Stockland rediscovers apartments, says 'walkable' property gains value faster

It's all about the walking: Stockland chief executive Mark Steinert says 'walkable' residential developments rise faster ...
It's all about the walking: Stockland chief executive Mark Steinert says 'walkable' residential developments rise faster in value. Jessica Hromas

Stockland says property values rise faster in areas where people walk more and drive less and the country's largest developer is focusing on 'walkability' as it moves back into the apartment market. 

The company's return to higher-density development after a five-year hiatus, which it said was buoying its pipeline of residential development and boosting profit margin, is providing a model for suburban development as Australian cities increase in density and accommodate growing numbers of people in established areas. 

Residential developments such as the mixed-use Balgowlah development in Sydney's Manly, which fit with existing transport and make walking a better option than driving, perform better in a financial sense, Stockland chief executive Mark Steinert said. 

"If you look at, certainly, maturer town centres and walkable urbanism in the Stockland portfolio... they're double-digit premiums," Mr Steinert told AFR Weekend. "Cardinal Freeman [retirement village in Sydney's inner-western Ashfield], which is walkable urbanism for over-55s... is achieving a relative premium to the surrounding neighbourhood."

"This kind of development is far more complex and risky than conventional sprawl': George Washington University ...
"This kind of development is far more complex and risky than conventional sprawl': George Washington University professor Christopher Leinberge at Stockland's Balgowlah mixed-used development in Sydney's Manly. Nick Moir

The boost to retail property was even higher, he said. 

"When you look at the Balgowlah retail, it does absolutely display those 40 to 70 per cent-type value premiums, rental premiums," Mr Steinert said. "In fact, it's even higher. And that's because the desireability and ease of access and being central to the broader community is driving very high foot traffic, very high relative sales per square metre, which creates sustainable rent in those centres."

The company is tapping into research by George Washington University professor of urban real estate Christopher Leinberger, who found an average 150 per cent value premium in New York for 'walkable' real estate, compared with the lower-density 'driveable sub-urban' alternative. 

'Walkable' refers to higher density development, with multiple real estate product types in close proximity or within the same property, with nearly everything within walking distance and connected by multiple options for transportation to other centres. 

Prof Leiberger was also a creator of the Walk Score app that rates urban areas by the number of consumer destinations such as schools and shops within walking distance of dwellings and rates them on a scale between 0 (car dependent) and 100 (most walkable). One US study found a rise of between $US700 ($884) and $3000 for every one-point increase in walk score of an area. 

In some ways, Stockland is rediscovering lessons it previously learnt about mixed-used developments and then lost, said Prof Leinberger, who consulted to the company on a liveability index it launched last week rating its residential developments. 

"Stockland undertook the Balgowlah development before the GFC as the most mixed-use, walkable urban project of its initial set of projects with a walkable-orientation," he told AFR Weekend. "Putting retail, office and residential in a high density project was cutting edge then, especially for a publicly traded company."

The global financial crisis put a hold on these developments worldwide, however, Prof Leinberger said. 

"This kind of development is far more complex and risky than conventional sprawl," he said. "Few companies have a successful track record producing this new way of building so the public markets have been hesitant to support it. However, [with] the combination of better known valuation premiums caused by the pent-up market demand and successes like Balgowlah, the investment analysts are beginning to encourage this approach to development."

Mr Steinert agreed, saying the company's renewed focus was taking it "back to the future".  

"We pulled away from apartments through the GFC as we were seeking to maintain overall profile," he said. "So certainly since I've been in the role we've had a heavy focus on re-engaging with walkable urbanism around apartment product and certainly seeking to replicate the Balgowlah-like projects, and Cardinal Freeman is a great example of that. And we anticipate that a range of other projects including Merrylands [in western Sydney] and Schofields [in northwest Sydney]... will replicate that."