
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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General statistics

While you read this, Wikipedia and its sister projects develop at a rate of over 10 edits per second, performed by editors from all over the world.[1] Currently, the English Wikipedia includes 5,443,870 articles and it averages 750 new articles per day.[2] This amount of data can be analysed in a huge number of ways. The best way to get an idea of the bigger picture is with statistics.

This page shows some figures about Wikipedia, analysis of different patterns and compiles related tools, covering various aspects of Wikipedia, whether as an encyclopedia, a website, or a community. Some provide current snapshots and others track growth and development over time. It includes also frameworks and datasets that can help you in creating your own statistics.


English Wikipedia (update)
Articles 5,443,870
Pages 42,542,967
Files 852,677
Edits 900,566,840
Users 31,382,639
Admins 1,257
Active users[note 1] 115,233
See more


A number of analysis of wiki metrics like edits, page creation, visits and links. In the form of lists, tables and rankings.


Articles and edits



Page views[edit]

Deletion and vandalism statistics[edit]


The following tools include artistic, graphs, maps and other visualization projects.


  • mediawiki-utilities – A set of utilities for accessing and processing MediaWiki data, including XML dumps


There are available some datasets that you can download and process:

Archived statistics[edit]

The following statistical resources are currently unavailable or no longer updated, and listed for historical interest. They are sorted by the month in which they were last updated:

Archived analysis[edit]

See also[edit]


  1. ^ Registered users who have performed an action in the last 30 days; the number of unregistered active users is not compiled


External links[edit]