Pauline Hanson exposes her real agenda

Hanson cut to her real agenda when she told the Senate: "I will say it again: Muslims determine the electoral outcomes ...
Hanson cut to her real agenda when she told the Senate: "I will say it again: Muslims determine the electoral outcomes in up to 15 lower house seats." Andrew Meares

Jonathon Duniam is not a name you may have heard. He is a Liberal senator from Tasmania and was on his feet in the Senate on Thursday afternoon, dutifully asking a "Dorothy Dix" question of Employment Minister Michaelia Cash about the evils of trade unions (ie Bill Shorten's evil ways) when Hansard, the official record of parliamentary proceedings, recorded the following moment for posterity:

"Senator Hanson having entered the chamber

Senator Duniam: What on earth?

Honourable senators interjecting

At which point Senator dramatically ripped off the veil to ask Brandis whether, "in light of what is happening with ...
At which point Senator dramatically ripped off the veil to ask Brandis whether, "in light of what is happening with national security", the government would ban the burqa. Lukas Coch

"The President [Senator Stephen Parry]: Senators, order! I've been advised by the clerk via the attendant that the identity of Senator Hanson was established before she entered the chamber. I'm just going to reflect on the mode of dress that Senator Hanson is using. We'll continue with question time."

The way mainstream politics responds to fringe political groups, or even violent extremists, has been under the spotlight in Australia and the United States this week, just as much as the actions of these groups themselves.

In the United States, the ongoing flailing about of the political establishment – particularly the Republican Party – to find a way to deal with the far right only became a million times more difficult this week with the failure of the US President to lay blame for the murder of a young woman, mown down by a car, with the far-right political groups with which the driver was identified.

Donald Trump's erratic responses and comments on the incident in Charlottesville was only ever going to become more complicated when a similar incident, claimed by ISIS, killed 13 people in Barcelona early on Friday morning, Australian time.

Culture wars

There are not actually any real rules about what people can wear in the chamber these days, and Hanson's arrival, aside ...
There are not actually any real rules about what people can wear in the chamber these days, and Hanson's arrival, aside from leaving Senator Duniam perplexed, clearly left Senate President Stephen Parry unsure how to proceed. Alex Ellinghausen

The culture wars, the dalliance with the far right, that the Republicans were more than happy to fuel for the past few decades, have now jumped the fence and they seem incapable of knowing what to do about them. Two former Republican presidents joined the condemnation of Trump this week, but to little effect.

These groups and their actions pose a disruption to mainstream politics which make a focus on more substantive issues difficult. Issues such as global warming, immigration, homosexuality and censorship have been ruthlessly used in US and Australian "culture wars".

These have ranged from interpretations of Aboriginal history and accusations of "political correctness", to attacks on climate science and have distorted and distracted from debates that seek to bring governments to account or change government policies. Their abuse by the major parties have given licence to the fringe to attack them even more violently.

In Canberra, the shock and outrage of senators in the chamber when Pauline Hanson walked in wearing a burqa on Thursday was palpable.

The government leader in the Senate, George Brandis, has never been the most popular figure amongst his Senate colleagues who regard him as incredibly high-handed and a bad negotiator.

But Thursday – at the end of a bizarre parliamentary week in which the government was reeling from a constitutional crisis over the deputy prime minister's eligibility to sit in parliament – was generally regarded as one of his finest hours.

There are not actually any real rules about what people can wear in the chamber these days, and Hanson's arrival, aside from leaving Senator Duniam perplexed, clearly left Senate President Stephen Parry unsure how to proceed.

While her two One Nation colleagues sniggered and guffawed behind her, Hanson sat in the chamber in her burqa and was even given the call to ask a question, at which point she dramatically ripped off the veil to ask Brandis whether "in light of what is happening with national security", the government would ban the burqa.

"Senator Hanson, no, we will not be banning the burqa," Brandis responded angrily. "Now, Senator Hanson, I am not going to pretend to ignore the stunt that you have tried to pull today by arriving in the chamber dressed in a burqa when we all know that you are not an adherent of the Islamic faith."

'An appalling thing to do'

And on he went, voice breaking, to challenge Hanson's linking of the burqa to national security and telling her that it had been the advice of security agencies with whom he had worked for the past four years "that it is vital for their intelligence and law enforcement work that they work cooperatively with the Muslim community".

"To ridicule that community, to drive it into a corner, to mock its religious garments is an appalling thing to do and I would ask you to reflect on what you have done," he said.

Brandis' comments received a standing ovation from Labor and the cross benches and the applause of his colleagues.

Yet the real problem in the Australian response to Hanson is that there is still a great ambiguity about what is at issue.

Hanson asserted that the burqa is not "religious requirement", though most of those in the Senate who condemned her did so because of what they said was a religious attack.

Opposition Senate Leader Penny Wong said it was "one thing to wear religious dress as a sincere act of faith; it is another to wear it as a stunt here in the Senate chamber".

But there are greater and more disturbing ambiguities in what exactly is being discussed here.

Journalist David Marr, in his recent Quarterly Essay, dismissed the case that Hanson's political appeal lay with the economically disenfranchised and called her out much more simply as a racist.

Confused motion

Hanson seemed to confirm this in her confused motion on "national security" later on Thursday afternoon in the Senate.

Her motion wanted the Senate to note that violent extremism was being perpetrated in Australia by groups acting in the name of Islam and called on the government "to ban full face coverings in public places on the grounds of social cohesion", amongst other things.

Her only link between these two things was that "men disguised in burqas entered the Iranian parliament building and detonated a number of suicide devices".

The ironies of Hanson's claim – and her own behaviour on Thursday – are worth noting.

She asked Parliament House security to provide guards to escort her from her office – where she had donned the burqa (having already invited photographers to document this) – to the Senate chamber.

The five burly guards who dutifully surrounded her were a menacing enough presence to arouse the concern of Greens Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, who approached the burqa-clad woman in the corridor to see if she was okay.

Hanson was also not allowed into the chamber until she had been identified by attendants – something that would have occurred no matter who she was.

Yet Hanson claimed to the Senate that "when I walked from my office down to this chamber, I was not challenged once by any security guard to check to see that it was me under that veil. We have a real problem".

Hanson cut to her real agenda when she told the Senate: "I will say it again: Muslims determine the electoral outcomes in up to 15 lower house seats."

"The Muslim vote will continue to increase in importance because the high birth rates in Australian Muslim communities.

"If we do not draw a line in the sand against immigration from Islamic countries, the influence of Muslims in this country will continue to grow and Australia will continue down the path of Islamisation.

"We need to learn from other countries. We need to ban further Islamic immigration for at least five years, so that we can have the debate on the impact of Islam on our country before it is too late."

For now she has achieved her short-term result: yards of free publicity. But we should be under no illusions that her ultimate agenda pursues a racist, or religious-based immigration policy.