ACT News


Canberra prepares for Australian Beard Day celebrations on Sunday

An Amish man, an Englishman and an Alaskan whaler walked into a Canberra bar.

Sound like the start of a bad joke? On any other day but this coming Sunday you may be right.

At King O'Malley's bar on Sunday the Beard and Moustache Club of Canberra will gather to celebrate Australian Beard Day in support of the White Ribbon charity.

Club president Matt Leonard – himself sporting an "English moustache" with full-length goatee – said the event would showcase the best beards the capital could offer.

"If you've got a great moustache come along. If you've got a great goatee, come along," he said.

"Maybe you've got an Alaskan whaler, which is a beard from ear to ear with no moustache and kept to a certain length.


"Or you can go an Amish, which is similar to the Alaskan whaler but at full length."

The event was planned to coincide with White Ribbon's Grow a Winter Beard domestic violence awareness campaign.

And while the day promised to be a fun and light-hearted affair, there would still be the chance to tackle more serious issues.

"This is a place where you can come along, share a joke, have a chat, and if you have some issues you can have a chat without being judged," Mr Leonard said.

"That's the general premise behind the club."

The day was by no means a male-only affair, Mr Leonard added, and nor was it exclusively the domain of the gloriously hirsute.

"We've had some good support from some big names and we've even got a couple of members of the band The Beards coming along.

"It's a good fun day, it is family friendly and the bearded and non-bearded alike are all welcome.

"Come along. It's all about enjoying facial hair. But that doesn't mean you have to have it." 

Doors will open at 11am on Sunday at King O'Malley's pub in the Canberra city centre.

The event will include live music as well as a best beard competition. Entry is a gold coin donation.