The US is being torn apart and Donald Trump is feeding the frenzy

"Donald Trump has apparently given permission to white supremacists to come out of the closet," says University of Texas ...
"Donald Trump has apparently given permission to white supremacists to come out of the closet," says University of Texas political historian HW Brands. David Rowe

A divided United States of America under the leadership of Donald Trump struck a devastating watershed moment this past week.

President Trump's moral authority and credibility among Republican Party politicians and the business community is shattered.

It surely cannot augur well for the remainder of the Trump presidency. He has isolated himself in a highly self-destructive way.

In the wake of violent racist riots in Virginia last weekend, America's culture wars over identity, race and history have bubbled back through the cracks.

Polls suggest that the political and business class are out of touch with many ordinary conservative Americans: 67 per ...
Polls suggest that the political and business class are out of touch with many ordinary conservative Americans: 67 per cent of Republicans approved of Trump's contentious responses to the Charlottesville riots. Steve Helber

Fanned by Trump, identity politics from both the right and the left, is corroding a torn American fabric.

Trump seeks to exploit the country's divisions to fire up his ardent supporters, rather than heal the wounds. Trump's base is his leverage over Republicans in Congress.

In an astounding interview this week with American Prospect, Trump's chief strategist Stephen Bannon talked up the political benefits of Trump embracing culture wars.

"The longer they talk about identity politics, I got 'em," Bannon said of Democrats. "I want them to talk about racism every day. If the left is focused on race and identity, and we go with economic nationalism, we can crush the Democrats."

It is instructive that hanging in Trump's Oval Office is a portrait of the firebrand president Andrew Jackson, who championed the "common man" against a "corrupt aristocracy".

In an astounding interview this week with American Prospect, Trump's chief strategist Stephen Bannon talked up the ...
In an astounding interview this week with American Prospect, Trump's chief strategist Stephen Bannon talked up the political benefits of Trump embracing culture wars. AP

Suggesting that the political and business class are out of touch with many ordinary conservative Americans, 67 per cent of Republicans approved of Trump's contentious responses to the Charlottesville riots, a CBS poll showed.

Some 55 per cent of overall Americans disapproved.

Trump will not unite the country. Barack Obama tried, but couldn't. Trump does not attempt to and won't.

Elected Republicans, (although not grassroots supporters) are crab-walking away from Trump. "I am not going to defend the indefensible," said Tim Scott, the first black Republican senator elected since the 1960s.

Only a few, so far, are prepared to explicitly denounce Trump by name.

In a stunning break, veteran Republican Senator and former Trump ally, Bob Corker, issued a damning critique of his own party's President.

The President had failed to demonstrate the required "stability" or "competence, lamented Corker. "He also recently has not demonstrated that he understands the character of this nation," Corker said.

"He has not demonstrated that he understands what has made this nation great and what it is today. And he's got to demonstrate the characteristics of a president who understands that. Without the things I just mentioned happening, our nation is going to go through great peril."

As the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and a former candidate to be Trump's secretary of state, Corker presumably realises that America's international respect is plunging under Trump.

Former Central Intelligence Agency director John Brennan said this week: "If allowed to continue along this senseless path, Mr Trump will do lasting harm to American society and to our standing in the world."

Even media magnate James Murdoch despaired, writing in a private – but leaked – email of his misgivings the President had not closed down race-hatred this week.

Defiantly, in the wake of the mass terrorist attack in Spain, Trump tripled down on his divisive racially and religiously loaded rhetoric:

"Study what General Pershing of the United States did to terrorists when caught. There was no more Radical Islamic Terror for 35 years!" Trump tweeted.

Trump recycled a mythological story from the early 1900s that US General John "Black Jack" Pershing, who became a governor in the Philippines, had 49 rebel Muslims executed with bullets dipped in pig's blood.

The 50th insurgent, according to the debunked legend, was said to have been spared to spread fear to other remaining rebels. Peace, allegedly, ensued for decades.

While Trump rushed to call out Islamicist terrorism in Barcelona within minutes of the attack, he took 48 hours to explicitly identify the KKK, neo-Nazi, and white supremacists in Charlottesville. Later he equivocated on who was to blame in the race conflict.

Dozens of blue chip chief executives this week abandoned the most pro-business president in decades, quitting his corporate advisory councils.

Mr Trump seems unwilling to build bridges with the sensible centre, political establishment or business class which never really believed in Trump the person, as much as they hoped for Trump the potential tax cutter, red tape slasher and infrastructure builder.

Carl Bernstein, the legendary Watergate investigative reporter remarked on US television this week that, there is a consensus developing in the military, intelligence community, Republicans in Congress and business that Trump "is unfit to be the President".

