Telstra retail investors must brace for more dividend pain

Telstra CEO Andy Penn is having to deal with the $3 billion hit to proftis from the NBN.
Telstra CEO Andy Penn is having to deal with the $3 billion hit to proftis from the NBN. David Rowe

The 30 per cent cut to Telstra's dividend ends a decade long payout bonanza and marks the start of a continual decline in shareholder returns.

Telstra's large retail shareholder base must get used to the fact that the roll out of the NBN broadband network has put an end to Telstra operating like a fixed interest bond paying out 100 per cent of its earnings.

Telstra's dividend was one of the most predictable and secure income streams in Australia. It was 28 cents a share from 2006 to 2013 and then rose gradually to 31 cents a share in 2016 and 2017.

The company returned about $13 billion to shareholders between 2015 and 2017 through dividends and buybacks.

The cut in the annual dividend from 31¢ to 22¢ a share in 2018 is a taste of things to come.

The new payout ratio of 70 to 90 per cent of underlying earnings could see the dividend cut to 15¢ a share by 2020 based on the company's earnings trajectory.

The one silver lining

Chief executive Andy Penn is doing his best to make up the $3 billion hit to earnings from the NBN. So far he has come up with a $1.5 billion cost cutting plan and $500 million from strategic initiatives.

That leaves another $1 billion in earnings or cost cutting to fill the gap. His task will become more difficult as the NBN moves to completion because every NBN subscriber connected through Telstra earns a profit margin one tenth of the margin earned on Telstra's network.

Penn's revelation on Thursday that the negative earnings impact from the NBN would be $3 billion rather than in a range of $2 billion to $3 billion is cause for a reappraisal of the deal signed in 2014 to sell Telstra's copper network and hybrid fibre co-axial cable network to NBN Co.

At the time of the transaction the net present value of the NBN deal was expressed as $11 billion. On the surface that seemed like a good deal.

But investors were never told what the negative impact on earnings would be from what Penn calls the renationalisation of Telstra's core network. It was only in 2016, two years after the deal was signed, that Penn revealed the negative impact range of $2 billion to $3 billion.

In hindsight, Telstra's shareholders got a raw deal by giving up a third of the company's earnings in return for a net present value of $11 billion given the earnings multiples at that time. In 2014 the market capitalisation of Telstra was about $60 billion or six times EBITDA.

In other words, giving up $3 billion in EBITDA ought have been worth about $18 billion. Not only did shareholders get short changed on the sale of Telstra's monopoly assets it is arguable they were not served well by management's failure to quickly confront the NBN earnings hole.

Management had two NBN streams of income to play with when considering how to transition to significantly lower earnings. There were one-off NBN payments to Telstra for switching customers to the NBN and recurring payments to Telstra of about $1 billion a year for leasing access to Telstra's ducts, pipes and pits.

Instead of moving quickly to monetise the NBN payments and using the cash to gradually transition to a lower dividend payout ratio, the company used about $1.5 billion in one-off NBN payments to prop up the dividend at 31¢ a share. Another $4 billion in one-off NBN payments will be used to pay special dividends over the next four years.

It took the company 10 months to work out a plan for monetising the recurring NBN receipts which will hit $1 billion a year by the time the migration to the NBN is complete in 2020-21. It has to be said that the final plan for monetising the NBN receipts looks rushed.

The company said it planned to monetise about 40 per cent of the total long-term recurring NBN receipts that are ultimately expected. The deal is worth between $5 billion and $5.5 billion with Telstra retaining a 25 per cent stake in teh entity formed to own the income stream.

"Our intention would be to use the proceeds to reduce debt by around $1 billion, with the balance to support a capital management program to enhance shareholder returns, most likely through a series of on and off market buy-backs," the company said.

It looks like the company felt it had to come up with some form of capital management by results day to lessen the market impact of slashing the dividend. The monetisation plan is a complex proposal that requires many government approvals.

To add to the pressure from the looming NBN earnings hole, Penn is grappling with lower profit margins in mobiles from more intense competition. The competition is coming from existing players and from new entrants.

Penn's latest response to the mobile competition is to launch Telstra's version of Jetstar. It has a discount subsidiary called Belong, which has been offered cut price broadband. Belong will now offer mobile plans.

The latest financial results had several positive elements including the addition of 220,000 mobile customers and 130,000 broadband customers. Telstra now has 52 per cent market share of the NBN retail broadband market.

The company's strategy of bundling its services is working well with about 90 per cent of fixed data customers now having a bundle. About a third of all bundles include the Telstra entertainment package.

Mobile remained the single biggest generator of profit for Telstra with earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation of $4.3 billion, down about 1.5 per cent.

Fixed line earnings excluding NBN fell 10.5 per cent to $2.96 billion and data and IP fell 9.5 per cent to $1.58 billion.

NAS was the standout business with earnings rising 112 per cent to $301 million.

Telstra shares fell about 9 per cent on Thursday giving the stock a yield of 5.5 per cent, which is better than money in the bank but well below the previous yield of 7.5 per cent.

Penn says the cut to the company's dividend payout ratio was not an indication of management's view of future profitability. He says the mid point of the payout guidance is 80 per cent, which is a higher payout ratio than most listed companies.

He says Telstra is competing with companies that don't pay dividends such as Google and Amazon.

Penn says Telstra needs to do two things to remain relevant to its customers and drive profit growth for shareholders.

First, it needs to invest in its fixed line and mobile networks to retain its ability to charge premium prices and boast about having the leading data transmission network. Second, it needs to offer services that ran across the top of its fixed line and mobile networks.

Disclosure: The author's SMSF owns shares in Telstra.