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Nick Xenophon checking whether he's a British citizen in shock new twist in citizenship crisis

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Nick Xenophon will let the High Court decide his fate if it's confirmed he's a dual citizen, with the key Senate crossbencher determined to dig in and not resign from the Senate.

Senator Xenophon is urgently seeking clarification from the UK Home Office over his citizenship status after questions were raised about his father's nationality.

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Dual Nash-onal

A third Turnbull government minister has been caught up in the dual citizenship crisis that has rocked parliament, with Nationals senator Fiona Nash advising she is a British citizen by descent.

Theo Xenophou was born in Cyprus, which remained a British colony until 1960. He migrated to Australia in 1950, where Senator Xenophon was born. Travel documents show Theo came to Australia on a British passport. 

While the South Australian senator has renounced Greek citizenship which he automatically received from his mother, he was not aware he held possible British citizenship until a journalist contacted him "a few days ago".

"All I can do is check and release whatever I get," he said.

"Whatever happens, happens.


"We are trying to get some further information, we are trying to get some clarity. Hopefully we get it in the early hours of Saturday morning."

Senator Xenophon said if it was confirmed he had British citizenship by descent, he would not resign.

"It has to go to the High Court," he said.

"You let it go to the High Court, that is what you do. That is the appropriate thing to do, I think."

The Nationals leadership has been thrown into disarray by the constitutional crisis, with Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce and his deputy, Fiona Nash, found to have received dual citizenship by descent, at birth.

Other MPs caught up in the saga include One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts, former cabinet minister Matt Canavan, and former Greens senators Scott Ludlam and Larissa Waters.

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