Wall Street investors are belatedly waking up.

US stocks plunged before the weekend and rumours swirled about the professional future of respected White House economic adviser Gary Cohn, who reportedly took great offence to Trump's twisting and turning response to the Charlottesville travesty.

Trump apportioned some blame to clashing counter-protesters, who included university students and trouble-making anarchists. A Nazi-sympathiser killed a woman and injured 20 by ploughing his car through a crowd of leftist activists. There were some "very fine people" on both sides, Trump defiantly said.

At a time of national crisis when simple moral clarity was desperately needed, the political and business classes are outraged that Trump did not consistently and unequivocally denounce violent protests by members of the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis and white supremacists in Virginia.

"This is a time for moral clarity, not ambivalence," former Republican Florida governor and presidential candidate Jeb Bush said.

"For the sake of our country he must leave no room for doubt that racism and hatred will not be tolerated or ignored by his White House."

More violent Charlottesville-like incidents await. White nationalists such as KKK member David Duke feel emboldened by Trump's ambiguous reactions.

The violent "Unite the Right" rally in Virginia was premised on retaining a statue of the revered Confederate military hero, General Robert E Lee. He led the south's fight against the Union in the 1860s, largely in an effort to retain state rights over black slavery.

In a barrage of tweets, Trump tried to shift the focus from Charlottesville to a debate about Civil War monuments.

He reached out to southern conservatives, tweeting that it was, "Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart" by cities taking down Civil War statues commemorating Confederate icons.

"You can't change history, but you can learn from it. Robert E Lee, Stonewall Jackson – who's next, Washington, Jefferson? So foolish!"

There is a legitimate debate about whether Civil War monuments should be removed or be adjusted to give more context.

To many southern conservatives, the figures are a mark of history, not racism, and removing them is akin to erasing history.

"People remember that their grandfathers or great grandfathers fought for Tennessee or Texas or Virginia and that they fought out of an honest sense that their state had been invaded and was threatened," says University of Texas political historian HW Brands.

Seventy per cent of Trump voters say they support public Confederate memorials like statues, according to Public Policy Polling.

But to most progressives and African Americans, the Confederate statues are commemorating racism.

They point out most of the statues were not built soon after the war, but rather around half a century later between the 1890s and 1920s when the KKK re-emerged as a power and during the Jim Crow segregation era in the south.

"They tell us more about the time they were financed and erected than they do about the Civil War," says Brian Balogh, history professor at the University of Virginia and co-host of the BackStory podcast.

Leftist activists have done themselves no favours by illegally cutting down and vandalising statues in states such as Atlanta, North Carolina, Kentucky and Tennessee.

The mainstream media's reaction to Trump's twisting and turning remarks on Charlottesville were blown out of proportion, according to grassroots conservatives.

Gina Pimentel, a conservative office property manager from Maryland, says the media is "jumping all over him" and helps "fuels" the divisions.

"It's almost as if the media is stirring the pot," she says.

"It worries me where the state of the country is heading fighting amongst ourselves."

"We're going to have another war inside our country," she says, half-seriously.

Trump is not without support among elected Republicans.

The governor of the northern state of Maine, Paul LePage, likened the removal of Confederate statues like taking down monuments fro the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks. He argued that white nationalist and far-left protesters in Charlottesville were "equally as bad" and "disgusting."

Throughout history, American society has periodically endured upheavals, especially during periods of economic and cultural change.

Colonial protests in 1765 against British taxation planted the seeds for independence that ignited the American Revolution a decade later.

In the 1860s, civil unrest broke out during the civil war and the reconstruction in the aftermath.

Around the early parts of the 20th century, Jim Crow legitimised segregation in the south.

The 1930s were crippled by the Great Depression

During the 1960s, Civil Rights era upheavals surged.

Today globalisation, digitalisation of the economy, immigration, terrorism and religious clashes inflame tensions.

Trump exposes the energetic malcontents. Cultural conservatives feel society is changing too quickly on issues like black and gay rights, transgender toilets, immigration and political correctness.

White working class men feel alienated by the disappearance of manufacturing jobs and are slipping into opioid addictions.

White nationalists feel resurgent. Until Trump's rise, white supremacists retained a low-profile since the 1960s.

They used to wear hoods to cover their faces. This past week hundreds walked openly in front of television brandishing bats, fire torches and yelling racist chants, "Jews will not replace us".

Historian Brands observes, "Donald Trump has apparently given permission to white supremacists to come out of the closet."

"We're going to see more of this civil unrest because the alt-right and Antifa movement came away from Charlottesville saying 'we won'."

"There will be more clashes, bloody noses. I hope there will be no more deaths," Brands says.