NATO, ISIS, Free Trade Agreements & Humanity

Interview on the alternative media, activism and a host of other related issues

Yanis Varoufakis: The Medicine of Austerity Is Not Working, We Need a New Treatment

The creditors are reportedly pressuring the country to restructure its labor market and curtail its pension system; Syriza has instead done the opposite by increasing pension payments to lower-wage workers

Noam Chomsky: If US wants to study ‘weaponization’ of media, US should study itself

America’s media machine has been spreading its own form of propaganda throughout the world, while at the same time refusing to acknowledge its own culpability in international conflicts

Noam Chomsky: Yemen is the most extraordinary global terrorism campaign in history

Could US hegemony be coming to an end?

Yanis Varoufakis: On the Eurozone Crisis

In conversation with Joseph Stiglitz on the Eurozone Crisis – at the INET – OECD conference, 9 April 2015

Talia Rothstein: Harvard Students Expand Blockade Calling for School to Divest from Fossil Fuels

Students at Harvard University have expanded their blockade of key administration offices while calling on the school to divest from fossil fuels

Muhiyidin d’Baha: Black Lives Matter Activists in South Carolina Demand Reform

Cries of “Black Lives Matter” continue to ring out across the country after new police killings of unarmed African Americans

Amy Goodman: As Video Exposes Walter Scott Police Killing, Why Is the Man Who Filmed Eric Garner’s Death in Jail?

Inteview with Ramsey Orta’s aunt, Lisa Mercado, as well as Orta family attorneys, William Aronin and Ken Perry

William D. Hartung: Are Obama’s Record Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt and Iraq Fueling Unrest in Middle East?

“the Obama administration has approved more arms sales than any U.S. administration since World War II”

Noam Chomsky: On Everything

Noam Chomsky is interviewed by a very prominent physicist on a variety of topics

Vijay Prashad: The Geopolitics of Iran’s Nuclear Program

The Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs held a lecture entitled:
The Geopolitics of Iran’s Nuclear Program with Vijay Prashad

Bruce Schneier: Data and Goliath: Bruce Schneier on the Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World

On the Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World

Trita Parsi: Iran Nuclear Talks Near Deadline Amid “Air of Inevitability Combined with Tremendous Uncertainty”

Talks over a nuclear deal with Iran are in their final stages

Samir Amin: The World Social Forum, Globalization & the Barbarism of Capitalism

Tens of thousands gather for the World Social Forum in Tunis, Tunisia

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