Banks ponder 'accountability maps' in the wake of CBA money laundering claims

Commonwealth Bank CEO Ian Narev will retire by June 2018.
Commonwealth Bank CEO Ian Narev will retire by June 2018. DEAN LEWINS

When Commonwealth Bank of Australia's outgoing chief executive Ian Narev flies to Canberra in mid-October to appear before the parliamentary committee investigating the major banks, executive accountability will be a prominent part of the inquisition.

After all, the House of Representatives standing committee on economics has been pressing the issue of individual responsibility within banks since its first hearing last October; its members have repeatedly appeared stunned that so few bankers have been dismissed after the string of scandals that kicked off intense scrutiny on the sector.

But in the wake of CBA's latest debacle over apparent anti-money laundering failures, questions about accountability for regulatory failings have become more pressing. It's also an issue banks are being forced to consider after the government announced the new Banking Executive Accountability Regime in this year's federal budget.

The CBA board has insisted on some high-level accountability for the alleged failures. CBA chairman Catherine Livingstone sliced to zero the short-term bonuses for Narev and his 11 group executives, costing them millions of dollars. Then on Monday this week she said chief executive Ian Narev would depart the bank by June next year once a successor is found.

But might Narev be the only executive to leave CBA after assuming some responsibility for the saga? Determining who is accountable for the latest blunders further down the employment chain will be more difficult, including for the Federal Court, which will hear the money laundering claims.

At CBA's full-year results on August 9, Narev suggested the bank's complex reporting structures could be one of the explanations for slow responses to requests from branch staff and the police to close drug traffickers' accounts. CBA has 51,800 staff.

"In a [bank] of this scale we do run a bit of a matrix organisation," Narev said. "...There are a number of different groups involved in this. Clearly part of what we look at when things like this occur is, are the accountabilities clear enough?"

The division of responsibility for various aspects of the so-called "intelligent deposit machines" at the centre of AUSTRAC's claims are a case in point.

Multiple teams had responsibility for the IDMs. They sit in branches managed by CBA's retail banking services division, whose group executive is Matt Comyn. The machines are coded by technology specialists in the enterprise services division, which reports to the chief information officer, David Whiteing.

Various risk management controls, including monitoring operational, compliance and reputation risk, were done by teams overseen by the chief risk officer, who was Alden Toevs in the relevant period. It is understood that responsibility for monitoring and responding to financial crimes was shared between risk and finance, the later overseen by the chief financial officer, who during the relevant period was David Craig. Toevs retired on June 30 2016 and Craig retired on June 30 this year.

The level of oversight and support from senior executives depended on requirements of both the business unit and technology teams. The bank's general counsel, who was David Cohen until he became chief risk officer in July 2016, had oversight of the bank's legislative obligations, its corporate governance and its external affairs.

Then there are dozens of executive general managers operating below the group executives with various responsibilities, including teams writing, testing and monitoring the algorithms that informed CBA's transaction surveillance systems. AUSTRAC alleges these failed to identify many suspicious customers and transactions.

It remains to be seen whether the matrix structure identified by Narev was a material cause of the alleged breaches and which teams were involved in the processes that appear to have broken down. But however the Federal Court resolves the case, banks are expecting an inevitable outcome will be the need to more clearly define executives' particular roles and responsibilities in order to satisfy regulators that responsibility for key functions has been properly allocated.

Even before the AUSTRAC case was lodged, banks were on notice the government wants them to lift their game on executive responsibility.

The Banking Executive Accountability Regime (BEAR), which as been modelled on a similar law in Britain known as the Senior Managers Regime, will require "accountable persons" to be registered with the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority and also introduce a system of "accountability maps". Treasury says this will make "it easier to hold an individual to account if he or she does not meet new expectations", by promoting a clear understanding of responsibilities on an individual level and the allocation of responsibilities across an entire bank.

"Boards have failed to hold senior bank executives accountable in the past. That needs to change," says Liberal MP David Coleman, chair of the house economics committee. "The BEAR will mean that responsibilities of executives will be required to be mapped very clearly – there will be nowhere to hide."

Angela Pearsall, a partner at Clifford Chance, describes accountability maps as a jigsaw, rather than a matrix.

"The whole point of BEAR will be to nominate senior employees with areas of accountability so they fit together like a jigsaw, with no gaps, and, ideally, no overlap," she says. "This came about from the examination post-GFC, given the matrix nature of banks and decisions by committees. When people are being appraised, they want all the responsibility they can get, but when regulators come knocking, they may be inclined to say 'I've got nothing to do with that'. Mapping provides absolutely clarity."

Yet the task of trying to pin down individual responsibility for an area of process when banks are not organised that way is not going to be easy, and may lead banks to think more about compliance and less about improving underlying culture, says Tim Bednall, a partner at King & Wood Mallesons.

"Indeed, it is going to be impossible to attribute accountability to one person only for many areas in the way it has been anticipated in the BEAR consultation paper," he says. "This regime completely undermines what it is supposed to be doing, which is increasing accountability. The world is not as simple as having an accountability map.

"The only purpose I can see is for APRA to tick boxes every 12 months to ensure people are accountable for things in the box, but I cannot see it having a positive benefit on the discharge of responsibilities of senior executives. Having been involved in the SMR for a couple of years in London, the only change I saw was an increase in compliance paperwork."

Mr Bednall says it is very hard to regulate culture. "From our experience, cultural accountability has to start with the board, and we have the tools in place to require boards to be accountable for culture of the bank. There has been a significant change for the better in organisational culture in Australian corporates over the last 10 years and things should be tackled from that perspective."

Former ANZ Banking Group director John Dahlsen agrees. BEAR may encourage the sort of "tick-a-box" compliance mentality that has brought on current problems and to really lift standards, boards should insist senior managers are more closely entwined with their staff, to create a culture of rapid response when serious problems are identified.

"It is extraordinary that the staff in several [CBA] branches became aware of the illegal activity and tried to get management to deal with the issue and it is extraordinary that a CEO would not be aware of the staff issues. This shows how remote the bank head office is – not only from customers, but from its staff," Dahlsen says.

"Some would argue that given the size and complexity of a bank, how could you expect the CEO to be aware of such issues? To my mind, that undermines the benefits that can be learned from being in close contact with the coalface through your employees. If CBA cannot handle it, then there is an argument that it should be broken up so that the parts can relate better to customers and staff, still get a very good return, and increase the choice and competition in the marketplace."